Chasing Summer

Ah, the club. This was a scene she was all too familiar with, being that she used to frequent places like this back in her wild child days.

She used to come here to escape, forget, release all the pent up things inside her. She remembered all the reasons why she came and a lot of them weren't that pretty. A wave of nostalgia washed over her, followed by a wave of shame. She wasn't all too proud of what she used to do here, get high or get wasted, she could have had other outlets with which to get rid of the pain she felt but she couldn't think of any then and she wanted the quickest release possible.
She was trapped, she knew. Her mother set her up with the heirs of Korea's finest companies ever since she was of age. She'd marry them and be nothing more than a trophy wife; she would just be for show. She would be owned; she would never be her own person. She didn't want that, she wanted so much more. She wanted to be successful on her own, to find a man who would truly love her, to live her life spontaneously. That wouldn't happen with her mother and her antics around.
So she decided to go down a dark road thinking she'd catch her parents' attention that way.
It didn't work.
Her father softened up for what father wouldn't after seeing his daughter in such a terrible state? Her mother however was still as cold as steel. "You're responsible for everything you do, so clean up the mess you make," she always said. Summer thought that by doing what she did, nobody would want her and she'd be left alone. But no. The moment she was sober enough, her mother arranged for another dinner date.
So her plan didn't work, and she decided she'd shape up. She worked her off in school, made better choices and friends, then she met Jiyong.
The moment they got together, she told her parents that she wanted out, out of everything, and surprisingly, her mother and father agreed.
"Maybe after this little fling of yours, you'll come to your senses. Go and have your fun, dear." She told her daughter and Summer turned to leave.
"--But the moment you two break up, you'll come back here and you will marry the man that we choose." Her mother said. 
She knew it. Her mother always had an ultimatum, but to this, she said yes. She'd do anything for her freedom and she'd do anything to be with Jiyong.
It was girls night out tonight, and her friend Ji-en just got dumped by her boyfriend; and when there's heartache, there's alcohol. Girl's night tonight was booze night, but it was fine because her friend needed her. Now, she had to take care of a broken heart while she tried to console her own.
Because Ji-en came fresh from her break-up, Summer couldn't talk about her problems. Her problems included Jiyong and his night habits. He's been going out a lot, sometimes she didn't even know when he did.
Ji-en was in charge of drinks so while she got them, Summer looked for a booth they could slide in. She came in perfect timing for she found a good one.
She sat down and almost instantly, Ji-en followed.
"I don't get how he could break my heart, you know? It's just so stupid." Her friend started spewing random pent up things her heart could no longer hold. All she could do was sympathize and she couldn't help but think if 'what if that was me?'
After a few more shots Ji-en stood up. "I'm gonna hit the dance floor. Wanna join me?" She asked Summer.
"Nope, I'm good here." She told her friend and waved her off. She noticed there was a cute guy eyeing Ji-en so she guessed that's where her friend was off too. 
Summer stared  at what was in her hand. Her shot glass was filled three-fourths in with clear tequila. "Pretty," she said before she took it in followed by a slice of lemon.
"Ahhhh," she said while her eyes were shut tight. She liked the heat as it coursed down and through her system. She was still savoring the feeling when a voice interrupted her.
"You sure know how to put it away," the man said.
He was tall, about six feet. He had dark hair and a fringe. He was lanky, but he had muscles. He reminded her of a dark  and dangerous pretty boy.
"Excuse me?" She asked, finally answering him.
"That drink. You drank it straight without salt. Then you took your time before on the lemon. You must like the heat," He told her, inching closer to where she sat.
"...have you been watching me?" She asked, never taking her eyes off him.
"Yes," he told her bluntly.
"Oh," she said, taken aback by his boldness.
"Wow, you're pretty." He told her.
"And now you're hitting on me. Okay, just because I'm a girl alone at a club and you're a not-so-bad looking guy doesn't mean I'm impressed." She told him snarkily. She wasn't cheap and she wasn't flattered that easily.
"What? No, I wasn't hitting on you. I swear. I ju--" he tried to explain but she cut him off.
"I've been through this a lot of times so I think I know when someone's hitting on me."
"...you're right. I was hitting on you." He finally admitted, at a loss for words.
"Oookay, now that that's out of the way, we can continue." She told him and smiled. She did know he was trying to flirt, but that was it. He was just trying.
