
Chains of Fate

“Kai! Kai! Oh my gosh! You wouldn’t believe what my boss told me!” Kyungsoo runs into Kai’s dance studio. His face lightens with a wide smile while jumping up and down. He grabs the raven haired boy and gives me a great big hug, shaking from all the excitement. Kai raises an eyebrow waiting for the good news. He hasn’t seen the older this happy in a long time.

                “Mr. Yang told me that since I’m one of the best researchers that he has, he is sending me as a representative for the company to attend The Genome Project Conference! Only the best of the best are honored enough to go to such an event.” Kyungsoo gushes out happily. He was so excited that he forgot to breathe as he talked.

                “Woah, woah. Don’t get too excited now. Remember to breathe. Do we need to do breathing exercises together?” teases Kai as he tightens the hold around the small boy. Kyungsoo smacks Kai on the head as a warning.

                “Ow, you shouldn’t do that baby. You just killed a couple thousand brain cells.” Kai rubs his head as if he has been gravely hurt, in which Kyungsoo replies with a roll of his eyes. It’s not like the dancer ever had brain cells. Kyungsoo knows that according to Kai, he didn’t think that he needed brain cells. Kai thought that even if he was lacking in the intelligent area, he would make it up by being a bloody awesome y dancer. Besides, Kyungsoo was the smart one in the relationship.

                “Hey Kyung, where is this “ever so great” of a conference anyway? I hope it’s not too far… and there better not be any hot looking guys at that place, because you’re mine.” Kai smirks as he walks over to the mini fridge and pulls out a bottle of green tea knowing how much the older likes the drink. Kyungsoo’s cheeks redden from Kai’s sudden possessiveness.

                “I think you should calm down those bright cheeks of yours using this.” Kai gives the cold bottle to Kyungsoo and motions him to sit on the crème couch. The older gives the younger a death-inducing glare as he sits next to his mean boyfriend. The small boy twists the cap of the bottle off and takes a big gulp of the green tea. A sigh arises from his lips and Kyungsoo shuts his eyes to feel his taste buds explode with the refreshing flavor. Ahhh, this is the best drink that has ever existed! Containing antioxidants that prevents cancer and helps the tone of his skin, having the potential ability to-

                “Kyung! Don’t make a face like that in front of others! It looks so ual. You still haven’t answered my question.” Kyungsoo’s scientific thoughts about green tea are cut off as Kai interrupts. He turns his head to look at the pouting boy who was now clinging to Kyungsoo’s free arm. (The other is holding the bottle) The older looks at the tan skinned boy, refusing to believe how this adorkable looking man tops him in the relationship. Kyungsoo is secretly in denial. (hehe) Back to the problem at hand now, Kyungsoo knows that if Kai finds out the truth he will freak out and have metaphorical heart attack, refusing to allow him to attend. How should I say this to him?

                “Promise me that you won’t throw a tantrum, or stop me from leaving.” Kai nods his head and continues cuddling with his boyfriend’s arm. Kyungsoo lets out a sigh and runs his hand through his own hair.

                “I’m going to America for two months,” the older waits for screams of protest.







                “WHAT! ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS?” Kai stops cuddling and jumps out of the couch. He starts to pace around the dance studio screaming a string of curses and a jumble of words. Kai kneels in front of his sitting boyfriend and grabs the latter’s hands.

                “Sunshine, do you have to go? Can’t you tell Mr. Yang to send someone else? Send that other scientist! What’s his name… Kim Jongdae!” Kai begs his boyfriend while on his knees. “What will I do without you? We won’t be together for two ing months!” Kai punches the wooden floor in frustration.

                “Kim Jongin! I’m not giving up this opportunity to that guy.” Kyungsoo spats out the words “that guy” with bitterness. He will never forget the time his co-worker, Jongdae, stole his ideas and marketed them as his own. That wasn’t a pleasant memory; it involved a certain owl eyed boy crying for days on. “Besides, you promised me that you won’t throw a fit or stop me from attending.”

                Kai groans and places his head on Kyungsoo’s lap, “That was before I found out that you are going to America and for two ing months too!” The latter smacks Kai on the shoulder for cursing. The older has always thought cursing was unsophisticated language, making the user seem arrogant and too prideful.  The owl boy rubs circles on the Kai’s back trying to calm him down.

                “Stop being so clingy! I’ll be back before you know it. You know how much this will benefit my career. Can’t you just support me?” Kyungsoo hates playing the pity card, but this is the only way to get Kai to agree. Muffled noises come from his lap, indicating that Kai has spoken. “Can you repeat that? I couldn’t hear that.” Kai snakes his arms around the small boy’s waist and lifts his head from Kyungsoo’s lap.

                “I said fine. Go and forget about me. Go focus on your research…” Kai tackles his boyfriend down onto the couch with Kai hovering overhead. His eyes slightly revealing bits of anger, frustration, and lust mixed together. Kai dips his head closer to those red plump lips. When their lips meet, a burst of need and want overcomes the couple. The younger’s hand slips up the shirt of the white skinned boy which in response, the latter moans into the kiss.

                “Oh my heavens above! My eyes are tainted!” a shrilling shriek is heard from the doorway. Kai mumbles a few curses, which is noticed by Kyungsoo who then pushes him off of him.

                “Guys, control yourselves! Stop each other like bunnies! I wish I could unsee what I just saw.” This voice belonged to no other than the one and only Oh Sehun, diva at heart. Closely following behind the diva is dimpled smiling boy.

                “I agree with the diva,” says the dimpled boy slinging an arm around Sehun nodding his head.

                “Too much PDA in the studio and Lay hyung, I’M NOT A DIVA!” Sehun flips his cameral bangs with his hand and begins to fan himself.

