

"YA! Where were you the pass few days? I asked angrily.

What are you talking about and what happened to Tiffany? GO questioned

Well if you stayed with her at the park then you'd know! I yelled.

Ease up on him, tell us what happened. Lee Joon asked

Well Tiffany was shot a few days ago and was in the hospital, I still want to know where GO was? I questioned furiously

I went to the top floor of the mall I had to use the bathroom, and I didn't know, I'm sorry Tiffany I shouldv'e watched you closer! GO exclaimed

Yeah, it's cool really I'm fine, Cheondung watched after me, best best friend ever! Tiffany smiled big, causing me to smile and look down

No thanks to you. I mumbled

What was that Cheondung? Seungho asked

Nothing, so anyways lets eat why don't we? I said

Oh sure we haven't eaten since last night, since you two have been kind of busy how about we cook for you?Jessica asked nicely

Sounds great Cheondung deserves a break! Tiffany added

Well we only need five cooks, so since their are like a billion of us lets do rock paper scissors? Sooyoung suggested.

Okay lets get the game started! Seungho yelled playfully


It was an exceptionally long because of all the people but we got through it. The people who won the round had to cook so thats why it was a little quicker. The winners or losers really were




Lee Joon


I laughed because Seungho was reallly angry he started saying that we should be cooking for him not vice versa, he's the oldest this isn't the way t should be blah, blah, blah. Sooyoung scolded him and luckily he listened but I think he likes her a little bit they do match I think even though their ages are different in a kind of big way, age shouldn't matter if you like someone. I looked over at Tiffany and she was asleep so I rolled  her into her room and layed her down, kissing her forehead then leaving.

.................In the morning..................

[Tiffany's POV]

I woke up in my bed again I don't know how but I assume it was Cheondung. He's so sweet to me best best friend ever I may say. he came to my rescue I love him truly for that. I wasn't mad at GO at all he didn't know  so why blame anyone I still like him a lot maybe today I can talk to him again maybe we will get a better relationship and get closer. I rolled over trying to get to my chair but ended up falling off the bed and great of course onto my hurt side. I yelled and started crying it was so painful, it wouldn't be as bad if I took the medicine but that was what I was trying to get. The door creaked open and Mir walked in and I was still crying he ran over to me and asked me if i was fine I answered yeah then he helped me get up. I thanked him and asked him to bring me to the bathroom. He got so flustered but then I told him I just needed to get my medicine and he smiled and said okay.

After that whole ordeal I rolled myself into the kitchen and went to the kitchen since I always wake up earlier than others I decided to make everyone breakfast, and since Mir was up he asked to join and I said sure help is always good. Mir and I never really talked before but he is really cool I'd talk to him all the time now. As we talked he brought up his family he said that his sister is having a party with her husband and everyone needs to bring a date, I didn't catch why he was telling me but then I got it. He finally asked me and I said sure but no one wants a date whose in a wheelchair. He said "It doesn't matter you still are pretty they will be looking at you not the chair" I blushed I didn't know Mir was like this I pushed him lightly and told him to stop. While we waited for something to be done he bluntly asked me who he thought was the best looking out of MBLAQ. I thought for a little I already had an answer but I didn't want to be so quick. I told him Byunghee and he gasped and faked sadness. I giggled and asked him the same question. He quickly answered saying we all were but I said he had to pick one. He thought again and said Jessica. I pointed at him and awed. He looked down and told me not to tell anyone. Since we were talking about it I asked who he had a crush on, he answered Jessica again, he asked me and I told him to promise not to tell, luckily he agreed and I said Byunghee. He gasped and excitedly said "Oh I thought you and Thunder were dating, I'm really shocked by this confession, but did you know that........ As soon as he went to tell me something the rest came in and immedietly came to the kitchen and started picking up food. Everyone thanked Mir and I as they walked by us. GO sat next to me and nudged me, he nudged my bad side and I held onto my side when he did tears trying to appear but I held them, instead I smiled weakly he apologized and asked Mir and I what we were talking about. I glared at Mir and he answered with "Oh we were talking about America and California, the weather I heard In California is great we need to go sometime!" I smiled and agree. Thunder walked in and sat next to Mir. I asked Mir about  this date. When I said it Thunder looked up confused and a little shocked. Close you mouth you'll get flies Gaettong-ah" He smiled at me and Mir finally answered back " It's this weekend so you and I have to go shopping so we match plus their is a theme uhm what is it again........oh yeah spring time!" "Oh cute so light colors and flowers?" "Yes exactly are you still up for it?" Yes, I Tiffany, want to still do it!" Good, and come on GO your coming also." Oh yeah I forgot let me call Saerom, so she can come along , we have to match.

I was so confused who is this Saerom girl? I asked Mir while we were in the car and he said "Thats what I was trying to tell you in the kitchen, Byunghee has a girlfriend, her name is Saerom she's really nice, have you ever seen Idol Manager? Yeah? Well she was the tall one the one Seungho yelled at! Oh yeah her I liked her a lot!  Oh okay I thought you wouldn"t

I didn't at first because of my crush on Byunghee but I really did like her when I watched Idol Manager she was good to the guys and really nice and she made the show nice to watch sometimes. I'm not the kind of person to hate someone just because they are dating my crush I would never do that. We finally made it to the stores and Mir helped me out the car into a wheelchair, I saw that Saerom was already there so I waved to her and she waved back she said that we can talk casually to each other because she just likes it that way. So we went to the first store and I already know my sizes so I didn't need to try anything on. I saw a really pretty outfit since the weather outside this weekend is said to be cool and warm and breezy I had two choices an unbalanced tee and lemon colored leggings or a high low lace dress I found so pretty may I say. I showed Mir my choices and he said that he found something that matches already so we are good. I smiled because this party or get together whatever it is will be fun I'm excited.

Finally Updated I like this chapter a little Mir is always a fun time so yeah I want him to be in this one

Note: The next thing I post isn't a chapter its just the outfits she was talking about wearing:)

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Chapter 14: aigo Cheondung is Fany's hero...
Chapter 14: aigo Cheondung is Fany's hero...
Chapter 12: Sweet, the mir & Fany moments were cute too! ^^
Chapter 12: what was fany hiding from cheondung?
Chapter 11: update more...!
Chapter 10: uh-ohh....
Chapter 8: Uh oh~ Big trouble~
Chapter 8: ah.o...trouble...!
G.O your dead..!
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Chapter 3: dara..!
park siblings..!