The Party


Finally it's the day of the party. I put on my outfit and my shoes, my attire was great I loved it so much I just hope that others like it. My hairstyle was curly, I had a necklace that had a bow on it and then earrings to match. I was done finally and I didn't put much make up on but I did have makeup on but again not a lot.

I finally went into the room with the girls. They all gasped and smiled, they ran over to me, I heard lots of "Oh so beautiful!" or "So gorgeous, stop it!" or "American swag going on!" I laughed at the last one, Jessica said it and everyone else laughed with me. I went over to the door the chair being an interruption to the nice moment. I made it out finally and rolled into the door so I could knock on MBLAQ's door. I asked the doctor before I got dressed and she said that I could stand but still use the wheelchair and just go light on that one side of your body. I smiled because that means I could dance and actually do things.

I knocked on the door and it immedietly opened Mir was the one who opened it. He smiled and brought me inside and all the other guys came in. I got many compliments, Seungho said "Oh so pretty, Mir is a lucky guy for this party!" GO said "Two pretty girls today wow!" Joon whispered in my ear "Wow, you look beautiful, be careful I might just ask you for a date!" I blushed after that comment. The other guys asking him what he said and he just stayed quiet. Everyone said something except for Thunder, he just stood there and looked me up and down, I felt kind of embarassed and shy so I looked down. Seungho finally told Thunder to stop staring, I peeked up and he did clearing his throat, scratching his neck, then apologizing while looking down. Mir came up to me and said that we had to leave now, I thanked all the other guys for the compliments and waved bye then Mir, GO, Saerom, and I left.

The ride there was full of games we all played something since we were taken there by limo. A game came up where we all had to tell a band members secret or a friends secret, and if you didn't then you would have to get a hit on the forhead by the person chosen by the person to your left and great the person on my left was Byunghee. I  was first the secret category was crushes,of course. So I sat and thought, well the only crushes in our group is mine and Yuri's. I loved Yuri to much to give away that information she made me swear on my life not to tell and that one day she'd probably tell him herself. I looked at them and said that I'm not telling so I moved my bangs away and closed my eyes. I was so scared because since Thunder and I are really close he would always tell me to watch his shows and such so I saw Sesame Player and he hits really hard so yes I'm scared.

I waited for a little and he touched my forehead and I flinched he got ready and finally hit me head, I was assuming he would go easy on me but I was completely wrong he used the force he would use on any guy he knew well. I instantly got dizzy and held my head and fell back my eyes still closed. I groaned and laid against Mir. Mir rubbed my head and Saerom hit Byunghee and told him that it was cruel to hit me that hard. I didn't cry cause it wasn't nesscary but I did kick Byunghee as revenge. I got really irritated at that moment and said I didn't want to play anymore so I turned toward the window. Byunghee apologized and I accepted coldly. I wasn't overreacting, you know those times where you just get irritated randomly that is what happened, hopefully you understand my situation at this time.

Anyways we finally made it to the party, the sky was still bright and the weather was great, breezy and warm. The decorations were so pretty, spring colors lit up the area, flowers hung from the ceiling. I gasped and smiled at the beauty of the place. We walked toward what I assumed was his sister and her husband. It was really peaceful surrondings, little kids ran around but were really cute so it didn't matter. I walked arm and arm with Mir towards his sister. She was beautiful, why did MBLAQ have to have such beautiful siblings? We finally reached her and she hugged Mir, I smiled when she kissed his cheek and he playfully pulled away with a look of playful disgust, they were so cute.

(HS- Means his sister)

HS: So who is this beautiful girl?

Mir: She is my friend she is from SNSD, Tiffany.

HS: Anyong haseyo, I love your song I got a boy, really catchy! Mir how did you manage to get her?

Mir: What's that supposed to mean?

HS: I was just kidding, how old are you Tiffany?

Tiffany: I'm 23 and thank you and you are very pretty so is your other sister, beautiful people in your family!

HS: Kamsamnida, have you met my Umma yet?

Tiffany: No, Mir hasn't introduced me yet.

HS: Mir mom should have been the first person she should've met!

Mir: Well I couldn't find her so I came to you.

HS: Well she is in the house, so go now, remember mom loves SNSD so go!

Mir: Okay see ya later!

Tiffany: Nice meeting you!


We entered her house, and again I was amazed by her house! I again walked arm in arm with Mir, we talked casually about music and such until we got there. We got to the room she was in and it was for the adults as in like lots of drinks and a little more private. I stood and when she approached us I bowed polietly then went back to Mir. She just stared at me and said nothing I was scared did I do something, was something on me I looked down at my dress and made sure everything was okay. Mir looked at me and whispered in my ear he said "She really loves SNSD so it's nothing personal she just can't speak."

