
Chains of Fate

Kai walks into the unlighted apartment, body aching from practice. Lay sure nagged them through practice. Kai slips off his jacket and throws it onto the couch. Half expecting Kyungsoo to magically appear and bite off his head for leaving his clothes in random places. Kai jumps onto the couch and begins to stretch his limbs. He had literally overworked his muscles trying to teach Luhan the proper dance steps to Maxstep. Good thing Luhan was a fast learner, or else Lay would have skinned his . Kai groans as he feels his muscles relaxing. His head was pounding, probably from the intense practice and the lack of sleep and food. Sehun and Baekhyun’s bickering during the day didn’t help. He could still hear them arguing back and forth in his mind. Kai looks over at the clock and sighs; it is not yet time for their video chat. He reluctantly gets up from the couch, might as well put this time to use.

                Scourging through the kitchen cabinets for a simple snack, Kai decides to make himself a simple dish of ramen. If Kyungsoo was here, he would scold the dancer for feeding his body unhealthy food. The tan boy stands awkwardly in the kitchen looking at the packet of ramen. Why it is that everything in here reminds him of his wide eyed lover? From the throwing of the coat to Kyungsoo’s beloved kitchen, everything here screams of Kyungsoo’s presence. Kai smiles a small smile and turns on the stove. This would be one of his firsts, attempting how to cook. Usually Kyungsoo guards the kitchen with his life, refusing to allow anyone or anything to enter into the precious area. Suddenly he wished that Kyungsoo was here to reprimand him for being in kitchen. Just the thought of his boyfriend causes a tight ball to form in Kai’s throat.

                “No, stop! Kim Kai, you will not cry or feel lonely. Kyungsoo will be disappointed in you. Smile for him!” Kai shakes his head furiously trying to unknot the ball of pain stuck inside his throat. He smacks himself in the face a couple of times to refresh himself. Seeing that the water was boiling, he rips out the packet of ramen and places the noodles into the boiling water. In less than no time, dinner is made. Feeling accomplished, Kai quickly transports his ramen from the kitchen to the living room table. When he sets down the burning bowl of ramen, his fingers automatically snaps up to his lips and a small pout forms on his face. If only Kyungsoo was here, he would kiss away the pain and shower Kai with love and support.

                 Well…maybe not, since Kai did go into the boy’s beloved kitchen and didn’t clean up. The oily pot still rests on top of the stove, un-cleaned. He waits for his dinner to cool down, who wants to have a scalding tongue as a result of hogging down hot food? Kai’s mind begins to drift and wander. He wonders if Kyungsoo is awake, did he have breakfast yet, are people in America picking on him, all these questions rushes through and leaves Kai worried. His boyfriend has a small figure and no way in hell can he stand up to those buff American males. What if…what if his Baby Soo is by them in a dark alleyway?! Kai shivers at that thought, his possessiveness taking over. An ugly fire burns within him and his heart palpitates. Knocking him out of his anger is a loud bleep coming from Kai’s smartphone.

To yKai:

I’m awake now! >O< I’ll send you the request for the chat in a few minutes. Turn on your computer T^T You’re still offline…do you not miss me? I hate you… :(

                                                                                                From: BabySoo

                Kai slowing uncurls his clenched fists, the color of his knuckles returning slowly. The timing was just right! He can now bombard his baby with the questions that were driving him nuts. Reading the message that was sent, a smirk lands on Kai’s face, Kyungsoo was teasing him. Kai rapidly messages back.

To BabySoo:

Awww, I always miss my BabySoo. Why do you hate me, hyungie? Am I not a good boy? I love you so so so so so much! I’m turning on my computer right now, can’t wait to see you. Better be ready to see me, I grew so much hotter. Don’t nosebleed too much… ;)

                                                                                                From: yKai

                Kai smirks as he presses the send button. He can totally imagine the look on his lover’s face when he sees the message: a red blush coloring the paleness of his skin as he flusters to respond. The ramen is soon forgotten as Kai rushes over to turn on his computer. Butterflies float around his stomach while he waits for the computer to start up. This feeling… the feeling of unconditional love, Kai feels this way every time around the owl boy.

                When the computer finally brings him to home screen, Kai rubs his hands together anxiously. A loud bleep is heard, and he automatically clicks accept without a second wasted. On the screen appeared a heavy lidded pale boy with messy bed head.

