Secrets & Memories

My Favorite Mistake


The bell rang signaling the end of class and the beginning of lunch break.  Students quickly jumped out of their seats and filled the hallway, heading towards the cafeteria.  Woohyun lazily got up from his seat.  He was in no rush.  There wasn't going to be anyone waiting to sit with him to eat and the food wasn't going  anywhere.  He was about to exit the classroom when an a small framed guy crossed his path, blocking his way.
Arms crossed and a mean glare, Lee Sungjong stood in front of Woohyun.
"Just because I'm Vice President doesn't mean I'm your lackey. You better do your job properly, I'm not going to do it for you." 
Woohyun's eyes were wide open in surprise.  He wasn't expecting to be lectured so harshly.
Suddenly, Sungjong's expression soften and he gave Woohyun a small grin. "Have a good lunch," he said and turned to walk through the doorway and disappear down the hall.
Woohyun stood there stunned.  He couldn't believe how quickly the other boy's demeanor changed.  He shook his head in disbelief.  He started to walk out of the classroom, when another student stopped him.  Woohyun looked back at the person who's hand was on his shoulder.  It was none other than the person who got him into this mess.
"Sorry about the sudden nomination," Dongwoo apologized. "I really couldn't take on another responsibility."
"So you decided to drop it on me then?" Woohyun cocked his eyebrow in question.
Dongwoo let out a nervous laugh. "You'll do fine. And-and if you have any questions You can ask Sungjong or me... Ok... Well... Off to lunch."
Dongwoo was already walking backwards as he spoke.  He gave a  wave and ran off to eat.
Woohyun ruffled his hair in annoyance.  These crazy people. What have I gotten myself into? He wondered.
The rest of the day went smoothly.  Woohyun did his class duties.  It bothered him to have to put extra effort towards school, but there was nothing he could do and there was no point in complaining.  He sighed in relief as the teacher excused them for the day.  Students gathered their belonging and began to empty the classroom.  An arm was thrown around Woohyun's shoulders and pulled him into a hug.
"Good job President Nam. You made it through your first day."
Woohyun looked over at the blonde boy holding him.  He pulled himself out of the other boy's grip.  He grabbed his bag off the floor and walked away.
"Ya Nam Woohyun, where you going?!" The blonde yelled out.
"Home," Woohyun plainly replied.
The blonde chased after him and wrapped his arms around one of Woohyun's.
"Ya, Let's go get something to eat. I'm hungry." The boy pouted.  He hoped that using some aegyo would convince Woohyun to join him.
Woohyun pulled away again. "I can't Chanhee, I have to get to my part time job."
Chanhee stomped his feet. "I hate eating alone," he whined.
"You have plenty of friends to go with.  Find one of them." Woohyun walked away leaving the blonde behind.
Woohyun went home and changed out of school uniform.  He then went to the garage underneath his apartment building to get his motorbike.  He was currently working as a delivery driver.  As long as he could carry it on his bike, he would deliver it.  Woohyun took out his phone and made a call.
"Sir, I'm ready. What's my first delivery?... Ok, I'm on my way." 
Woohyun went around the city making his deliveries.  It was tedious work but it kept him occupied.  He was now parked in front of one of those specialty school that tutor kids in order to improve their scores at school.  He never understood how some students could stand to go to school all day and then turn around and take night classes.  He headed into the building to make his delivery.  Woohyun looked down at the delivery information to make sure he had the right place.  He knocked on the door and entered the small class room.
"Excuse me, I have a delivery for..."
"That's for me," a male student interrupted.
He gave the student his package and took his payment.  As Woohyun turned to leave he made eye contact with a familiar face. The skinny boy quickly turned around avoiding Woohyun's gaze.  Woohyun smirked at the action and left the room.  
Woohyun was sitting on his bike, putting on his helmet, when a voice called to him.
"How much would it cost?"
Woohyun turned to see Sungjong talking to him. 
"I don't want our classmates to know I'm getting extra help with school." He said.
Woohyun ignored the other boy's words "Don't you have a class to be taking?" 
Sungjong crossed his arms, "So what will it cost it keep your mouth shut?"
