
Chains of Fate

The sound of rain against the rooftop has such a calming effect on a person. On dark rainy days, people prefer to sleep in and listen to the music of the rain. Too bad sometimes with rain comes thunder and lightning.

BOOM! The rumble of the thunder resonated through the dance studio. Within the studio slept four guys unaware of the surroundings, but the rain sure made it easier to sleep. The thunder rumbled and cracked again. Outside, the raining was falling down hard causing traffic to slow down. Almost no one was outside, the weather was that bad. Meanwhile in the studio, a groggy Kyungsoo has awakened due to the incessant cracks of thunder. Looking around the oddly lit room, he soon realized that no one was awake yet. The rain against the roof slowly lulls him back to dreamland… wait! What time is it? Kyungsoo snaps himself awake, eyes widen by the suddenness. He gently pushes himself out of Kai’s embrace and crawls over to the couch, shaking from the loss of warmth. Swiping his hands around floor, he finally found his phone. Kyungsoo groans as the lighting of his phone temporarily blinds him. As he adjusts to the brightness, Kyungsoo notices that he has received a message.

From: Yakuza Boss Yang, To: Do Kyungsoo:

I’ll meet you in the airport at 7. Don’t be late! 

                The sleepy boy looks at the time. Hmm, it’s only 5:48 AM… What? T-t-that means I only have one hour to be ready and get to the airport. This news is literally splashes cold water over Kyungsoo. Crawling over to Kai, he shakes his sleeping boyfriend. Kai doesn’t even bother to look at Kyungsoo’s direction and pushes away to continue sleeping. The latter rolls his eyes, knowing that waking up his boyfriend was no easy feat. He continues to shake Kai, hoping that the incessant shaking will annoy him enough to wake up. Suddenly an arm flies towards the older boy causing Kyungsoo to be pulled towards the sleeping man.

                “Less moving, more sleeping, but cuddling good too.” The sleeping boy murmurs at his lover trying to get him to shut up. Kai’s head is throbbing from his hangover. Kyungsoo squirms out of the still sleeping boy’s hold. The older didn’t really want to resort to the last method, but he had to be in the airport in an hour.

                Taking a deep breath, the owl boy hoots out, “FIRE! THERE’S A FIRE!” into his lover’s ear. All three sleeping boys jolt up with urgency. Yes, Kyungsoo is a good screamer. (wiggles eyebrow)

                 “Where’s the fire? Call for the fire trucks!” shouts Lay

                “Kyahhhhh! Who’s the hoe that started the fire? I’m going to slap her with my weave! Dear lord! Save my life!” shrieks Sehun dramatically. What a drama queen and diva. -__-

                “Fire? F-fire!!!” yells Kai scrambling to grab the fire extinguisher. Kyungsoo wonders how he is even related to these people. He gives the three of them an I’m-judging-you-so-hard face and he places his hands on his hips. Even a nerd like Kyungsoo can be a diva at times.

                “Really, guys? Really? Is a fire the only thing that can wake you all? I’m leaving today and all you guys can think of is sleeping. Wow, I feel special. No, don’t try to explain anything! I need to be in the airport in one hour! I’m heading to my apartment to get my luggage. I’ll be back in 20 minutes. When I’m back, you all must be ready to accompany me to the airport. You got that?” Seeing that there was no response, Kyungsoo grits his teeth and repeats, “YOU GOT THAT?”

                “YES!” the three boys reply, but they are already back on the floor dosing off to sleep. Right when they were about to enter dreamland again, the slamming of the door snapped them back awake. Kai groans and places his hand on his forehead trying to reduce the sharp pain of his hangover.

                “Urghhh, it’s not like I was going to explain anything.” Sehun’s comments back on Kyungsoo’s speech. He picks himself up and walks over to both of his hyungs kicking them back to reality. “Come on, you heard him. We all know how scary a hormonal Kyungsoo can be.” The two boys whine as they prepare themselves. The dance studio contained everything necessary. To the dancers, this is their second home.

                “How can you even deal with Kyungsoo when he is like that?” questions Lay as he starts to brush his teeth.