                “Hey, how are you doing baby?” Kyungsoo’s voice is still deep from sleep and his messy bed head makes Kai want to squish the older boy in a bear hug. He is just too adorable for his own good.

                “I’m fine. How about you? Did you have a good night sleep? No one bullies you there right? Is your roommate flirting with you?” Questions start to spew out from Kai’s mouth causing the owl boy to widen his eyes at the sudden attack of questions. Realizing that he has startled his lover with non-stop question, Kai quietly adds, “I miss you…”

                Kyungsoo breaks out laughing at his boyfriend’s bipolarness. Kai sulks at the response that he is given and pouts.

                “Stop being so cute, my heart cannot take it!” Kyungsoo clutches his heart dramatically and scrunches his face. The pouting dancer smiles at his lover’s exaggerated action. “Oh look! Is that a smile I see?” Kyungsoo always knows how to turn a frown upside down, just looking at the adorable boy made Kai’s heart feel full of warmth.

                “Stop teasing me! I can’t believe you are older than me! You didn’t answer my question, Kyung!” The clingy Kai makes his appearance once again, demanding answers from his boyfriend.

                “Yes, I had a good night sleep. No, no one bullies me? No, my roommate doesn’t flirt with me. Happy? I answered all your questions,” says Kyungsoo all in one breathe. “Awww, I wanted to introduce my roommate to you…” The milky skinned boy’s lower lip begins to quiver. Kai watches with heavy eyes, wishing that he could attack those irresistible lips until they are swollen to a deep red color. Slowly Kai tries to calm down his racing heart and tries to divert his blood flow to anywhere except southwards.   

                “Your roommate…where is he? I want to meet him.” Kai starts slowly as his heart also slowly calms down. Yes, Kai wants to meet his boyfriend’s roommate: to tell him to get the hell away from his Baby Soo and he better not touch him in any ual way. In response, the owl boy’s eyes lit up and he starts to bounce on his chair excitedly.

                “I told him to stay behind, but NO! He had to go and tend his stupid coffee plants,” Kyungsoo starts to rant about his insensitive roommate, “And you know, he is such an addict…. to coffee that is, not drugs!” Kyungsoo face palms himself knowing that he probably freaked Kai out with the information.

                “Addict? He’s an addict? Oh lord! Does he pressure you to take drugs with him? Don’t listen baby. Oh my lords, t-that…that abomination has tainted my baby...!” Kai, with his selective hearing, decides to listen to part of the sentence and ends up in panicked diva mode. Kyungsoo face palms again and notes to tell Lay to keep Sehun away from Kai; Sehun is a bad influence.

                “Baby, did you even hear me? I said he’s a caffeine addict, no a drug addict.”

                “Oh, I didn’t hear that part…” Kai admits sheepishly and scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.  

                “So, have you eaten yet,” asks Kyungsoo. Kai’s eyes widen and he remembers the forgotten bowl of ramen. The dancer motions for Kyungsoo to wait as he leaps over to the living room table and grabs his now cold and soggy noodles.

                “See, this is my dinner. Don’t you worry.” Kai gives him a large dumb looking grin.

                “Kai! That’s not healthy for your body. You are a dancer, you need good nutrients to sustain a healthy body for dancing and…” The nagging begins and Kai zones the annoying lecturing voice out of his head. “Why do I even bother? You’re not even listening,” mutters the nagging owl.

                “Yeah, yeah. Tell me about your trip. I was so worried about you.”

                “Oh, oh, oh!” Kyungsoo starts excitedly, fidgeting every few seconds. “It is so amazing here! Everyone is extremely brilliant and nice. You know the Hershey and Chase experiment? I got to touch the real blender that they used in the experiment!” The fangirling boy yelps in glee, hands shaking from happiness. “And tomorrow, we will work in the lab with well-known scientists! I can’t wait!”

                “We? Who’s we?” Kai feels jealous consume him from head to toe. He can’t help it but feel possessive over his innocent and naïve boyfriend.

