
Chains of Fate


Black energy floods the small containment as eyes scramble to find a ray of light, a ray of hope.

Body chained to the wall, limbs weak from the lack of usage.

A dim light is shed upon the area

Skin pressed against the cold and rough brick wall.

Songs can be heard, a melodious voice singing, no calling for the caged boy from the distance.

The shaggy raven haired boy is content, quite satisfied actually. He doesn’t mind being caged in. His whole life revolves around the dim lighted room. Despite the harsh surroundings, he is happy.

But, all changes as water fills the containment.

The boy’s happy world begins to crumble. Water steeps through what was once a strong brick wall. Everything stops at that moment. The light starts to falter and the melody begins to drift afar.

Arms thrashing about and legs kicking to fight away the water, the boy feels the strain of his actions as his lungs burn against his thumping heart.

Every breathe he takes and every move he makes is confirmation of his impending death. As gulps of air become gulps of water, he awaits for his last moments. Memories flash and his throat scorch with pain.

His world crumbles under his own eyes. The boy shuts them, choosing to remember the joy he felt instead of the pain that was jolting down his body.


What was that? Fear runs cold through his blood and the raven boy passes out with water increasing by the minute.

                “Hey!” Gentle hands shake the sleeping boy, who was sweating up a storm and muttering words intangible from comprehension. The sleeping boy flails is arms still muttering words. Startled, the gentle hands back away, and the sleeping body lets out a window shattering scream. The jet haired boy suddenly sits up, hand trembling and hair soaked in sweat. The shaking boy curls up into a tight ball, arms around his knees.


                “Kai, are you okay? You look pale,” the gentle hands boy touches Kai. Kai looks up half expecting to see a certain owl boy, but is surprised to see a golden apple boy, Luhan. The golden apple rubs circles on Kai’s back in hopes to calm him down. Kai’s nightmares have been getting more graphic and detailed. At first it was a dream, then it became a nightmare, and now it is a horror story. Kai moves his hands to his throat, still remembering the burning sensation.


                “I’m fine, Luhan. Don’t worry too much. It was just a nightmare.” Kai slips off the couch and heads for the bathroom, leaving Luhan’s worried face. Kai is sick of people around him showing sympathy towards him. He had slept in the dance studio after Kyungsoo left him a video message. Struck by guilt, the tan boy couldn’t stand being in a house that contained so many memories of the two and therefore here he was: standing in the bathroom of the studio. The guilt-ridden boy runs his hands through his hair and sighs. Nothing has been going well since his boyfriend’s departure. Kai steps into the shower stall and runs the water. Showering away the pain, sweat, guilt and aching



                Luhan waited in the dance studio for Kai. He had decided to come to the studio early leaving Baekhyun back at home and yes, they shared an apartment together. When the innocent boy entered this morning, he shocked himself at the sight of a mysterious stranger on the couch. Fearfully, he approached the body. Lying there was the sickly dancer he saw yesterday. The sleeping body was sweating and murmuring in his dream. Luhan saw the pain expression etched on the sleeper leading him to ponder what is happening to the sick boy. Soon the Kai’s actions became more restless and desperate. The golden apple decides to step in, but when the tan boy wakes from his nightmare, Luhan is pushed away.


                He is left wondering why the dancer has closed off his world to others. A fence is built between the outside and the inside, protecting what is caged in. Luhan sighs softly and sits down on the couch thinking of ways to make Kai leave behind his fence. Luhan understands the loneliness, but safety of having a fence. He is determined to help Kai.


                The water stops running. Luhan prepares himself for his third encounter with the lonely dancer.



                Kai looks at himself in the mirror, disgust overwhelms him. Recently all of his showers consisted of Kai stripping away sweat, guilt, and pain. Looking at his reflection, Kai sees what is left of him. Hair: not in the best condition due to neglect. Skin: dry patches on certain areas of his face due to tears. And eyes: mundane and puffy. This is the god Kai, or what remains of him.  Kai wonders how Kyungsoo would think of him if he sees his current condition. Would the owl boy feel embarrassed? Angry? Sad? What would his emotions be? Kai dries his hair and puts on some decent clothes as he mentally places a mask on, trying to lock in his negative feelings. Facing a hyper golden puppy that waits outside isn’t exactly what the dancer wants to do at the moment.


