Long Day


[Cheondung's POV]

I woke up in a room that wasn't mine, as I started to get more into it I notiiced it was tiffany's room. I remember we fell asleep watching Full House. Its fun watching stuff with Hyung in it he is truely

inspirational. As I started to strectch out I noticed something on my lap it was Tiffany's head. I looked down at her and noticed how peaceful she looked. She must have been having a good dream because

she was smiling really big. She was whispering a name all I heard was G and then it would fade away. As she continued dreaming she was making a kissey face then she just woke up. She huffed then 

looked at me and as soon as she saw me she jumped.


Are you okay? I asked

Yeah , you just really scared me. She said

Oh your seemed interesting! I said

MOEW? Oh it was good I guess, Lets got find everyone else.


As we walked out no one was there.


Where did everyone go? She asked

I don't know .... oh wait look theirs a note on the fridge! I pointed out.


The note read: " Well since we ate all the snacks we went shopping for more so be back later, be safe -Seungho


Oh great they left us here, why didn't they wake us?? I asked

I have no Idea , but since we have the house to ourselves lets call someone over! She said

Who do you have in mind I asked another question.

Sandara Park, please I miss her, I havent seen her in one and a half years! She whined

Okay I'll call her she should be off this week, I miss her anyways! I said happily


I called her and she answered, I asked her if she can come over and she said yes very happily.


What did she say? Fany asked

She said she will be over in a few minutes and that luckily she was in the neighborhood already, and also she is bringing gifts! I answered happily

Oh yay, she didnt need to but thats why I love Sandara! Tiffany cheered happily


After a few minutes we heared a knock on the door, we both dashed to the door, she was strong for such a small girl. As we both fought to open the door it was already being unlocked. I forgot she had a

key. We were in the middle of the entrance floor flipping each other when the door finally unlocked and I was on top of her pinning her arms down. We both paused and looked up to see Dara looked at us

with big eyes then a small smirk on her face.


What are you two doing? Dara asked in a confused tone.

Well I wanted to get the door but Cheondung wouldn't let me so we fought for a little, but I shouldv'e won because I am the best! Tiffany commented

No, I won because I am the best no one else, right Dara? I asked

Wrong, girl power all the way, sorry bro! Dara said.


Dara got out all the gifts and showed us ours I got a hello kitty doll mini one and Fany got a bowtie necklace.


We thanked her and decided to play some karaoke. We all did songs from each others group but we couldn't do our own. It is really hard to sing songs by them if your a guy. I won though suprisingly,

anyways as I started puttnig stuff away I heard whispering so I tried listening in but couldn't hear anything. As I turned around I was blindfolded and carried away. After a little while the blindfold was taken



Man you are kind of light jeez this was way to easy! Dara laughed

What are you guys planning to do? I asked

Well since you gave poor old Fany a hard time we are going to tape you to the wall and draw on you! They both said in an evil manner

NOOOO, dont do it please have Mercy! I cried out

We are good, get ready little dongsaeng! They laughed


After what felt like hours but only being 30 minutes they finished taping me down and drawing on me. I saw their creation and instanly knew I ruined the image I had but thankfully their were no cameras

because then I would really be dead. As I stayed up their I tried getting lose but it was no use they had done very good.

I was up there for a little while until Dara, Fany and I heard a key and knew that they were back. The girls hid but before they did they taped my mouth and ran off into the room and also turned the lights



We are BACK!! Mir shouted.


As they rounded the corner they the lights and saw me and they all had huge eyes and covered mouth with scared and worried expressions, They all ran over to me.


Take the tape of his mouth. They took the tape off.

What happened? Sooyoung asked.

I was tapped to the wall by crazy people! I screamed


As I was explaining I saw Dara and Fany run to the light switch and turn it off. Screams were everywhere, everyone was running around. I was pulled up and held with Dara and Fany with my arms held 

back. Seungho yelled that he found the lights and instantly turned  them on. As they all looked my way again they saw Dara and fany.


You guys are evil, Tiffany I would have never expected any of this. G.O added

Well you don't know a lot about me G.O, so don't think just assume! Fany said.

Okay, we get it know can you let me go and take all this tape off? I asked

Oh yeah I almost forgot! Dara said


They took off all the tape and laughed then apologized.





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Chapter 14: aigo Cheondung is Fany's hero...
Chapter 14: aigo Cheondung is Fany's hero...
Chapter 12: Sweet, the mir & Fany moments were cute too! ^^
Chapter 12: what was fany hiding from cheondung?
Chapter 11: update more...!
Chapter 10: uh-ohh....
Chapter 8: Uh oh~ Big trouble~
Chapter 8: ah.o...trouble...!
G.O your dead..!
Chapter 6: omo..! what happen?
Chapter 3: dara..!
park siblings..!