                “Ahh, I forgot to mention that everyone who was invited are broken into teams, so tomorrow my team will work in the lab together”  To this, Kai became silent. Looking at the dancer’s response, he knew what was going on. “Kai… Don’t you know that I love you only, and only you? My love for you is unconditional and it will never change. Yes, science is a male dominant field and everyone in my team is a guy, but that doesn’t mean how I feel about you will change. Trust me okay? If someone tries to flirt or hit on me, I’ll just tell him I already got a man and don’t need another. Believe in me.” Right at that moment, Kyungsoo wishes that he could teleport to his confused and worried boyfriend and give him a big hug. Kai remains quiet for the next few seconds, absorbing each and every word of the statement.

                “I believe in you. I do. Promise me that you will come back to me as soon as possible.” Kai finally speaks, but holds a serious look on his face. Scanning the tan boy, Kyungsoo sees no traces of the young immature Kai, but a Kai who is serious.

                “I promise you.” Kyungsoo looks deep into Kai’s dark brown eyes and finds himself melting into the stare. Kai could be so cute one moment and the next he would make Kyungsoo into a limp jello. “Tell me about your day? How have you been so far? I answered all of your questions, and told you my experience. Tell me yours.” The owl boy attempts to change the topic, away from the heavy sentimental atmosphere. 

                “We got new students for the dance studio…” Kai starts, but trails off unsure how to continue. How is he supposed to tell Kyungsoo about moping and sulking?

                “That’s great! How are they, dancing wise? Are they good dancers? Is Yixing psming on newbies again?” The owl boy lets out a small groan. Yixing tends to pick on new students leading some in tears and others red with anger.

                “Luhan is a pretty good dancer. He learns really quickly. As for Baekhyun…I’m not too sure. He argues too much with Sehun, makes my head go crazy. If you ask me, his diva-ness rivals that of Sehun’s, maybe even more of a diva than Sehun. Oh gosh, I think I can still hear them in my head!” Kai gasps and holds his skull as if he is in pain. The owl boy eyes grow rapidly in size.

                “O-M-G! I didn’t think anyone can rival Sehun when it comes down to diva-ness. Poor boy, probably stressed over his new competitor.” Kyungsoo nods in understanding, being in the science field often meant many rivals competing to come up as top dog. A bitter memory rattles him, but he shakes away the pessimistic thoughts.  

                “I thought the same thing too! But he should be somewhat a good dancer. He majors in modern dance. They’re both nice people though, despite all the screaming. The studio has sure become more rowdy due to them.” Upon mentioning the chaotic dance studio, Kai smiles and lets out a small giggle. Seeing that Kai looks somewhat happy, Kyungsoo grins. The milky boy was worried that his boyfriend would just mope and close himself off, but seeing that smile, happiness radiates throughout the petite boy’s body.   

                “It’s good seeing you so happy. I’m glad that you made friends. I was worried that you would lock yourself away.” Kyungsoo looks at Kai endearingly, eyes twinkling with joy. “I was afraid that- oh never mind.” He didn’t want to bring up a sore topic at a time like this.

                “Don’t worry about me, I’m fine! Luhan and I are really close. Lay appointed me to teach him, but I feel a, don’t laugh or judge me, connection to him. I’m quite happy right now.” Kai gives his twinkling lover a fake smile. The tan boy didn’t want Kyungsoo to know how lonely and depress he is feeling. Kai felt like a burden. “But I’ll be even happier if you were in my arms,” adds Kai with a wink. He didn’t want his emotions to show through his face.

                “Awww, I wish I was snuggling in your arms too. I miss that crook of your neck where I can nuzzle my nose on.  You know, I’m so proud of you. Maybe you should follow Yixing’s advice and go out with them more often. Go clubbing with them and meet new friends. I feel like I’m holding you back.”

                “Kyung, are you suggesting for me to go meet other potential lovers? Don’t you remember Playboy Kai from high school?” Kai raises an eyebrow, questioning the sanity of his boyfriend. How can he suggest such a thing?!

                “Oh course I remember your reputation, but that doesn’t mean anything. According to my memory, back in high school you were just an awkward duckling using corny and overused pickup lines.” Kyungsoo smirks at his boyfriend.

                “Aww, but that was only when I was with you…” a pout forms on the dancer’s lips, “I was so nervous around you. My hands would turn clammy and my mouth would go dry. What was I supposed to do?!” Kai’s not so hidden cuteness appears as he pouts and uses puppy eyes.

