Losing Self-Control

Concealed Lies


Flashing neon lights, booming music, cold alcoholic drinks and many more. Another weekend, another get together party. Yoona can actually believe that miracle exist when her sister agreed to come with them to a club. She was thankful that people inside were at least 'civilized' and smoking was strictly outside the club only. Some people were dancing under the luminous dance floor while some are just seated and at the same time consuming their drinks.

Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon were conquering the dance floor not too far away. She and her sister along with Donghae were simply engaging freindly conversation with each at the moment.

"Oh, Donghae-oppa." Yoona quickly looked at her sister when Yuri mentioned his name. "I'm still angry that you didn't even show your face to me the night you picked up Yoona." Donghae hid his face with his palms.  He clasped both hands together as he bows apologetically.

"I'm very sorry Yuri-ah. I really wanted to at least come inside your house." He pouted and Yoona swear that she could have vomited at that sight. No one can actually tell that deep inside, she was itching to laugh at his behavior. "But I need to get to Hyukkie's house that time." He even swayed his shoulders ever so feminine.

"Hmpp, always Hyukkie." Yuri teasingly remarked. "Look at those two." She shot her gaze to the dance floor. "Are they trying to colonize the entire club?"

Donghae and Yoona laughed in union. "You've got some moves too Yuri-ah." Donghae complimented.

"Where do think Yoona learnt her dance moves?" Yuri bragged in his face. "Actually almost all of us are good." Truth be told. The five of were almost the center of attention of the whole club when they started dancing. Yoona, Yuri and Donghae just took a rest earlier than the two dancing machines.

"Unnie, aren't you being a little boastful there?" Yuri just playfully hits her sister's arm in return.

More time passed by then the club's music went from powerful to soothing. Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon finally left the dance floor to join their friends for a round of beer and soju.

"We thought the two of you would never stop poppin and lockin there." Donghae blurted out as he pulled Eunhyuk to sit next to him but of course Hyoyeon wouldn't leave his boyfriend that easy so she sat next to her Hyukkie.

Yuri placed down a shot of soju for the both of them. "You two already missed two of these and that is not fair." Hyoyeon giggled and finished up the drink in spilt seconds.

"Hyukkie, are you just gonna lose like that?" Donghae tugged Eunhyuk's sleeves. Although Eunhyuk is little dumbfounded at the moment, he emptied the glass but he couldn't control his face when it cringed due to the strong taste of the alcohol.

More bottles were opened as time pass by. Yuri and Yoona decided to take a break but looks like Hyoyeon, Eunhyuk and Donghae were having a battle. Their faces were starting to become red and their head was lightly spinning.

Everyone was still at their right state of mind, despite the fact that Hyoyeon's vision was not 20/20 anymore and Eunhyuk was beginning to experience bit of a headache. Donghae noticed it so he massaged Eunhyuk's temple.

Yoona tried really hard not to choke on her juice as she witness their cute moment. Hyoyeon got up from her seat and excused herself. "I'll go to the restroom for a while." The others were a bit cautious and not sure if they should leave her alone. Before one of them could forbid, she stopped them in advance. "I can still walk in a straight line. No worries!"

She confidently walked away from them, even doing some semi dancing on the way just to assure them that she won't pass out on the way. Yuri and Yoona giggled at her actions.

Yuri was definitely awed. "Wow, she can really handle it."

Eunhyuk, on the other hand, has something else in mind. "Hae, are you thirsty?" Donghae simply shakes his head then Eunhyuk got up from his seat. "I think I need some strawberry juice to rinse and freshen up. Be back in a minute."

He didn't lie. He went to the bar and ordered what he needed. After gulping half of the contents, he strolled directly to the rest room.

Yuri drank another shot of soju then stood up from her seat. "I think I need to use the restroom too." She got up and left the two alone.

When she was out of sight, he scooted closer to Yoona and wrapped his arms around her waist. They were staring at each other but in a rather opposite way. He was grinning happily at her while she gives him a doubtful glare.

"What's up with you Yoona?" He moved his face closer to her but she didn't bulge.

"I'm starting to think if you're really acting or is it all natural." His jaw dropped upon what she said. He lifted her off her seat and quickly landed over his lap. She yelped but he seem to be enjoying their state at the moment. He shifted her to the side to for him to able to fully see her face.

That face, the one he admired the first time he saw and the last one he sees every night before he sleeps. "Girls' always takes their time when inside the comfort room right? Want me to wipe your doubt away?" He raised his eyebrows up and down.

His lips slowly closed the distance. Her eyes slowly fluttered close as her hands were once again moving on their own and secured themselves around his neck. The kiss got deeper and his arms were tightly pulling her closer to his body.