                “Where’s the charcoal eye boy from yesterday? He didn’t come with you? I wonder where the rest are…” Kai starts as he exits from the bathroom. Luhan’s imaginary ears perk up at the voice and he suddenly turns to the speaker, eyes glistening. Kai was definitely not expecting that type of reaction. Smiling at the happy puppy, he rustles the shorter boy’s hair earning sounds of protest.


                “Baekhyun drank too much last night. I didn’t want to wake him up earlier than necessary, so I made him some hangover soap and left.” Luhan plays with his fingers nervous talking to someone that he barely knows. On the other hand, Luhan’s actions had led the taller boy in a trance. Kai’s eyes showed that he was no longer focusing. His mind wanders over to another shy, doe eyed boy.



                Kai remembers the first time he saw the milky skinned boy. Once his eyes fell upon the lovely petite boy, he knew that he has found someone to love and protect. At the time Kai has just began high school, he dragged his feet to the school’s auditorium for the student orientation. He remembers his eyes fluttering every few seconds due to the lack of sleep the night before. The sleepy boy mentally notes to stop pulling all-nighters for gaming. He sits, more like half sleeps, as the orientation drags on and on with the principal talking about the new school codes and congratulating the new incoming students. 


                “And I will announce the students with the best test results. First I will start with the new incoming freshmen. Please come to the stage when called and give a short speech to encourage your fellow peers. The freshman with the highest test average is Yoo Youngjae! Please come and you’re your speech.” The principal blabbers on. Kai opens on of his eyes and checks out the student. Despite scoring highest on the entrance exam, he looks rather… hot. Hair bleached dirty blonde, fringes parted to the side, and a smile that dazzled the audience. Kai scoffs, please although that kid might be somewhat appealing to the eyes, the god is still him. Girls around him giggle and whisper to each other, talking about how cute he is, or how smart he is. Typical girls. Disinterested, Kai closes his eyes and continues to doze off while Youngjae gives his speech, thanking his family and friends.


                “I know everyone here is waiting for the next student. He scored highest on almost all subjects last year, ranking as number one in his grade. Now I will introduce the student who once again reigns first in his grade. DO KYUNGSOO!” Screams are heard echoing the large room, some of which sounded like a hippo in labor. Kai peels open one eye wondering who is causing the titanic chaos. Up on the stage was the most perfect boy that Kai has ever laid eyes on. Skin milky like cream, showing no imperfections, his body petite like a girl’s with soft curves, and finally those eyes. Eyes as big as Puss in Boots from Shrek, those eyes so brown melting into your soul. As people say, eyes are the window to the soul. His eyes so captivating, twinkling with happiness as the boy shakes hands with the principal.


                “Oh my gosh! I heard that he scored a full score on the entrance exam and was ranked first of last year’s freshmen.” The guy sitting next to Kai whispers to the girl in front of him.


                “Oh, I heard. My sister says that he is this school’s pride and joy. He excels in science and music production. He’s cute too…” The girl giggles and looks at Kyungsoo with star-struck eyes. Kai feels the pit of his stomach burning furiously.


                “You guys are freshmen right,” an upperclassman questions the two gossipers. “That’s Do Kyungsoo. He is known to be a heart breaker. Rejected everyone who flirted with him, so don’t bother.”


                “That’s right! He only focuses on his studies. I bet he’s a . Look at that . I would totally tap that!” The upperclassman’s friend joins in on the conversation, agreeing with his friend. “Did I mention that he has a godly voice… imagine him with that voice…” Kai flares with anger, he is so sure that he sees the guy drooling over his fantasy. Aura darkening and fists clenching, he is ready to punch anyone that makes another ual remark about “his” Kyungsoo. Yes, that innocent boy who was still giving his speech is his. Belongs to Kim Jongin. Jongin will make Kyungsoo HIS!


                “Hey! Hey, you okay?” Luhan questions Kai slightly shaking the dazzled boy out of his trance. “You looked as if you were no longer in this world,” jokes Luhan smiling innocently. Despite knowing Luhan for less than 48 hours, Kai feels a connection to the blonde. Maybe because he reminded him so much of his boyfriend: innocent, small, doe eyed, and quiet. Kai’s heart ache at the memory, he misses Kyungsoo. His eyes, his smallness, and his touch.


                “I’m fine. I was just thinking of something. I wonder when the others will come… we can’t exactly start without them.” Kai found himself smiling genuinely at the shorter boy. He feels the urge to brush Luhan’s hair away from his eyes. The golden haired boy oozes a feeling delicateness in which Kai wants to protect.