                “Damn the world! He is worse than I am! Are you sure Kyungsoo hyung isn’t secretly a girl in disguise?” Sehun strips of his clothes and steps into the shower. Yes, all of them are squished into one teeny tiny bathroom, so what they’re best friends. Kai knows that Kyungsoo only acts like this when he is really mad or when he is in a fierce argument with Kai. Kyungsoo must be really angry/anxious to be in diva mode. Kai gives a grunt as his response, no wanting to talk with toothpaste in his mouth.

                “Hurry up with the darn shower Sehun! Kai and I still need to wash too. We reek of alcohol.” Lay exits the bathroom to prepare today’s outfit. He takes a whiff of himself and frowns, a shower is definitely needed. 

(Short Time Skip: Lay and Sehun are almost ready. They are waiting for Kai to come out of the shower)

                “Hurry the up! Kyungsoo isn’t going to be here any minute now!” Sehun screams to Kai who at the moment was getting out of the shower. Sehun shivers at the memory of the last time he pissed off Kyungsoo. That traumatized him. Kai walks out of the bathroom drying his hair off with a pink towel.               

                “How do you guys have so much energy? Don’t you have hangovers from last night?” Kai groans in pain. His head was still spinning. He slips on a black hoodie and grey skinny jeans. Lay places his arm around Kai’s shoulders and smirks at him.

                “You should stop staying at home so often. You need to play and relax more often. Come to the club with us and grab a few drinks, you know? Practice your alcohol tolerance. Even I can out drink you hyung,” Sehun lectures to Kai.

                “Kyungsoo doesn’t like it when I drink or when I go the clubs,” mutters Kai as he combs the messy mop of hair with his fingers.

                “Damn, you are totally whipped! That’s why you need to go out more, meet some people, and grow some balls. There are quite a few good looking guys out there. Have some fun,” teases Lay as Sehun erupts in laughter agreeing with Lay.

                 “Do they have nice asses?” jokes Kai playing along with his friends. Lay and Sehun’s eyes widen at the dark aura growing behind Kai.

                “Kim Jongin! I’m leaving in a darn hour and here you are talking about other guys’ asses! Are you that happy that I’m leaving, so you can get it on with someone else!?” Kyungsoo stomps back to the door, but turns back and screams, “AND you Zhang Yixing! How can you encourage my baby to cheat? Meet me outside! I called the taxi already.” Kyungsoo stomps away huffing and puffing.

                “Gull, you screwed.” Sehun laughs as he follows the angry owl boy. Lay gives Kai a friendly pat in the back as if he was saying I feel for you bro and also walks out of the studio. Kai curses under his breath and puts on his sneakers running after his pissed off lover.

(In the car: Sehun calls shotgun seat, and in the back seats:  Kyungsoo, Lay, and Kai from left to right.)

                As Kai enters into the car, he sees a brooding Kyungsoo and Lay next to him comforting the boy. How typical of Lay to play the cupid when in fact he is actually the devil. He was the one to suggest meeting more guys. Kai pouts as he sits next to Lay. He wanted to sit next to his boyfriend since today is going to be the last day that he sees Kyungsoo for the next 2 months.

                “Come on baby, you know I didn’t mean that. Why would I need other people’s asses when I already have such a fine one?” Kai smiles and tries to reach for his lover’s hand, which was pretty difficult since they were separated by a certain dimpled cockbocker.

                “Are you saying that you like me only because of my ?” Kyungsoo retorts back at Kai who face palmed at the former. Kai hated when Kyungsoo twisted his words around making him seem like the villain. In the middle sat Lay, who was biting down on his lip to suppress a laugh. The rain was still falling outside and rain drops were streaming down the car window. Kyungsoo takes a good look outside; it will be awhile before he gets to see his current surroundings. As he looks around the city of Seoul for the last time, a pang of homesickness hits him. He was going to miss Kai, Seoul, and all the craziness of the gang.

