Always By Your Side

My Favorite Mistake
"Can't you stay?"  The question floated in the air without an answer.  Hoya looked into Woohyun's pleading eyes and then down at their connected hands.  He felt Woohyun gently squeeze his hand, asking for a response.  Hoya left the question unanswered but sat back down.  He couldn't say no, he couldn't leave, not with Woohyun looking at his so desperately.  He pulled his hand from Woohyun's hold and started to eat again.
Woohyun and Hoya were laying on his bed staring into the darkness.  Only their light breathing could be heard.  Hoya felt the other boy move around next to him.  Though he couldn't see it with his eyes, he felt Woohyun's gaze on him.  
Woohyun's voice cut through the darkness. "I went back.  After, I left I came back to find you, but you were gone.  I went to all our usual hangout and asked everyone we knew, but no one could tell me where you were."
A tear escaped from Hoya's eye.  He was glad that the darkness was there to hide his emotions from the other.  "I know," he simply replied.
Hoya cut off Woohyun before he could continue, "Enough Woohyun.  Let's just go to sleep."  
Hoya knew that the other had more to say but he didn't want to hear it.  It was too much.  There were too many emotions running through him and he needed a break.  Woohyun wanted to lay everything out in the open but he still need time to sort things through.  Hoya felt Woohyun searching for his hand.  He allowed the latter to intertwine their fingers and they drifted off to sleep.
That night Hoya dreamt of Busan.  He remembered the times he spent with Woohyun.  All times they spent hanging out and getting in trouble together.  He had spent so much time being angry at Woohyun, but in reality he just missed his best friend.  Hoya was hurt when Woohyun disappeared without a word.  It hurt him more then his leg.  Now that Woohyun was back in his life, he was afraid.  He was afraid to be hurt again.  Hoya didn't want to get close to the other and have Woohyun leave him again.  Once was enough.
Even though Hoya had gone to sleep with a heavy heart, he felt well rested and tranquil the next morning.  He had come to realize why he was so hesitant to rebuild a relationship with the older boy.  As scared as he was at the idea of losing Woohyun again, he didn't want to drive the other boy away. 
Hoya was the first to wake up and turned his body to face the sleeping Woohyun.  He laugh to himself as he watch the sleeping boy next to him.  Woohyun had his mouth open with a streak of saliva running down the corner of his mouth.  An evil smirk crossed his faced.  Hoya raised his arm and slammed it down Woohyun's torso.  The sleeping boy groaned in shock while Hoya rolled out of bed laughing.  
"Wake up sleeping beauty, we have get ready for school."  Hoya was standing at the edge of the bed looking down at the other boy.
"But damn, did you really have to wake me up this way."  Woohyun whined.   "So you seem to be in a good mood."
Hoya thought about it and smiled, "I am in a good mood."
Hoya sat down on the bed facing Woohyun.  "I realized what was bothering me about us..."
Woohyun laid on his side and propped his elbow so his head could rest on his hand.  He didn't say a word, waiting for Hoya to continue.
"... I was afraid if we got close again, that I would lose you again."  The younger continued.
Woohyun sat up at the younger's admission.  "No.  I'm not going anywhere."  He pulled Hoya into a hug and he felt the other relax in his arms.  Woohyun peeled away from the younger and kissed Hoya on the forehead.  He made his way down the other boys face, kissing Hoya's nose, cheek, and finally capturing Hoya's lips with his own.  "I'm never going to leave your side again."
Things at  school had calmed down.  There was no longer any tension between the boys and everyone was starting to get along.  Woohyun and Hoya were sitting together at the lunch hall when they were joined by the three kingkas.
"What are you guys doing?"  Woohyun questioned.
"We're sitting with you, hyung-nim.  We're all friends now, right?"  Sungyeol replied.
Hoya cocked his eyebrow. "Friends?"  He gave Woohyun an inquiring glance.  By the way the other boy's face look, it seemed they were thinking the same thing.  When did we all become friends?
They continued to eat their lunches, though it felt awkward.  They had gone from fighting enemies to so called friends in a short time.  It felt weird to everyone, including the other students who were observing the five boys from their own tables.
In an effort to cut the ungainly atmosphere around them, Woohyun asked the only question that was on his mind. "So how's it going about getting the money back?"
Myungsoo quickly swallowed his food to answer. "We all took some part time jobs and got most of it.  In a few days we'll have the rest."
"Don't worry about it.  I already have the rest of the money."  Sunggyu interceded.
"Bwoh? How?"  Sungyeol asked in surprise.
"I sold some of my stuff."  Sunggyu cryptically answered.
"What could you have sold that..." Myungsoo cut himself off after realizing the younger kingka's actions.  He grabbed Sunggyu by the shoulders and force the boy to face him.  "Why would you do that?"
Sunggyu pushed Myungsoo's hands off of him.  He let out a deep sigh and started to pick at his food. "It was nothing, ok.  It was there, I wasn't going to use it, and we needed the money."
Myungsoo and Sungyeol exchanged glaces but said nothing.  They knew the hard sacrafice Sunggyu made and felt sorry for their friend.
Hoya came over Woohyun's apartment again that afternoon.  They had first stopped at Hoya's place to get some clothes but quickly went over to Woohyun's to spend time alone.    Hoya's sister didn't approved of the two of them being together.  She was still being overprotective and didn't want to see her brother hurt again.
The two boys were sprawled out on the floor laughing and talking and occationally stealing a kiss from one another.    Their time was interrupted by an unexpected call on Woohyun's phone.  He showed Hoya the screen.
"What do those guys want now?"  Hoya whined.
Woohyun shrugged his shoulders and answered the call.  "Hello?"
"Can you guys meet us at the alley behind the school?"  The voice on the phone pleaded.
From the tone of the caller,   Woohyun knew it was important.  "We'll be there soon."
Woohyun and Hoya rode the bus back to the school.  They headed to the familiar ally where so many events have happened for them recently.  They found the kingkas waiting for them.  Sunggyu was slumped down against a wall with Myungsoo and Sungyeol around him.  As the two boys approached the kingkas they saw how  bloody and bruised Sunggyu was.
"What happen?"  Woohyun asked.
Myungsoo patted Sunggyu's shoulder.  "Sunggyu-ah sold some of his late mother's stuff and his dad found out and beat him in a drunken rage"  Myungsoo explained.  "Our parents are home or we would let Sunggyu stay with us.  Could he stay at your place?"  
Woohyun knew Sunggyu couldn't go back home.  He hesitantly agreed.  The two other kingkas helped support Sunggyu to his feet and the four boys headed to Woohyun's apartment.
The five boys entered Woohyun's apartment.
"The bathroom is over there and there's extra towels underneath the sink."  Woohyun informed Sunggyu.  
"Thanks"  The beaten boy muttered.  He headed to the bathroom with Myungsoo assisting him.
Sungyeol dove onto Woohyun's couch and made himself comfortable.  "You got a nice place here.  There's plenty of room for all of us.  I'm gonna stay here with you guys tonight."  
"What?!... Y-your not gonna go home?"  Woohyun stuttered.
"What for?  My parents don't care where I am and I'm sure Myungsoo hyung will want to stay with Sunggyu hyung."
Woohyun rubbed his temple in annoyance.  He wasn't use to having so many people at his home.  Hoya let out a small laugh in amusement.  He walked up behind Woohyun and started to massage his shoulder.  Woohyun leaned back, resting his body on Hoya's.
"So much for spending time together."  Woohyun sarcastically stated.
Hoya planted a soft kiss on Woohyun's exposed neck.  "Don't worry about it.  As long as we're together."
"Ugh... Can you guys not be so lovey dovey?  I'm here you know."  Sungyeol interrupted.
The two older boys rolled their eyes.  "Let's go to my room," and Woohyun lead Hoya away from their guest.
Myungsoo helped Sunggyu out his clothes to get cleaned up.    He really hated seeing Sunggyu  so helpless.  
"Life but maybe this will help make things seem a little better."  Myungsoo pulled a gold ring from his pocket.
Sunggyu's small eyes doubled in size.  "How?"
"I couldn'te get everything back that you sold but I was at least able to get your mom's ring back."  the boy spoke.
Sunggyu took the small ring and starred at it before looking up at Myungsoo with a questioning look.  "Why?"
Myungsoo huffed. "We're friends.  We're suppose to help each other out."
Sunggyu hit Myungsoo in the chest, harshly pushing the other boy away.  "Why the hell did you do that?!  Why couldn't you just leave it alone?!"
"What the hell, Gyu?"  Myungsoo yelled back.
Sunggyu grabbed his friend by the collar and slammed him against the wall.  "Cuz we don't help each other out!  It's always ME!  You guys are the one who always end up helping ME!"  Sunggyu loosened his grip on Myungsoo.  "I'm always the one in trouble."  He wimpered.  Sunggyu turned away, ashamed to face his friend.  He hunched down on the floor and hugged his knees, crying.
Myungsoo stood against the wall stunned.  All he wanted to do was comfort his friend.  "I Love You."  escaped from Myungsoo lips.  He plucked the crying boy from the floor and turned Sunggyu to face him.  "I love you, Sunggyu.  Weather you like it or not, I'm always going to help you.  I'm always going to be here for you."
Sunggyu didn't know what to say.  He was taken aback my the sudden confession. "I... I..."
Myungsoo didn't allow  Sunggyu a chance to ruin the moment  by speaking.  He pulled the other into his arms and introduced Sunggyu's lips to his own.

