
i love an idiot



yunho: you want to be dead??


yunho:dont you have any manners? your speaking to you boss!! you fool!!

jaejoong:iam sorry sir!!


yoochun pov

my name is yoochun , a naive stupid fool  that is my identity given by my husband

he curses me every day that i should have died before marrying him

because i was the reason why my husband lost his love

if only i didnt make an agreement with his father none of this would have happened

my mom is very careless he lost all his money in gambling 

and my dad died when i was just 10

so i had to support my mom amd my brother

i was just in school when ou chens father came to me with a contract

that if i marry his son he would  pay for the gambling debts and my family's expenses

i was relived!! at last some one can help me

i immediately agreed to marry ouchen

because of me ouchen had to break up with his girl friend

the main reason for his physical abuse on me

but iam fine with it because i have a son ren and the other kid on the way

and now i understand why iam a naive fool


yunho:so your married??
yunho:so your single??
yunho:so you are rite??
jaejoong:what kind of question is that??
yunho:if you want a job here you have to tell me
jaejoong:yes ! iam a
yunho pov
but you will not be a for too long jaejoong 
jaejoong pov
why is he asking me these type of questions is he a ert?
jaejoong:is the interview over sir?
yunho:not yet! do you know how to cook??
jaejoong:what does that have to do with my interview
yunho:well i cannot marry a person who doesn't know how to cook
jaejoong:excuse me sir!! what are you saying???
yunho:ok last question what is your  waist size??
yunho:just asking dont be so serious and do you sleep with your clothes on or off??
jaejoong:sir!i dont want your job now let me go
yunho:do you know that Korean economy is in a bad shape and the job offers are very low!!
jaejoong:iam sorry!!
yunho:ok! now go and get me a coffee in 2 mins  with your sweet kisses on my cheek
if not say bye to your job
jaejoong:yes sir
younghawa:junsu!! where are you??
junsu:hung iam here!!
younghawa:iam back
junsu:so how was your day hung??
younghawa:good!! i had two surgerys to perdorm and 10 patients to look after
younghawa:and what did you do?
junsu:cooking eating and sleeping! the perfect trio
younghawa:please look at your figure your turning to be a big fat hippo
junsu:shut up
younghawa:why? dont you like my cute comments
junsu:you know what is cute
junsu:do a  strip dance for me!!
junsu:other wise  you are going to sleep on the floor forever!!
younghawa:ok!! let wait a sec
yunho pov
i just entered junsu house and i had to see a horrible sight 
yunho:oh!! !! junsu whats going on??
junsu:iam sorry hung!! you had to see this
yunho:why is he ??
junsu:he is my stripper for the day
younghawa:sorry yunho
junsu:its ok! now were your clothes
yunho:how did you do it junsu?? 
junsu:why do you want to know??
yunho:because i want jae in the same way as younghawa
junsu:really?? you are really a big ert you fool
yunho:jae without clothes
junsu:your insane!!
onew:get out!!
onew:my grup members may see you changmin
changmin:so what !! i want you
onew:you isiot if anyone finds out we are doomed changmin
changmin:but please just this one night !!
onew:no way!!
changmin:please onew baby!!
onew:no way
changmin:i will be gentle
onew:no !! you were never gentle iam still feeling the pain in my changmin
  i was unable to walk straight for 2 weeks
changmin:because you were so tempting onew
onew:shut up!! 10 rounds is not tempting you fool
onew:ok!! why cannot i resist his puppy dog eyes??iam a fool!!
authors pov
sorry for a very late update !!
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Chapter 5: What kind of interview questions are that Yunho? Don't scare Jae away. And that ou chen.. He is such a bastard. I understand he lost his girlfriend. But at least he can treat Yoochun a bit nice.And don't call him trash, you a**hole. I will kill you.. Please update soon <3
Chapter 5: Hahhahaa.. It's funny.. Update faster dear author nim..
Chapter 5: ROFL XD gosh YunHo thats some interview hahaha omo wonder what'll happen next curious much hehehhe though poor Yoochun :(
kim-jaena #4
Chapter 1: Please update
jiyool #5
Chapter 1: gahhhhhhhhh... died"
Chapter 1: haha yunho was too happy huh????
maedeh #7
Chapter 1: hi
jae and youni are cute and well dear sui it wasnt a really good way for getting a person U love!!!! thanks for chapter
i want more intearactions between Junsu and Yonghwa.....
if that possible^^
Chapter 1: OHMYGEE wonder what'll happen next and yun is so cute hahahha please update soon and thank you so much for this ^-^
interesting! I wanna read more of this!