                “Can’t we do warm up together while waiting? I don’t want to stand idly.” Luhan mumbles while looking at the floor. Feeling embarrassed, there is no way he can look at Kai in the eye. The taller laughs at the flushed cheeks of the boy, it has been a while since he laughed so openly.


                “Is the floor fascinating to look at? Are you counting how many red boxes there are? The pattern is rather plain,” jokes Kai. He again messes up Luhan’s hair. Slinging an arm over Luhan’s slender shoulders, he asks, “Come on, let’s start some warm ups. Should we stretch first or do jumping jacks first?” 


                “I-I-I  w-would like to do j-jumpping jacks.” Luhan stammers out face still pink. Kai places his iPod on Lay’s unicorn invested speakers. The dimpled boy sure did like unicorns to the extent that he plastered unicorn stickers all over his belongings.


                “Do you mind if I played some music? I have a hard time concentrating without music.” Kai sheepishly shrugs and gives Luhan a shy smile. He doesn’t want Luhan to think that he has OCD or anything of that sort.


                   “That’s fine. I love music, besides dancing though. Did I mention that I’m also I music major. I’m double majoring.” Luhan gives Kai a large toothy smile, his eyes crinkling at the edges. From the smile, Kai feels the love radiating from Luhan. He must really enjoy music and dancing. The taller boy feels warmth spread through his body, not in a ual way though, more like a brotherly feel. Luhan’s love towards the arts is something Kai can relate to, a connection.


                “Let’s start then… Up one, two, three, four, two, two, three, four…” Kai begins to warm up, jumping up and down with flapping arms. Luhan stood nearby like an awkward duckling, eyes still sprinting around the floor. “Come on Luhan! You wanted to,” Kai inhales deeply “to do jumping jacks.” Then he exhales.  The shy boy slowly joins in, mimicking the tall dancer’s actions. Kai looks over at Luhan and cracks up laughing, falling onto the ground. Luhan looked as if he was calling, no wait, signaling for aliens to appear. The alien waving boy pouts at Kai’s outburst and sits on the floor to sulk.


                “Hey? Are you okay?” There is no response. “Come on Luhan, you have to admit you did look pretty hilarious.” Kai mimics the alien calling “jumping jacks,” causing Luhan to crack a small smile. “Look, look you smiled! Not mad anymore?” Luhan shakes his head and the two boys sit in silence. Both are content and the atmosphere isn’t a bit awkward.


                “Kai, can I ask you a question?” Luhan breaks the silence and the tan boy gives him a nod of approval. “Why did you choose to dance? Isn’t it hard, success is difficult to achieve and money is hard to come by…” With that, Luhan looks directly at Kai, eyes somewhat sad.


                “To tell you the truth, I’m rather useless of a person. I am not smart or good at anything. But dancing made me feel alive and I’m actually good at it.” Kai starts to talk, in his eyes there is a tiny twinkle. “No matter how hard my life became, dancing helped me overcome it, even if it was a temporary fix. At first I lived my life following what others expected of me, I became a living doll. Living, but yet dead. Then I found dancing. Dancing helps me have a reason to wake up in the morning, a reason to live my own life not the expectations of others.” Kai turns to Luhan and nudges him, “what about you?”  


                “As for me,” Luhan looks almost ashamed, as if words were stuck on his throat. “I started dancing back in-“A loud slam is heard and high pitched voices clashes with each other.


                “GULL, you need to calm down. You so pitiful, and I’m so beautiful.” Presumably the charcoal eyed male from yesterday.


                “Damn lady! Stop being so conceited; the world doesn’t revolve around you, ant! Models have to be gorg-eous!” The voice, probably Sehun’s, emphasizes the last word. “Look at these curve, ain’t you got anything so fine!” Skin slaps and clothes ruffling are heard. Sehun and Baekhyun are most likely having a cat fight at the moment.


                “STOP THAT! HOW CAN YOU GUYS HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY DESPITE HAVING A HANGOVER?” An accented voice booms. Lay does have perfect Korean, but when angered his speech shows off his Chinese roots. Shoes are dropped and coats are hanged, as the divas and the angry Chinese walk into the studio. Baekhyun runs up to Luhan and pushes Kai out of his way.