A/N:  It seemed like forever since I updated this story :(  I'm sorry about that.  Life decided to make things difficult for me.  I don't want to get too much into it, because it would just seem like I was just whining.  Thank you all for your patience.

So I started with Wooya and end with a Myunggyu.  Yay!  I didn't want this chapter to be as angst as the rest of the story.  I'm slightly worried that it makes it a little out of place and that it didn't go with the same flow.  You guys can be honest with me.  Tell me if I .

Thank you to hossieohsee, SecretH3ro, smiiley, SuperNamu, AraHanmin, Lennoxxxxx, eli0426, missyb, burdenheart, SpiritSie04, silenced_raine, & yunchi2013 for subscribing and giving some support.


Infinite have returned with a new album and damn them for being all so good looking.  And is it just me, but doesn't Sungyeol seem a whole lot more manlier?

*I don't own this image.  Credit goes to the original owner.*


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First Chapter will be added by the end of this weekend.


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chimchimgotjams #1
Chapter 11: Asdfghjkl this is my favorite Wooya and Myunggyu fanfic of alL TIME ㅠㅠ please continue, author-ssi. I'll wait ^^
remand_a #2
Chapter 11: Interesting story.... I love myunggyu, they're so cute n sungyeol is just..... Hahaha I can't stop laugh when sungyeol starting to yell
Please update soon... I'll wait
Chapter 11: Ohhh a myunggyu cute <3
SuperQuiet #4
Chapter 11: Please update as soon as you can. PLEASE…PLEASE …
will u continue this, Author-sshi??
ioana_tzutzu85 #6
Chapter 11: I think it's a good idea, I cant wait to see what happens next,I love u're story, and waiting for u're next update, please do it soon
burdenheart #7
aw i hope you will be able to give this story some kind of ending. it would be nice! ^^
Chapter 11: Update soon!!! So interesting!