Chapter 9: Dance 101

☽ Luna


 The girls had their first accesment and it was somehow boring if you ask me, where was the cat fight? Whatever I'm just rewatching Mean Girls so please ignore my babbling. Performance 101 was their first stop so let's now go on their next session.


At the Garden


"Hello my beatiful pupils" A woman in her early twenties said while popping out of a bush "My name is Ms. May and I will be your dance trainer" she continued

"Umm, Ms. May why are we in the garden?" SooJung asked

"Well, my dear to dance we shall first be intouch with nature"

"Huh?" Maria asked but was smacked by SooJung "Be nice" SooJung whispered to her

"Nature, my dears look how lovely the trees sway, the animal noises, the flowers laugh and the grass blooms" May said

"Huh?" Maria asked again but was shocked not to recieve a smack on the head, so she looked at SooJung "Don't look at me, I don't now what she's taking about as well" SooJung replied.

"Now let's dance, Dominique dear follow me, the rest of you stay put" May said then dragged Minnie with her.


A few minutes later


"Noel dear" May said motioning Noel to follow

"Ate Minnie, what did you do?" Maria asked

"Danced" Minnie replied effortlessly




A few moments later



"Little Sooyoung" May said

"Ate Noel!!!!" Maria screamed

"Don't ask sweetie" Noel replied

"Ok" Maria said then pouted


The next minutes later


"Nana" May said

"Ate SooJungiieeee!" Maria exclaimed

"You'll now later maknae" SooJung replied

"Fine" Maria pouted again




"Maria, you're turn" May said

Maria followed her and May led her behind a gate and there was a little building, May opened the door and revealed a modern dance studio



"Wow" Maria whispered

"I now, why build a studio in the middle of the marvelous work of nature" May said "Now you shall dance whatever you like my dear, what music?" she continued "START!"


A dance later


"Ballet never taught a youngster like you could dance such gracefully, teenagers will usually go for cramping or crazy hip hop" May said "What is your center, Maria" she asked


"Yes, Maria you're core, there are three things we have strength, weakness and our core" May said "What are yours?" She asked again

"Dance, rap, dance?" Maria said unsurely

"No, no, no Maria; not skill in idol life my dear, who are you? that's what I'm talking about"

Maria just shrugged

"Maria, young as you are you should know" May sighed "Go call your unnies"

Maria went of to call her unnies

"Now girls please look the screen"


(their all wearing their clothes from the previous chapter kk)

Dominique Ruther

-hip hop


De Santis Noel

- contemporary and free-style


Choi SooJung

- you can be an all around dancer but you are more of ballet


Jung Nana

- hip hop but I can see you do more


Maria Korona

- you did ballet but you can do more plus you're still young



"Why are their comments like a girl my age?" Maria asked

"Munchkin, you're more mature for your age, normal thirteen year olds watch Disney and play with dolls" Nana said

"That's seven year olds, Ate Nana" Maria replied

"Now positions; Dominique, Nana and SooJung - Lead Dancer while Noel and Maria - Main Dancer" May announced

"Huh?" Maria asked and was smacked by Minnie, Nana and SooJung while Noel was frozen again

"Ate Noel, snap out of it" Maria said while slapping Noel's arm

"What?" Noel asked

"You were frozen again" Maria replied

"Why are me and Ate Noel main dancers? I get why Ate Noel is a main she's good but the others are good too and why are there so many leads?" Maria asked hastily

"Breathe, munchkin" Nana said "I don't mind being a lead" she continued

"Same here" Minnie

"I third the motion!" SooJung screamed

"It's settled then" May said "Meeting dismissed" she continued and left the building and hid under a bush again "Oh and schedule is like the one with Ms. June but ten to twelve noon and tomorrow we meet at seven am sharp" May said popping back up but disappeared again.

"She's weird" Maria said

"Though rude, I agree" Noel said

"Ate Noel, you're so cute!" Maria screamed but Noel just ignored her

"Why are guys ignoring me!!!!" Maria screamed again but the others just chuckled

AN: Update!!!!!! So yea there first dance session.....and are the dances appropriate I don't really know but yea THANK YOU :)))))

PS. Am I going too slow?

PPS. Please Comment :)

PPPS. Hi :)

PPPPS. photo and video credits to their rightful owners :)

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Chapter 56: I hope that you can come to this story it was really entertaining and about to really start showing who the girls are.
greentealover1315 #2
Chapter 55: Can't wait for all the drama to happen ;)
Chapter 54: It's great that they all got to bond together. Poor Ria has a tough life. Wow Zelo knows what she likes. :) swweeet chapter
Wow Ria wrote he own song? Too bad it sounds like Girls' Day. :/ I can't wait for the next update. ^-^
Chapter 54: Its nice that the girls were able to connect more even if they did corner Tia but it was still sweet.

Oh!!!!! Is this a scandal I smell.
greentealover1315 #5
Chapter 52: ...Ria... :(
Chapter 51: Lol the hosts are always funny. Loved this chapter. ^-^
Chapter 51: Awesome chapter. Now I see why you puny them on weekly idol. This was too funny^^

Continue the greatness.
sasha260100 #8
Chapter 50: This is awesome ..!! Update soon author-nim!! ♥! ^^
Chapter 50: lol I love Weekly Idol, the two hosts are funny. I can't wait to see what happens. Good luck on your college entrance exams. Study well!!! ^-^
greentealover1315 #10
Chapter 50: ASDFGHJKL!!!! B.A.P :D <3