                Kai stands up and walks over to his best friends. He also slings an arm over Sehun. Smirking he says, “Is it too hot in here for you? I know I’m hot and all, but you’re not my type.” Lay walks over to Kyungsoo and starts to converse with the latter, leaving the two immature dancers to argue. He has always felt as if he was the most mature within the three. Rolling his eyes, he sits next to Kyungsoo on the couch.

                “Hey, how have you been? I haven’t seen you in the studio in a long time. Looking good these days.” Lay and Kyungsoo have always been close friends since kindergarten, since they grew up in the same neighborhood. However, these days Kyungsoo has been extremely busy researching on the function of junk DNA, thus he couldn’t come visit as often as he would like.

                “I was busy. You’re the one that’s looking good, smoking hot if I may add. Have you been working out?” Kyungsoo has to admit that the dimpled boy has really grown up well. A white tight T-shirt showing off his chiseled muscles and ripped black skinny jeans over a pair of tan army boots. Totally eye candy, and drool worthy.

                Lay smirks, showing off his dimples, “Does this mean you’re interested in me?” Kai snaps his head to the direction where Lay and his sunshine were sitting. He always had the ability to tell when someone was flirting with Kyungsoo. Running towards the couch, he grabs Kyungsoo and back hugs him, placing his chin on top of Kyungsoo’s dark hair. Kai glares at his friend telling him to back off from what belongs to him. Yes, Kai is quite territorial.

                “See, this is the reason that I can’t let you go. What if a hot guy starts to flirt with you, and you flirt back without knowing anything?” Kai whines and tighten s his grip around his lover.

                “Did you just call me hot indirectly, Kai?” teases Lay. The possessive lover shoots Lay with a glare that could bore a hole and scoffs at what Lay said. Like he would think anyone else other than Kyungsoo was hot. Kyungsoo is the only one for him. “Oh, you also mention something about Soo leaving. Are you going anywhere?”

                “Yeah, I’m going to America to attend a scientific conference. And I don’t really recommend you calling me Soo when Kai is around. He gets jealous easily,” laughs Kyungsoo while Kai continues to glare at the dimpled boy.

                “Okay, then is it okay that I call you that in private,” Lay gives Kyungsoo a wink, causing Kai to throw the green tea bottle at him. “Congrats, when will you be leaving,” asks Lay as he dodges the flying bottle. Right at that moment Kai realizes that he doesn’t even know when Kyungsoo is leaving.

                “About that… I’m leaving tomorrow morning. My flight is at 7:30 AM.” Kai’s eyes widen to a size that can rival a certain wide eyed boy’s.

                “You never told me that you were leaving so soon!” pouts Kai as he runs around the room messing up his raven jet hair. He was really going to have a metaphorical heart attack soon.

                “PARTYYYY” shouts Sehun as he runs around the studio like a mad man chanting “party” over and over. Lay and Kyungsoo laugh at the chaos caused by the two immature dancers. They might as well join in, since this would be the last day before Kyungsoo’s departure. Sehun turns on the music. Kai still spazzing over the news. Lay goes to the mini fridge and pulls out a pack of beer.

                “I got a boy. y boy. Handsome boy” Sehun starts to sing and dance to Girl’s Generation’s I Got a Boy, shaking his . A loud laugh escapes from Kai as he tackles Sehun. Soon, the three dancers were all dancing along to the song. Kyungsoo giggles; Kai was totally wasted at this time. He starts to film the dancing boys and laughs evilly knowing that this video is blackmail material.

(Few Hours pass. Setting: still in dance studio)

                Kyungsoo vision starts to blur as he felt himself growing more and more lethargic. Lay, Sehun, and Kai have fallen asleep after dancing their hearts out to girl group songs. Oh those derps. He walks over to where Kai has fallen asleep and lies down next to him. Kai, feeling a bit more sober, woke up slightly as he felt a warm body reside next to him. He grabs the sleepy boy closer to him.

                “I love you and thank you for giving me a chance.” Kyungsoo cuddles into the nook of Kai’s neck and slowly drifted off. Kai smiles at the intimate gesture and snake his arms around his lover, protecting him.

                “I DON’T NEED A MAN! I’M A STRONG AND INDENPEDENT WOMAN!” shouts Sehun from his dream. “I got a boy… y boy..” he mumbles back to dreamland.









A/N: Depending on how the story goes, it might be a 3 or 4 shot instead of a two shot.

Please comment and tell me what you guys think of my story. Thank you. I personally love Sehun’s attitude in here. It was really fun to write XD              

Sorry if there is any mistakes, I didn't really read over it. >< Currently watching The Flower Boy Next Door :P

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Chapter 8: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOo T-T kai you can't cheat with luhan... ugh lukai ugh T-T poor kyungsoo. and what the.... kai, why are you saying kyungsoo is just your roomate?? HUH???
Chapter 8: haha i like when jongin cheats XD
milyqumily #3
Chapter 8: i hope luhan just comfort kai.. nothing more..
kyung you should come back..
and kai how dare you said kyung is your roomate.. he is your BF..
poor my kyungie..
Chapter 8: luhan n kai are they kissing??
kyungsoo little heart...
Chapter 8: luhan n kai are they kissing??
kyungsoo little heart...
xellamari #6
Chapter 8: Oh nooo...KAI....WHAT ARE YOU DOING BOY!
Chapter 7: update pleaseeeee.....T^T
i really like ur story.
milyqumily #8
Chapter 5: huaa i relly relly like your story..
thats so fluffy and cheesy..

i wanna see more clingy and possesive kai again..
author nim can u make the flashback when kai n kyungie start dating..
i'm dying for curiousness..