When desires comes in between(discontinued)

-Avery POV-

I was kicking the grass on the side as I waited for Amber and Jiyeon. We were going to go dress shopping today but they were already 5 minutes late. I was getting tired of waiting. I could be sleeping right now. I mean like it's only 9pm on a beautiful Saturday.

I was just about to go back inside when I suddenly got backhugged.

"SORRRYYY FOR BEING LATEE!!!" Jiyeon screamed in my ear. I glared at her and then glared at Amber who just smiled at me.

"Don't blame me. Jiyeon took forever to get ready in the bathroom." Amber said as she pointed at Jiyeon who was glaring at her for telling on her. I rolled my eyes.

"So can we go now?" I asked a bit tiredly.

Jiyeon smiled and linked the three of our arms together before running, which ended up pulling us along. We were pretty much a frantic, high trio of girls throughout the journey to the mall.

-1 hour 26 mins later-

I was the last to get off the bus. Amber handed me my bag which she had taken before to help me get off the crowded bus.

"So..where should we go first?" Amber asked as she fixed my hair a bit. I thanked her.

"I don't know. Let's just walk around until we find something." Jiyeon said brightly as she entered the mall first with us following behind.

As we were walking towards one of the stores, I spotted a Starbucks.

"Hey. I'm gonna go buy a drink first. Meet you guys there!" I shouted as I walked away from them.

A heavy aroma of coffee hit me as I walked into the coffee shop. There was a bit of a line so I hurriedly walked over to not have more people added before me. I already knew what I wanted so I didn't have to look at the menu. Everytime I was alone with Lay, he would be drag me to the nearest Starbucks. He basically had tried the whole menu and commented on them very thoroughly when we first came. I was never a real fan of coffee so I always got the same thing.

"What would you like to order?" The lady asked me.

"One grande green tea frappuccino please." I ordered. She nodded and wrote my order on a cup before passing it off. I paid her and waited for my drink to be done. About 3 minutes later it was finished and I left to go to the store where Amber and Jiyeon were at.

I walked inside but didn't see them. I called them.

"Yah! Where are you two?" I asked Amber over the phone.

"Oh Jiyeon couldn't find anything and ran off and I followed. We already went through 5 stores. Right now we're at "Til Now" so come over. Jiyeon is changing so I don't think we will be moving yet." The call ended and I walked towards one of the mall's maps on the wall. Hmm...AHA! Found it. Ok Let's go!

-6 minutes later-

One of the workers greeted me and I shyly smiled at her. As I walked towards the changing rooms, I noticed this one dress. I walked towards it


I traced my finger against its fabric. It was silky smooth. I smiled as I pulled it out to fully see it. It was beautiful. I checked the price tag. $45.99. Hmm not bad and its my size too. I bit my lip, trying to decide whether I wanted it or not.

"Wow! You should totally try that on." I jumped and turned around to see Amber. I smacked her arm.

"Don't scare me like that!" She smiled at me as she focused back on the dress.

"Are you going to try it?" I shrugged as I looked at the dress and then her. That's when I noticed her holding a bag.

"What did you buy?" I asked her.

"Oh I bought my dress." She said as she pulled it out.


I eyed it up and down. It was WOW~

"haha yea I know it's beautiful. The pockets were what got me." Amber confessed. I laughed. The dress was amazing but the pockets just made it even better. What can we say. We love our pockets XD.

"Oh right!" Amber exclaimed as she carefully placed the dress into the bag. "Jiyeon wanted me to find you so she could show both of us the dress." She said before pulling me to the changing room.

There we saw Jiyeon's head poking out of her stall. I let out a little giggle. She looked funny like that.

"Finally! I thought you guys were never going to come." She said before walking out of her stall to show us her dress.


My eyes widened as my mouth fell open. I blinked and rubbed my eyes a couple of times, making sure I wasn't imagining things. I looked over at Amber who had the same expression on her face. I looked back at Jiyeon who was all smiles.

"So what do you guys think?" She said as she spun around.

"DAMN GIRL! That dress was made for you!" Amber exclaimed as she walked closer to her. I followed her but remained speechless. The dress was just so perfect on her. Like it showed her figure perfectly. She looked shining in that dress.

Jiyeon let out a satisfied laugh. "I thought so too."

"How much is it?" I asked.


"hmm not bad" Amber said and I nodded in agreement.

Jiyeon turned towards the 3 sided mirror. As she took a final look at the dress, she noticed me holding a dress.

"Oh Is that your dress?" Jiyeon asked excitedly.

"I hope so. I haven't tried it on yet."

"Well what the heck are you waiting for? GO GO GO!" She ushered me into an empty stall.

-4 minutes later-

"Yah Are you done yet?" Amber asked impatiently. I let out a laugh as I walked out.

Amber and Jiyeon immediately smiled. Amber gave me a thumbs up as Jiyeon dragged me to the mirror.