Woohyun turned away. "I don't want your money." He started his bike and got ready to leave.
"Ya, you better not start any rumors at school about me!" Sungjong yelled over the engine noise. 
Woohyun only gave a wave and he rode off into traffic.  He head for his last delivery of the night.
Woohyun pulled up in front of dance studio.  His heart ached.  He hasn't stepped into a dance studio for a long time and it made him uneasy to enter this one.  Woohyun took a deep breathe and brought his delivery into the building.  He entered a long hallway with large glass windows that showed the inside of each room.  He stopped in front of room that had a group of guys dancing together.  Woohyun drifted back into his memories.
Woohyun was being dragged along a street  by a well built boy.
"Come on Woo, we're gonna be late for practice." 
"I'm a horrible dancer, I can't believe you talked me into joining a dance group." Woohyun complained.  Of course he knew why he joined.  It was all for his best friend.  Whether he liked it or not, anything his best friend wanted to do, he was going to do it.
"That's why we're doing this so we can get better." the other boy argued.
"You're already good.  I'm the only one that needs to get better." Woohyun pouted.
"Don't worry Woo, I'm here with you.  I'll help you out."  The boy gave Woohyun a reasurring smile.  He pulled Woohyun into a run, laughing happily.
"Woohyun, Woo-hyun!!"
A hand was waving across Woohyun's face.  He snapped out of his thoughts to see Dongwoo in front of him.
"Is that our food?" Dongwoo asked.
"Huh?"  Woohyun looked down at his hands. "Oh... yes... here."
Dongwoo gave him his payment and a questioning look. "Are you ok, Woohyun?"
"Yeah." Woohyun ran his fingers through his hair as he looked into the studio again. "I just got lost in my thoughts.  Is this why you turned down being class president?"
"Yes.  This is the dance team I'm part of.  We're starting to pratice more so I needed to lighten my load a little... Do you dance Woohyun?"
"No. Not really..."  His voice trailed off as he walked away.  
Dongwoo shrugged his shoulders as he watch the other leave the studio.  Something was off with Woohyun, but exactly what he didn't know.  He pushed the thought out of his mind as he brought the food to the rest of his team.
Woohyun returned home exsausted.  He flopped down on his bed.  He starred at the ceiling as images of his past played through his mind.
Music was blairing in the tiny studio.  Two boys were dancing, carefully watching their reflections in the mirror.  As the music stops, the two dropped to floor, drenced in sweat.  
"You've gotten so much better Woo.  You're almost as good as me"
"Thanks but it's only because of your help.  But since I'm progressing fast, I might get better than you."
The comment earned him a punch on the shoulder from the other.
"I better stop helping you then."
The boys let their laughter fill the studio.
It's been a while since Woohyun remembered these memories.  It was bitter sweet.  They were reminders of what he lost and left behind.  A tear escaped Woohyun's eyes and rolled down his cheek.  Woohyun turned to his side sobbing himself to sleep.  He hated having these memories but they're were something that he could never forget.
A/N:  This was a boring chapter, but I wanted to give a little bit of a background.  
Chanhee from Teen Top showed up.  Other Idols will probably pop up as filler through out this story.
Thanks to Hiimee, Ananano, Tabulate, y_HoBaby, & UntilTheLastBreathe for subscribing.
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First Chapter will be added by the end of this weekend.


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chimchimgotjams #1
Chapter 11: Asdfghjkl this is my favorite Wooya and Myunggyu fanfic of alL TIME ㅠㅠ please continue, author-ssi. I'll wait ^^
remand_a #2
Chapter 11: Interesting story.... I love myunggyu, they're so cute n sungyeol is just..... Hahaha I can't stop laugh when sungyeol starting to yell
Please update soon... I'll wait
Chapter 11: Ohhh a myunggyu cute <3
SuperQuiet #4
Chapter 11: Please update as soon as you can. PLEASE…PLEASE …
will u continue this, Author-sshi??
ioana_tzutzu85 #6
Chapter 11: I think it's a good idea, I cant wait to see what happens next,I love u're story, and waiting for u're next update, please do it soon
burdenheart #7
aw i hope you will be able to give this story some kind of ending. it would be nice! ^^
Chapter 11: Update soon!!! So interesting!