                “Lulu! How can you leave me to deal with that beast? What if that thing hurts me?” The eyeliner boy grabs Luhan’s shirt and cries into the chest. Being the good puppy that Luhan is, he hugs the crying boy and rocks him gently.  


                “How did you guys meet up anyway?” Kai punches Sehun for attempting to crush him in a man hug. Meanwhile, Lay had sat down on the couch rubbing his temples. The disadvantages of being the “most mature…”


                “Lay and I were going to the pharmacy to buy some hangover medicine and guess whose ugly face I saw? HIS!” Sehun successfully smothers Kai in a bear hug, crying out his woes.


                “Oh snap, you did not just call me ugly! Gurl, you cray. So cray!” Baekhyun hyperventilates and fans himself with his hands.


                “Guys, stop it. My head is killing me. Kai pair up with Luhan and teach him the moves to Maxstep. Sehun, you pair up with Baekhyun. And no complaining, or I’ll kick both of your nasty asses out of here,” threatens Lay.


                “WHY? WHY ME? WHY NOT KAI? Oh lord, please protect me from that dirty grub! Bless my soul from that abomination!” Sehun dramatically falls onto his knees, head looking towards the sky, and hand clasped together.


                “DAMN! YOU SO CRAY, who in the world wants to pair up with you? I bet you can’t even dance. Why me? I came to learn dancing not to interact with weirdos…” Now it was Baekhyun turn to fall on his knees and cry into his hands.


                “SHUT UP BEFORE I GLUE YOUR MOUTHS TOGETHER! By the end of the day I want to see that Luhan and Baekhyun have learned the first 30 seconds of Maxstep! Now don’t interrupt me, I’m taking a nap…” Lay cuddles into the couch leaving four jaw dropped boys.


                “Gosh and he calls me a diva. Who goes to sleep at this time? The day has just started. Stupid Zhang Yixing…”Sehun mutters glaring at the sound sleeper. “You! Don’t come within one feet of me. I’ll teach you from a distance! Don’t want your nasty germs.” 


                “URGHH, YOU MUST THINK YOU’RE SPECIAL OR SOMETHING, CAUSE BOY I DON’T NEED NO MAN! Stay at least 5 feet away from me!” Baekhyun huffs and puffs while stomping away.


                Kai smiles realizing that he didn’t feel as lonely. The cacophony from the studio creates a warm environment. He still misses Kyungsoo, but the pain is bearable for now. Like Kai said, dancing is his cure, even if the cure is temporary. Kai’s happiness is fleeting. At least tonight Kai will be able to tell Kyungsoo positive things, he couldn’t wait for the sun to set and see his baby again. Kyungsoo will be waiting for him an ocean away.

I miss you



A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates. I was really busy this weekend and couldn’t update. I plan to change this story from a two/three shot into a short chaptered fanfic. My friend said that I should develop my characters more thoroughly instead of just ending the story.

In this chapter, I chose to develop the budding friendship between Kai and Luhan. T-T not much Kaisoo here. Also I will be revealing bits of Kaisoo’s past, but I’ve already shown a little bit already :D Luhan’s past will also be revealed shortly.

I’ll try to update at least once a week, probably on weekends. I’m a slow writer, please don’t get mad if I don’t update fast like others. In addition, please comment. ;-; I was kinda upset that no one commented on my previous update. Let me know that you guys are alive! Once again, thank you all for reading and supporting me. XD Please be nice, I'm still a rookie writer :O

Note: Unrevised. 



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Chapter 8: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOo T-T kai you can't cheat with luhan... ugh lukai ugh T-T poor kyungsoo. and what the.... kai, why are you saying kyungsoo is just your roomate?? HUH???
Chapter 8: haha i like when jongin cheats XD
milyqumily #3
Chapter 8: i hope luhan just comfort kai.. nothing more..
kyung you should come back..
and kai how dare you said kyung is your roomate.. he is your BF..
poor my kyungie..
Chapter 8: luhan n kai are they kissing??
kyungsoo little heart...
Chapter 8: luhan n kai are they kissing??
kyungsoo little heart...
xellamari #6
Chapter 8: Oh nooo...KAI....WHAT ARE YOU DOING BOY!
Chapter 7: update pleaseeeee.....T^T
i really like ur story.
milyqumily #8
Chapter 5: huaa i relly relly like your story..
thats so fluffy and cheesy..

i wanna see more clingy and possesive kai again..
author nim can u make the flashback when kai n kyungie start dating..
i'm dying for curiousness..