"Ohmygod. I love you!!" He told her jokingly.
"Shut up," she said. He laughed.
"I like you. Most women would have fallen for that trick." He said.
"Well, I'm not most women." She answered. She gave him a knowing smile. This was Shota, that man she went on a "date" with. 
He accidentally spilled coffee over her that one fateful day, but towards the end of that incident, he asked her out for a meal. It was the least he could do, he said and she obliged for he was just being proper. Her only rule that day though was that after their date, he'd forget he even saw her face, and so would she so she was very surprised that she bumped into him like this.
She wanted to tell Jiyong about this Shota character but he didn't even seem to pay attention to her so she never told him who she was with that day. But now, here they are.
He nodded in agreement. It's true she wasn't like most women. She was different.
 "Isn't that your friend?" He asked her, acknowledging Ji-en on the dance floor with the cute guy. 
She said "yes,"
"That's my boy she's with," he said with a laugh of pure amusement. She laughed too.
"Are you implying anything?" She asked, a teasing note in her voice. Maybe the alcohol was taking its toll on her already, he didn't know. She wasn't too friendly with strangers and she did classify this man as a stranger.
Shota smiled. "Why yes, yes I am." She liked that he was blunt and that he was friendly towards her. She didn't feel as if he was trying any moves on her either; he really was just trying to be nice.
"What did you have in mind?" She asked.
"I've brought a couple of my friends over. You should hang out with us since you're all alone here. Pretty girls like you shouldn't be alone in places like this." Shota said and stood up. He reached out a hand to her.
She snuck a last glance at Ji-en and took it. Shota smiled and helped her up but she drew her hand back, shocking him.
"But if your boy tries anything stupid on my girl, it'll be your head I'm going to come after." She said.
"Deal," he answered and lead her to his group of friends.
"Also, I have a boyfriend. So really, if you're thinking about doing anything stupid, save yourself the trouble and don't." She told him warningly.
"Ah, the nonexistent boyfriend who claims he loves you but then allows you to come to places like this alone? No? Hmmm. Then.. The boyfriend who seems to be ignoring you? Ah, that boyfriend. Yes, I wouldn't try anything." He said nonchalantly, and all she did was glare.
"I swear, I swear. I won't. Scout's honor."  He escorted her like a gentleman would, and she let herself be lead on. He promised her that they were just having fun. Nothing illegal or immoral was going on with his group right now, save for extreme PDA but it'd be impossible not witness that here. She went along knowing fully well what she'd see but then didn't mind because she wanted to have a good time tonight too.
He told her to go ahead and pointed her to the direction where his friends were. Then excused himself so that he'd be able to get them drinks.
She walked closer to the area where Shota said his group would be when she saw the worst sight she could ever see. Nothing could have prepared her for this.
"J..Ji?" She couldn't comprehend what was happening. Meters before her was Jiyong with another girl on his lap. No, that couldn't be possible. He said he was out with his friends. Why was he here?
She didn't know if she should walk up to him or not. Should she break up with him here? Should she slap him?Then she saw him kiss the other girl. And after, he took the joint that was lighted up in his hand and put it in between his lips. He inhaled, he blew, he laughed. She knew he wasn't in his right state of mind. Nothing she did right now would make a difference. She knew by experience.
Her eyes started getting teary, her heart was beating wildly, she could hear it pounding in her ears. Sweat was forming on her forehead and heat flushed her body. Everything around her was insignificant except the scene that played before her.
"What is happening??" She thought.
Taking her out of her thoughts was Shota who came back with two shots of something in his hand.
"For you," he told her charmingly. She was knocked out of her trance and turned to look at him.
"Woah...are you okay?" He asked her out of pure concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She said and looked down, wiping the tears that formed in her eyes.
"No you're not---," Shota said but was cut off.
"Yes, I am. Just tell your boy to get my girl home safe." She said, and he nodded.
He warily let her leave, pondering on what could possibly have changed her mood entirely. He stood where she stood, and the only thing he could see from that angle was his friend face with a girl. He downed one shot and wondered. "They couldn't have known each other. Right?"
She knew she shouldn't have left, she was here for Ji-en but she couldn't think about anything else except her own aching heart right now. She would just remember to text her friend the following morning.