                On the other hand, Kai was going crazy thinking of ways to ameliorate the situation. He didn’t want his beloved to leave with a negative impression of him. What if Kyungsoo decides to break up with him? Arghhhh, stupid Yixing and his teasing! Kai messes up his neatly combed hair and sighs in frustration. A certain doe eyed boy smiles seeing the confused boy freak out. Honestly Kyungsoo wasn’t actually mad at the tan dancer. He just wanted to play around for today is the last day. He and Kai didn’t get into many arguments, so Kyungsoo wanted to mess around with his boyfriend. Yes, Kyungsoo can be a playful jerk at times, besides he needed to make sure Kai stays faithful to him. Kai was such a player during high school.

                “Baby, are you still angry? You know I didn’t mean it,” whines Kai giving the “angry” lover a kicked puppy look only to be ignored by the latter. Kai elbows Lay to move back while he leans over the blocker and fiddles with his boyfriend’s fingers. Kyungsoo pulls his fingers out from Kai’s causing the younger boy to pout, eyes b with tears. Kai was no freaking cry baby, but he REALLY didn’t want Kyungsoo to leave with a negative experience. Suddenly an intruding arm pulls the near crying boy close.

                “What? Are those tears I see?” teases Kyungsoo. The joke has gone too far and Kyungsoo hated to see Kai cry. Kai’s tears usually left his heart stinging with needles. “I’m not mad, you know. I wanted us to fight a bit before leaving…” whispered the doe eyed boy blushing at his own immaturity. Lay, who was still sitting between the two lovebirds, rolls his eyes at the lovers. Kai’s face glowed and he attacks the pink tinted boy climbing over Lay’s body.

                “That was not funny!” Kai mutters as he snuggles into Kyungsoo’s collarbone. “You are such a big fat meanie!” The older laughs at the younger boy’s cuteness and hugs him tighter.

                “You deserve a punishment for teasing me,” eyes turning dark with lust as dominating Kai overcame cute Kai. He leans in for a kiss, but is suddenly pulled back by Lay.

                “Dude, can you not?” Lay says with distain in his voice.

                “Gurl, on one wants to see you two dance tongues with each other!” combats Sehun who was playing with the cuticles of his nails looking indifferent.

                Kai gives both of them the finger and proceeds to kiss his boyfriend. Lips touching lips, body against body, and hearts as one, Kyungsoo and Kai have a heavy make out session in the taxi. When things start to become intense, both of them let out a moan and those in the car groan. The level of ual frustration and hormones saturate the atmosphere as the car is steadily arriving at the airport.

                “Get out,” puffs the taxi driver. Kai reluctantly pulls away from a blushing Kyungsoo whose lips are swollen a bright red color. The shorter boy gives the taller one a smack on the arm as he exits the car, blushing madly. Kyungsoo cannot believe that he let his hormones take over his self-control and reasoning.

“What’s with him?” mutters Sehun, “Too by the show?”

On the other hand, Kyungsoo catches a glimpse of someone who seems to be Mr. Yang arguing with a erted looking ahjussi. Ignoring Kai’s pleas to wait for him, he walks over to Mr. Yang instead. Tapping on Mr. Yang’s shoulder, he bows 90 degrees and gives him his greeting. The boss shocked at the sudden intruder jumps.

                “Oh, it’s just my best scientist!” He pats the short boy on the head and gives him a run down on what to expect during the stay in America. “Oh, what happened to your lips? They are a bit swollen. Did you eat something that you are allergic to?” questions Mr. Yang.

                “N-no, I’m fine. Don’t you worry! I won’t let the company down.” Kyungsoo makes a fighting motion with his hands and scrunches his face in determination. Meanwhile, Kai spots his boyfriend with two shady looking guys, one of which looks like a Japanese yakuza boss. Probably his boss he thinks and slips his hands around the smaller boy’s waist.

                “Are you saying that my baby here is allergic to my kisses?” Kai smirks at the gangster looking man and places a small speck on Kyungsoo’s cheek. Immediately, a pink blush found its way to the owl boy’s cheek as he curses in his mind.