                “Anyway back to the point, if you dare to cheat on me. I’ll emasculate you! You can bottom for the rest of your life! Don’t worry, I’ll have Yixing report everything to me, so watch out.” Kyungsoo glares at Kai and points his finger accusingly. “But remember to have fun and make new friends.” A large grin breaks out on his face. Talk about bipolar -__-;  

                Kai rapidly nods his head ever so carefully, afraid of his future.

                “Ah! Look at the time! I have to go. I promised my team leader that I’ll have breakfast with him. And no, we are not having breakfast together. It’s a team bonding breakfast with everyone, so don’t worry.”           


                “Yes, if a stranger tries to approach me, I’ll run away.”


                “If someone I know tries to force themselves on me, I’ll punch them in the Adam’s apple and then run. Kai, we went over this so many times already… I know how to protect myself,” Kyungsoo pouts at Kai’s overprotectiveness. Ever since Kyungsoo started college, Kai has been more clingy and protective than ever, trying to teach him ways of self-defense. Kai has once taken the petite boy to a self-defense class for WOMEN, claiming it was for his good.

                “I know, but I can’t help but worry about you. You look smaller than the average male and those feminine features of yours…. Arghhh people would just take advantage of you! Those big eyes, pink lips, button nose, and milky flawless skin, people wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation. And-“ Kai sputters out line after line as his face turns more red with each line.

                “I understand. I know, I love you, but I really have to go. Kyuhyun doesn’t like tardiness and he will throw a fit if I’m late. Sorry…”  Kyungsoo holds his head down in shame. He really wants to spend more time talking with his lover.

                “That’s okay, you can go. I love you too. I’ll miss you. Call me soon?” Kai smiles weakly, but inside his head screams something else. Lonely, lonely, don’t go, stay, I miss you, please, come back, I love you, I’m scared.

                “I miss you too. I’ll video chat with you as soon as possible. Love you! Have fun!” Kyungsoo send a flying kiss and soon the screen is diverted over to home page. Kyungsoo has hanged up. Kai’s smile falter after the call ends. The ends of his smile turn upside down.

                Sighing, Kai turns off his computer and walks into Kyungsoo’s bedroom. A few minutes ago, he was smiling, laughing, fuming with jealousy but now all that is left is an oddly lit room, silence, and a lonely Kai. The tan boy leaps onto the bed, dinner forgotten, and buries his face in his lover’s pillow. He could still smell the vanilla that often radiates off his boyfriend’s skin. Intoxicated with the smell, he drifts off to dreamland hoping to dream of a certain flawless boy.

Day 6 without Kyungsoo, 55 days remaining


A/N: Okay, I know. I'm late with his update. I'm so sorry, but I was really bustdue to school. My economics teacher decides to give triple the homework he normally gives, so I couldn't update over the weekend. As for Monday, I was busy tutoring my cousin Chemistry so I didn't have time to update either. Therefore, here I am! :D 

Hope you all enjoy this chapter. Mostly fluff in here! Warning: Since I have to get the story moving along, I might have to do time skips or something. I can't write only one day's of events for one chapter, or else I'll never reach the of the story. :O I'm not sure what I'll do, but heads up. 

Once again thanks for reading, subscribing, and commenting. Please leave your thoughts in the comments. Leave me some comments. T^T I'll try to update on time this weekend. 

Note: Unrevised 

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Chapter 8: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOo T-T kai you can't cheat with luhan... ugh lukai ugh T-T poor kyungsoo. and what the.... kai, why are you saying kyungsoo is just your roomate?? HUH???
Chapter 8: haha i like when jongin cheats XD
milyqumily #3
Chapter 8: i hope luhan just comfort kai.. nothing more..
kyung you should come back..
and kai how dare you said kyung is your roomate.. he is your BF..
poor my kyungie..
Chapter 8: luhan n kai are they kissing??
kyungsoo little heart...
Chapter 8: luhan n kai are they kissing??
kyungsoo little heart...
xellamari #6
Chapter 8: Oh nooo...KAI....WHAT ARE YOU DOING BOY!
Chapter 7: update pleaseeeee.....T^T
i really like ur story.
milyqumily #8
Chapter 5: huaa i relly relly like your story..
thats so fluffy and cheesy..

i wanna see more clingy and possesive kai again..
author nim can u make the flashback when kai n kyungie start dating..
i'm dying for curiousness..