Memories of her and Jiyong flashed in her mind. All the sweet things he said and did, they were nothing now. She was mad and angry and hurt and upset and sad and all things negative and depressing.
Was she not enough? Did she do something wrong? No, she made sure she was the best girlfriend ever. The problem couldn't have been her, could it?
She hated how stupid she was. The signs were there already, she just didn't want to see it. Her siblings were right. Why couldn't she just have listened?
The tears were steadily streaming down her face. Why did this happen to her? Did she not deserve a chance to be happy?
She knew she should hate him, loathe him. He cost her her freedom, and he threw all they had away, just like that. Was this what her mother wanted her to learn? That she had to hurt first, before she saw it her parents' way? That she was wrong and they were right? Or maybe it was that her life would always be determined for her? She didn't know. All of the above seemed true.
She thought about all these things and before she knew it, she found herself at her brother's place. It was a unit a little off the city's business district, but everything was high-end here; and though the place was far from where she was, it was still her brother she wanted to see.
The guard didn't want to let her in but when she showed her ID, he hesitated no longer. A few more moments later, she was out of the elevator and facing the front door of her brother's penthouse.
"Eli? Eli, open up." She tried her best to speak clearly while knocking on the door. She slid down until she was at her knees but she still kept on knocking.
"Please, please open up." She decided banging on the door with her fist was much more effective and true enough, it was.
The door opened slowly and she stopped pounding on the wood. Instead, she curled up into a ball and started hyperventilating. 
Eli rushed to his sister's side and just hugged her. He knew it. He knew he was right but he wanted to be wrong so bad.
He carried his little sister in for she wouldn't budge on the floor, and then he brought her to his spare bedroom.
"Ssssh, it's okay. Calm down," he whispered soothing words so she would relax.
"You'll be fine, you'll be fine. It'll be alright." He said and instinctively put his arms around her as if to shield her from the pain. She didn't deserve any of this. If he could take the hurt away, he would. It hurt him that he couldn't do anything to help her. So he just stayed there, contemplating on what his next course of action would be. This was his little sister crying, the person who made this happen wouldn't get away with what he did. But before that, he'd have to tell Dawn first.
She clung on to her brother's arm and screamed. All she wanted to do was scream and he let her.
"It hurts! It hurts so much!" She said.
"Just let it out. Let it all out," he told her and she did.
When she finally calmed down, she apologized to her brother for barging in like this. He said it was alright and that he was glad she actually came to him. She told him that he could finally leave her and that she wouldn't do anything stupid.
Once he left, she tucked herself beneath the sheets of the bed she was on. Her head was throbbing and all she wanted to do was sleep, but she couldn't.
She knew, without her brother telling her, that she had to tell her parents. They made a deal, and she was one to keep her promises. Tomorrow, she would tell them. Tomorrow, she was to meet her future husband. But for now, she'd cry because it hurt; she'd cry for the love she thought would last.
if any of you are confused regarding this update, please feel free to tell me! and OMG he got caught already :((
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Hi guys! I have a new story up, if you're interested! :D https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/745527/ I do hope you could read it. It would mean the world :)


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Lilykwon88 #1
Chapter 19: Omggggg such an amazing story I love it.
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 19: awesome,
Chapter 18: This story is so beautiful. I love it so much.

Ever since I read the foreword I knew it would brought me tears. And it truly did.

Love it so much. One of the best Jiyong fics I must say.
moni86 #4
I dont want to be a hater but i already read a fic with this tile :/
Chapter 19: It was just perfect! Lately I've been seeing a lot of stories with sad endings, so this just seemed even more special! Absolutely loved the motorcycle scene <3
Chapter 19: this story is really good ;~; I love it very much! It's beautiful and almost made me tear up <3
Chapter 19: Thank you very much for the wall post!! I LOVE IT!! I'm glad that I subscribed this story, so I can go back and re-read it whenever I can. ;)
SoongYeong-a #8
Chapter 19: Whoa! It's over already~~ the ending just soo sweet^^ thanks for the hardwork^^ hpe to see more stories of yours?
Foreverhis #9
Chapter 19: Ahhhhhhhhh ! So adorable! <33333333 LOVE IT! (;