The alcohol was not helping him to stop. His desire was too overwhelming and her reply was no less than that. Their lips was inseparable and too breathtaking. Her hands started playing with his hair but he was too focused on nibbling with her jaw to neck to complain about her messing up his hairstyle.

Just he was about to go lower, she forced her eyes to open and noticed that there are a few people stealing glances at them. She used all her force to push him away. When his lips was retracted from her collarbone, he looked at her and he already knew what she was pertaining to.

He reminded himself that their in a public place then he allowed her to get back to her seat. "What was your promise again?" He asked.

"I promise that I will tell unnie about everything, tomorrow night." 


Yuri was marching her way to the restroom but she halted when she heard someone familiar. Instead of turning to the left, she hides herself near the wall and took a peek. "Having fun with Donghae-oppa?" Yuri went back to hiding when she confirmed that it was Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon. She stayed silent as she eavesdropped at the two of them.

"Are you jealous?" Eunhyuk mockingly questioned her. He smirked when he had her trapped in between the wall and him.

"Should I be?" Her tone of speaking was even more sarcastic than him.

"Aish! Why should you?" he chuckled. "We all know him and I are only pretending to be a couple so that Yuri will let him go near Yoona. I still wonder when will they tell her the truth."

He s his arms around her waist and passionately devoured her lips.

Yuri was in fury as she left the scene. Not wasting any second she stomped her feet back to her sister.


"Yoona, can we go home?" Yoona glanced up at her sister. "I suddenly felt weird." Yuri was surprised that she didn't threw her range the moment she saw Donghae. She had something in mind but she didn't want to cause a scene.

"Must be the alcohol huh unnie?" Yoona gathered their things. "Oppa, just tell Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon that we'll leave first because unnie's not feeling good. We'll just ride a taxi."

"Oh, Yoongie. . . Why don't you go hail a taxi first, I have one last thing to tell Donghae here."

Yoona was sensing something strange but Yuri flashed her a smile and was waiting for her to leave the scene. Her heartbeat started accelerating but she had chose to leave. She must obey, She wouldn't want to lose her sister's trust, not when she is one day away from telling her dirty little secret. Well, too late there Yoona.

When Yoona disappeared, she glared at Donghae which made him felt like being stabbed. "You are a pathetic liar Mr. Lee Donghae"

Those words were like a poison. She was like shooting bullets at him with her cold stare and violent words. He somewhat assumed that she knew the real him. To whom, or how did she found out was still a mystery to him but all he can think at the moment was what's going to happen to him and Yoona.

She took two mugs of beer and harshly poured it over his head. Even with the bitterness and coldness of the beverage, he didn't react or move. He accepted his punishment for being a liar, pretender, deceiver and kind of a jerk. "Don't you dare show your face to us again you bastard."

Yuri stormed out of the club and was greeted by Yoona who was still oblivious about the things around her. Their ride home was quiet and Yoona didn't like it one bit. Even so, the intention to start a conversation didn't appear inside her mind.

Only when they entered their house, only when the door was tightly shut, only when the two of them were alone, Yuri broke her silence.

"Since when?" Yoona didn't let her guard down. She was still unsure if her sister was really talking about her and Donghae's secret so she chose to play innocent.

"What are you talking about unnie?"

Yuri's eyes narrowed. Giving her younger sister another set of patience she asked clearly. "How long have you and him been fooling me?"

Yoona closed her eyes as her body started to tremble. She took a deep breath before opening her eyes, meeting her sister's deathly glare, was running dry. "Unnie, I'm sorry for lying to you for three weeks. But I-"

Yoona wasn't able to rationalize everything too quickly. She felt it hard and rough, too hurtful for words because it was the first time her sister did it. It took a second or two before she touched her cheek, trying to minimize the pain she received from her sister's slap.

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SilverBreath13 #1
Chapter 9: Make a sequel!
Chapter 9: Hope you do a sequal author nim :) new reader by the way
SilverBreath13 #3
Chapter 9: Yuri and Minho hmmm. Interesting please update!
Chapter 9: Omo! Is Yuri going to end up with Minho?! Update soon~
krystaljungismybias #5
Chapter 8: omo did yuri slap yoona? ouchh! poor yoonhae
nerdscandy #6
Chapter 7: Oh gosh the yoonhae moments!!!! :) <3
sujusone24 #7
Chapter 7: A cute moment! I love it!!! Update soon^^
FishyYoongie #8
Chapter 6: lol!! I never expect this. Haha. =D
ohh eunhae..