I breathed a sigh of relief and Mir finally shook her lightly and she got out of her daze and shook my hand vigoriously. I smiled and she went in for a hug and squeezed me really tight. I started to feel a little pain and lucky Mir noticed since I didn't want to rude or anything Mir told her to stop and she did and apologized.

(HM means his mom)

HM: I'm so sorry!

Tiffany: No problem you didn't do anything wrong.

HM: It's a pleasure to meet you can I have you autograph?

Tiffany: Sure!

Mir: So Umma hows it been down at home?

HM: Great but when are you going to visit again?

Mir: I dont know, it's been really bust plus the comeback but I will be back sooner than you think!

HM: Well when you do come back make sure to bring you girlfriend!

Mir: She's n.......

HM: I love her already so pretty and perfect for you I can already see!

Mir: But umma she's no.........

HM: How did you two end up together?

MIr: Umma she's not my girlfriend!

HM: Oh sorry, well not to be rude but why did you bring her then?

Mir: Well she was there and my actual SNSD crush I didn't want to ask.

Tiffany: I'm insulted so you just randomly said her nothing important so I'll just ask!

Mir: No your pretty but I like Jessica better.

Tiffany: I was just kidding dont worry!

HM: You two would be cute though just saying but you two go back to the party and dance a little, this place is magical so who knows what will happen.

Mir: Umma...... that's weird!

HM: Love you, now go dance!

Tiffany: Bye nice meeting you!


His mom is really sweet and just like Mir again his family is really pretty. We were walking across the dance floor when MBLAQ's song came on G.O.O.D Luv. I smiled because this was my favorite song well one of them. I lightly pushed Mir and he looked down trying to hide his smile. I made him a deal, I knew the dance and said that if he did it I'd do it with him. He agreed and we went to the floor. He started and we danced in sync. I giggled and he chuckled during it. After that song was done I looked up and saw Mir's mom with the dj and she winked at me I didn't know what that meant but when Oh started playing I knew exactly what it was for. I danced to it so did Mir I laughed at him and he stopped and we went over to the drinks and food. I was way thirsty so I picked up an already filled cup and drank from it I chugged it conidering I was really thirsty from dancing. Mir walked away and I put the cup down and after awhile finally tasted the drink it was achololic. Luckily it was just one, I was getting a little annoyed from these shoes so I took them off and walked to a bench which ws inside, no one was in here so it was quiet and slightly lit. I walked to the second floor and found someone on the bed, they were just looking up at the ceiling. I dropped one of my shoes by accident and the man looked at me, he stared at me and it made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I awkwardly laughed and started to apologize and back up. I didn't even notice how far in I walked until I was backing up the journey seemed so far. He got up and started following me I sped up and was on the verge of running this guy had to have been drunk because he wouldn't let up. I was scared but didn't have the voice to scream I couldn't I don't know why. I came to a dead end and he cornered me. I stared at him with fright in my eyes he was really frightnening as he got closer and closer I could feel his breath on my face, yup I was right drunk and crazy.


Stranger: Hey, what's your name baby?

Tiffany: Can you move please? I asked scared

Stranger: No, I can't let such a beauty go away like that.

Tiffany: I don't know you I'll scream if you don't move!

Stranger: We'll don't waste your breath honey.


I was about to scream when he covered my mouth, he then moved his hand and kissed me hard. I couldn't breath and he was holding me to the wall. I was kicking and banging on the wall. I was beyonf scared, what if he went further, what if he kills me? He stopped and I tried to move but his grip was to strong so I couldn't move at all. He kissed me again and I hit my head kind of hard on the wall giving me a major headache. He started felling my leg and I screamed during the kiss hitting the wall harder feeling my fist start to hurt and blood to appear. That's what I get for wandering, at this rate what's the point of fighting no one can hear me. I banged on the wall the hardest I could and screamed when he took another breath, he got frustrated and banged my head into the wall hard, I got dizzy again and slowly started losing consciousness. I fought against myself trying not to close my eyes because what if this time I didn't wake up or what if he did worse while I'm unconscious. As my eyes slowly started closing I heard someone yell and I was dropped and left there my eyes closing when the two mysterious guys started yelling at each other. I out......darkness

Uh Oh, I don't know where this came from but my mind is a weird place while writing sorry..........


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