Chapter 6: Contract

☽ Luna


   Two days have past and now the girls are have stopped by SM already all giving him good news except for one, Dominique. Now this young friend of ours is standing outside SM entertainment hesitating to come in, thoughts of pros and cons going through her mind.

Our friend has finally decided to enter the building and is now heading to SM office.


At the elevator


"Okay Dominique P. Ruther, why don't you want to be in SM? simply because I don't want to be a mindless doll who has a slave contract.  Why do I want to be in SM? I never wanted to be in SM but my folks still think I'm training and going to debut soon and if TS leaked every single rumor about me there's no way a company can accept me" she said to herself.


The elevator doors opened and SM's double doors can be seen.


"Its now or never" Dominique mumbled


   She opened the doors and to her suprised everyone was there the four girls she has just met, the odd ajusshi with his wife and of course SM himself,


"Ah Miss Ruther the young lady we've all been waiting for" SM said


"Wait, I missed the only time my unnie gets a day off in a whole month for this, no offense unnie but you get the point" SooJung said


"As much as that was rude, she's right no offense" Nana said


"Yeah, why did you poil there fun for?" Dominique asked sitting down


"Well your answer of course" SM said


Dominique tossed the contract at SM's face making everyone shocked but to their surprised SM was smiling.


"Welcome on board, Miss Ruther" he said "Now you think you're here just for that answer no sir, now if you have read your contract which I highly doubt since everyone says this is a slave contract well I have major changes in yours ho ho ho ho ho" he continued


"Not to be rude since the two ajummas will probably hit me when I say this without warning but your kinda a scray nutjob right now" Maria said then covered her head afterwards which was good thing since Nana and Dominique did hit her.


"Now now ladies freedom of speech is available anywhere" SM said


"Changes sir, what changes?" Hee Won said


"Hee Won don't be impatient I'm getting there now" then paused "Lend me your ears I shall speak to you about change, first plastic surgery is a major no no CAPITAL N.O" he continued shocking everyone "I want everyone to see your fresh faces and besides by the looks of it you don't quite need it"


"Excuse me?" Dominique said


"Best not to off his mood now Miss Ruther, he's on fire" Gin said


"Moving on, dating issues I have tons of those from my other groups and it serious annoys me now so as long as you have three I repeat THREE TRIPLE CROWNS ho ho ho ho ho ho you can date ho ho ho ho ho ho. Profit will be divided equally but of course solo activities are different and there are difference in terms of when and where you are going of course we need to know what is happening in your lives, freedom is available here but there is a limit" SM said but his voice got serious as he said the last sentence

The room fell silent for a while but the silence was broken by SM's laughter.


"Ho ho ho ho that of course are the rules once you have debuted, the training however is another story, you shall train here for one year all of you, you shall go through 6 days of  training a week, 10 hours per day and all of you shall start and finish a a group practice day together arasso" SM said then sat down to continue his work, no communications with friends for two months but I will permit commnication with family, living quarters are already prepared it may not be much but it will improve as you debut, strict diets are essential and it will be handled by Mrs. Choi there and lastly your manager shall be Mr. Choi, if there are questions just ask him that is all meeting dismissed but your training start tomorrow oh and remember this day girls January 13, 2012 next year this same date the world shall know you five ho ho ho ho"


"This way girls" Hee Won said


At the elevator


"Ajusshi why are we at the idols floor?" Nana asked


"Well, you are the trainee group with the exact date of debut and besides SM permitted it" Hee Won said, he was about to continue but he saw dissatisfaction in the girls eyes "Girls, you won't regret signing our contract, we have made mistakes in the past but you can be a way for us to do something right" he continued but still see that his words have no effect. "Come on I'll show you to your dorm"

AN: DOUBLE UPDATE FUN!!!!! WOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! To explain this miracle its because I'm bored to tears at home, my vacation ....... but anyways..I UPDATED :)

PS. I typed this via phone so I'm so sorry for typos and stuff

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Chapter 56: I hope that you can come to this story it was really entertaining and about to really start showing who the girls are.
greentealover1315 #2
Chapter 55: Can't wait for all the drama to happen ;)
Chapter 54: It's great that they all got to bond together. Poor Ria has a tough life. Wow Zelo knows what she likes. :) swweeet chapter
Wow Ria wrote he own song? Too bad it sounds like Girls' Day. :/ I can't wait for the next update. ^-^
Chapter 54: Its nice that the girls were able to connect more even if they did corner Tia but it was still sweet.

Oh!!!!! Is this a scandal I smell.
greentealover1315 #5
Chapter 52: ...Ria... :(
Chapter 51: Lol the hosts are always funny. Loved this chapter. ^-^
Chapter 51: Awesome chapter. Now I see why you puny them on weekly idol. This was too funny^^

Continue the greatness.
sasha260100 #8
Chapter 50: This is awesome ..!! Update soon author-nim!! ♥! ^^
Chapter 50: lol I love Weekly Idol, the two hosts are funny. I can't wait to see what happens. Good luck on your college entrance exams. Study well!!! ^-^
greentealover1315 #10
Chapter 50: ASDFGHJKL!!!! B.A.P :D <3