"I spy a beauty. You?" Jiyeon teased. I stared at my reflection. I couldn't believe how well I looked in the dress. It was definitely the one I was gonna buy.

"Ok well let's get paying. I'm starving!" Amber said as she pushed me into my stall. She sure wasn't patient today.

-30 minutes later-

I sat alone at a table by the windows as I waited for the other two come back. They had went to buy food as I stayed and watched our stuff. I pulled out my phone to see if I had any messages.

"BOO!" I jumped in surprise and turned to see a laughing Lay. I glared at him and poked him in the side, making him squirm.

"I didn't know you came to the mall. Did you come alone?"

I shook my head. Before I could answer, a bright voice interrupted us.


We turned around to see Jiyeon and Amber returning with the food. They put down the food. Amber greeted Lay as I watched Jiyeon ran past them. I looked to where she was heading and finally notice that Kris was there.

They hugged and Jiyeon happily pecked Kris on the cheek. I couldn't help feeling a bit depressed but I pushed those feelings away instantly. Jiyeon pulled Kris over to our table as Amber ordered Lay to take her seat next to me as she went off to get a chair. I smiled as Lay sat down and forced a smile as Kris and Jiyeon sat down.

Amber distributed the food among us equally like as if she was our mom. Amber, Lay, and I awkwardly ate as Jiyeon fed Kris. Having enough of the discomfort, Lay coughs.

"Umm.so what you guys buy today?" He asked pointing at the bags.

"Our dresses" Amber said happily. Lay immediately lit up.

"ohh... Can I see?" He asked eagerly. Jiyeon immediately shook her head.

"Secret" She said calmly. Lay pouted at her but she just stuck her tongue at him before returning to feed Kris. Amber and I laughed at their little conversation.

Suddenly Lay put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.

"So you wanna be my date?" He asked and winked at me. I blushed a little and flicked his forehead. Before I could answer him, Amber had pulled him away from me.

"Sorry dude but she's already taken." She said as she gave me a teasing smile. I blushed a bit more and gulped down some water.

"WAIT! WHAT?! How come you didn't tell me?!!" Jiyeon complained as she put down the spoon of food and looked directly at me. I downed some more water.

"So who is it?" Lay asked as he nudged me repeatedly. I glared at him and stuffed some food in his mouth.

"Avery why are you so shy to tell them? I mean like they'll find out soon anyways." Amber pointed out.

"Yea yea! Tell us already." Jiyeon said impatiently.

I let out a sigh. "I'm going with Suho."

"OMO!" Jiyeon squealed and jumped up and down her seat. "I knew he would! Aww isn't that so cute oppa?" Jiyeon asked Kris. Kris looked at her and nodded before staring at me. I looked back at him and he immediately turned away. For a moment, I thought I saw sadness in his eyes. Before I could think more of it, Lay hugged me tightly.

"NO!! I WANNA GO WITH UUUUUUUU!" He exclaimed as he tightened his hold around me. I laughed as Amber tried to pull him away.

Suddenly Kris pushed his chair back and stood up. We all froze and looked at him.

"Oppa?" Jiyeon said confused.

"I'm gonna take my leave now." He mumbled before walking away. Amber and Lay called after him as Jiyeon hurriedly collected her stuff and ran to catch up with him. I stared as he walked away.

What got into him?


SOWWIE! for late updates! hope it's ok

ignore mistakes please!

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Chapter 23: Whatttt? Why are you stopping this fanfic??? This is a really good fanfic imo really...:( omg I'm so late -_- but I really like this fanfic :(
Chapter 23: i still think this fanfics is really good even if it hasn't finished now or maybe never. i will ended making my own ending tho XD lol
Chapter 21: in love with this fic rn~ author nim~~ good luck preparing for college^^
MelodieGirlZ #4
Chapter 18: Aww...Lay..Get another date...Kris!!! Why be like that? Avery didn't act so rash like you!!
Chapter 14: I feel like Kris don't like Jiyeon as she does. And somehow, I don't really care about her so I feel bad u-u
but, about avery, I would felt exactly likle her. I don't know why, but I felt like crying at everyting (even though the music I'm hearing is very happy) and she ended crying too.
Hum, I like this fic and I don't know if I had commented before, but anyways, Update soon!
cutieabby #6
Chapter 14: ow......... jiyeon . i felt sad because i think she will ended up hurting?
serafina91 #7
Chapter 5: ouhhh nooooooooooo... Kris meant for Avery!!!! * ok emo now... Authornim Happpy Chinese New Year to you ^^
serafina91 #8
Chapter 4: huhu something precious for Kris yet Lay knows about it >.<
hancheezemily #9
Chapter 2: WHY IS IT SO COINCIDENTAL?!?! My birthday is on December 28 and Avery's room is 1228!! Hope you write more similarities xD
serafina91 #10
Chapter 3: ouhhh feels something... i hope their friendship stay forever...