Chapter 3: Touring SM Entertainment

☽ Luna

   In the past chapter we have come to know two people that has just entered the lives of our five friends, the first is SM himself, let's not be too rash in making judgements with him maybe he's just thinking of ways on uniting the girls or not but let's skip our CEO for now and head to the second person they have met, Choi Hee Won, he is the odd ajusshi the girls have met seperately and he is the reason why the girls are here now. This ajusshi is currently taking the girls on a tour of the company, let's see how it goes.

"Now then girls, I am Choi Hee Won, you can call me whatever you like since we had met in odd places and let's never discuss them again but I am here before you not as the weird, erted ajusshi you have in your young minds I am.." Hee Won paused to put on a cap "YOUR PERSONAL TOUR GUIDE" he contiued but our young friends could careless as for the ajusshi he is dazzling with excitement. The six entered the elevator and ajusshi dazzle is blinding.

   The elevator stopped and the six have entered the main lobby. "Welcome my friends, you are now situated in SM entertainment, to get you started and not get lost in the fabulous halls of the building, I am Choi Hee Won your beloved tour guide, you will see what amazing, spectacular and filling acivities and facilities" Hee Won said with entusiasm.

"Not to be impolite ajusshi but I think you are just exagerating" Noel said earning nods of agreement from the other four girls

"Ho ho ho ho ho ho, don't be like that girls we each have to be enthusiastic about this Noe and Nana have been training here for a year now and look at them" Hee Won said with a huge grin but the girls can only look at the duo but Nana doesn't seem to care and Noel seems to be ignoring their stares.

"Now let's go!" Hee Won screamed

"This is the receiption with friendly and happy receiptionist. Now if you look to the right there is the venue hall we can have parties or even conferences with other companies, to the left is the mail room, the security office and canteen and then the main lobby. Questions?"


   The girls could only look shocked at him, each thinking how can an old man be so excited over this. Hee Won grinned again and motioned them to go to the elevator and he continued his tour inside.

"We can't finish early if we go through everything and besides once you join us you'll won't get lost anyways. The second floor to the fifth floor is more of offices like for the producers, accoutants and even designers. The sixth and seventh floor is where the trainees train, dance studios as well as recording studios, the top floor is SM's office as well as the other executives, the ones you will really want to go is floors below that. One floor for the dance studios with separate bathrooms, another floor for recording studios, a nice lounge and the costume closets, and lastly the food area, all accessed by idols and their staffs" he said proudly

"First stop dance studios, ladies first"

[please ignore Shinee in the photo, as impossible as that seems let's concentrate on the studio :)]


"Wow" the girls said

"That was my first reaction too" Hee Won said almost in tears "Shinee's here want to watch them practice?"

"How do you know their here?" SooJung said

"Good question Miss Choi, please divert your attention to your left, this is the scheduler 3000 here each person who practices shall sign in"

"So its piece of paper with the name, time and date with a pen at the side" Nana said

"Exactly but can we at least put more class into it...anyways let's go watch Shinee"

The girls watched Shinee through a secret room where Hee Won said they can see the boys but they can't see them.



"Ajusshi, isn't this spying" Maria said

"Not at all, each studio has a room like this one this is where SM or others acess or watch the idols practices, thhis is here to make sure everything is a.o.k"

"That why there are CCTVs" Nana said

"This is manual CCTV, Miss Jung. Ok, time for the recording studios"

Hee Won led the girls to the upper floor where the recording studios are found.

"Look another scheduler 3000!" Maria exclaimed earning chuckles from the other girls

"And according to this Luna is recording something,let's go"

Hee Won led the girls to another secret room same as the one from the lower floor.

"Let me guess, there's one like this in every studio" Dominique said

"Right you are Miss Ruther, now shush she's starting"



[please imagine that she is in a studio singing that song, sorry I can't find anything :(]


"She was wonderful don't you agree now let's go up,up,up!"

   The girls shocked with the ajusshi's fanboying were pushed towards the elevators that were headed to the next floor where the lounge, closets and food area was located.

"Now here is the lounge, we can't stay here long because you're not idols of the company yet and all the closets are going through inventory check so let's head on to the food area-" before Hee Won could finish Soojung cut him off "YAH! AJUSSHI YOU STILL OWE ME MY DOUBLE CHEESEBRUGER!"

"Ms. Jung and Ms. De Santis you are under a diet don't you dare enter that area and what are you doing here you know you're supposed to stay at trainee floors" a stern looking woman dressed in fancy clothes said from behind the girls

"Gin, don't scold the poor girls I'm taking them on a tour so don't worry as for her diet let it slide for a while ok" Hee Won said trying to defend the two.

"Fine, as for the rest of you my name is Choi Gin and that idiot with you is my husband, I'm one of the creative heads here, I'm looking forward to working with you as long as you won't be like her" she said then pointed to Nana who was still not caring, then walked away to finish her jobs.

"Don't mind her girls she's just crancky because of everyone is preparing for a comeback, shall we go my treat"

   The six entered the food area which seems more of a fancy resturant that serves normal food if you ask me but anyway let's go to their table now table 33 to be exact.

"Ok; burger for SooJung, Chinese noodles for Dominique, Vanilla ice cream with chocolate on top for Maria, strawberry cake for Nana and whatever spicy food they have for Noel" Hee Won said outloud their orders once again and continued "I'll go order this you guys just make friends alright"


AN: HI EVERYBODY! I'm alive and well and i'm so sorry for not updating for so long I've been busy editing my other fanfic and also my new laptop is driving me crazy on the upside im typing faster...dont understand that logic either:) so ye...this has probably been the longest chapter that i have ever written so i hope you enjoyed :) comment, upvote, subscribe or whatever your comfortable with :) THANK YOU oh and were in need of a poster but i have already requested but im not sure if its going to be made so ye but patience is a virtue so ye....:) and we have lost another person as off today.

:((( y?

PS. if you get new updates and its luna it may be because of my editing...I finally know how to change the fonts :)

PPS. photo and video credits to their rightful owners

PPPS. i have never been to SM so whatever is there is just pure imagination..okiee :)

PPPPS. can anyone give me a nice font style?

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Chapter 56: I hope that you can come to this story it was really entertaining and about to really start showing who the girls are.
greentealover1315 #2
Chapter 55: Can't wait for all the drama to happen ;)
Chapter 54: It's great that they all got to bond together. Poor Ria has a tough life. Wow Zelo knows what she likes. :) swweeet chapter
Wow Ria wrote he own song? Too bad it sounds like Girls' Day. :/ I can't wait for the next update. ^-^
Chapter 54: Its nice that the girls were able to connect more even if they did corner Tia but it was still sweet.

Oh!!!!! Is this a scandal I smell.
greentealover1315 #5
Chapter 52: ...Ria... :(
Chapter 51: Lol the hosts are always funny. Loved this chapter. ^-^
Chapter 51: Awesome chapter. Now I see why you puny them on weekly idol. This was too funny^^

Continue the greatness.
sasha260100 #8
Chapter 50: This is awesome ..!! Update soon author-nim!! ♥! ^^
Chapter 50: lol I love Weekly Idol, the two hosts are funny. I can't wait to see what happens. Good luck on your college entrance exams. Study well!!! ^-^
greentealover1315 #10
Chapter 50: ASDFGHJKL!!!! B.A.P :D <3