                “Ohhh, I see. Go have your fun. He’s leaving soon.” Mr. Yang winks and drags the erted looking man with him. The shorter boy, again, smacks Kai in the arm. However, the mood had become damp. It was only a few more minutes before Kyungsoo boards that plane and is an ocean apart from him. Reality sets in and all jokes are thrown aside. Both lovers look at each other, more like eye each other. Everything around them stops as if they are the only ones left.

                Flight 302 to New York, USA is departing in 15 minutes. Please check in at the counter by the next 5 minutes. Thank you!

            Kai begins to talk. "Kyung, you're mine. Don't forget that and remember to call me, text me, skype me, and... just remember to contact me when you're there. Oh and don't stare at other men! I promise that I won’t go to those clubs and meet weirdos." Kai spews out these words so quickly that it takes Kyungsoo a while to digest all the information. Kai places his forehead on the older's and takes a final look before the Kyungsoo leaves.

"I'll be back soon. Remember, the enzyme can't be without its substrate." Kyungsoo places a small peck on the younger's thin lips and walks over to the check in counter. He waves his boyfriend goodbye and disappears among the mass of people.

"I'll always be here waiting for you. Always." whispers Kai as he loses sight of the small boy. He walks out of the airport seeing that the rain was still pouring down on the city. What a fine day! Even God knows Kai’s sufferings. An arm pats his shoulder and he sees both of his best friends standing by him.

                “Come on, we know you miss him, but let’s go dance away our sorrows,” smiles Lay as he comforts the tan looking puppy. “Kyungsoo would say: Dancing releasing endorphin which makes you happier.” Lay mimics a certain nerdy boy and pretends to push up imaginary glasses.   

                “Oh lord! The world doesn’t need another nerd! We have enough already!” Sehun throws up his hands dramatically and falls to his knees as if the world was ending. Kai smiles as he kicks the drama queen in the thigh.

                “Ow! That hurt, you mofo!” Sehun runs and tackles Kai from the back, backhugging the boy. “We should dance to that new Sistar19 song. Oh, oh, oh! I want to try out the wiping table part. Ohh that’s so nastyyyyy!” Lay and Kai laughs at Sehun’s randomness as they wait for a taxi to arrive. Kyungsoo may be gone for a good 2 months, but at least Kai had the best friends in the world. The weather may not be perfect at this moment, but Kai felt safe and happy with his friends. Let the rain fall, who cares!

                Although an ocean apart, the chains of fate are still sturdy.


Note: Unrevised.


I’ll meet you in the airport at 7. Don’t be late! 

A/N: Omg, this took me so long. I had everything planned out, but I just didn't know how to word it. T^T. This probably isn't that great, but I tried. D: Please comment and tell me how you think. Thank you so much. At first I was going to make Kai walk home alone in the rain, but then I was like, "Nooo, I can't do that!!" so I made changes. :) Angsty coming in next chapter and there will be some new characters too. Look forward to it! I try to update as fast as I can. :O Sorry if it's not good. I had a hard time. T T

 Cr of picture: owner


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Chapter 8: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOo T-T kai you can't cheat with luhan... ugh lukai ugh T-T poor kyungsoo. and what the.... kai, why are you saying kyungsoo is just your roomate?? HUH???
Chapter 8: haha i like when jongin cheats XD
milyqumily #3
Chapter 8: i hope luhan just comfort kai.. nothing more..
kyung you should come back..
and kai how dare you said kyung is your roomate.. he is your BF..
poor my kyungie..
Chapter 8: luhan n kai are they kissing??
kyungsoo little heart...
Chapter 8: luhan n kai are they kissing??
kyungsoo little heart...
xellamari #6
Chapter 8: Oh nooo...KAI....WHAT ARE YOU DOING BOY!
Chapter 7: update pleaseeeee.....T^T
i really like ur story.
milyqumily #8
Chapter 5: huaa i relly relly like your story..
thats so fluffy and cheesy..

i wanna see more clingy and possesive kai again..
author nim can u make the flashback when kai n kyungie start dating..
i'm dying for curiousness..