Chapter 8: Performance 101

☽ Luna


  Good day readers, this day is like the day we have first met our five friends the sun is out, butterflies and flowers around but there is a black cloud over a certain building, a storm with lighting and thunder is making the place even more scary and intimidating. Ok.. I'm exaggerating with the clouds and the storm thing but for our five friends it will be scary and intimidating why you ask well its beacuse today is their first day of training. Let's see how everything goes.

At the dance studio

"Welcome to Performing 101 ladies, time check seven 'o clock am, I am Ms. June, I'll run down our little system for you on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays you will see me from seven to ten 'o clock am while your schedules for Tuesdays and Thursdays will be said the day before but since today is your first day we have until eight 'o clock am" June said then looked at the girls "You may be in a dance studio but no dancing shall take place here, now Ms. De Santis what do we do in Performing 101?" she asked

"Here we are taught of how we are to present ourselves to the public from fashion styles to the way we speak, Ms. June" Noel said politely

"Very good, Ms. De Santis if only your politeness is like your confidence and charisma you should now that you keep getting a five out of ten from me" June said "Now, LINE UP!" she screamed shocking the girls to a chaotic mess "BY AGE" she screamed again

   The girls have finally lined up after a minute or so, June sighed at the girls "We a have a long year ahead of us" she mumbled.

"Give your name, age and former company to me as I point to you" she said and stepped in front of Dominique but no answer "Well, I'm waiting"

"Dominique Ruther, 21, TS Entertainment International and I don't like you" Minnie said

"I don't care and I ony asked for three things" June replied while writing something down on her clipboard then stepped infront of Noel

"De Santis Noel, 21 and DSP Entertainment"

"Polite as ever, Ms. De Santis, ligthen up a little. I aske you this every time why do you want to be an idol if your just going to be a background person" June said then stepped in front of SooJung

"Choi SooJung, 18 and YG Entertainment"

"Choi SooJung, you have similarities to your sisters but can you be like her or surpass her" June said then handed a picture to SooJung and moved on to Nana.



"Jung Nana, 17, JYP Entertainment International and why are you discouraging SooJung unnie" 

"Ahh, Ms. Jung straightforward as usual and I'm surprised are you caring for another"

"I'm not heartless you know" Nana replied but was just ignored and moved on to Maria

"Maria Korona, 13 and TS Entertainment International"

"Another one from TS? And a young one at that, My My what to do with a naive little girl" June said then moved to cirlce Maria but was blocked by Minnie

"Like you said she's young no need to bully her" Minnie said with the others behind her

"My My, our little Maria has big sisters now" June said "I'll be back in fifteen, you should sit and access whatever has happened" June continued and then left.

"So you two have worked with her?" SooJung asked Nana and Noel

"No but I've seen her around, real bossy that woman can be at times too but they say her craziness pay off in the end" Nana replied but SooJung also turned to Noel

"Same as her" Noel replied

The girls formed a litte circle like at their dorm yesterday but remained silent until June came back.

"Now here are your accessments about your styles and personality checks for now" June said as she posted them on the a bulletin board "Meeting dismissed you five bore me will meet tomorrow at five 'o clock pm sharp all must present" she continued then left

"She's having a moment" SooJung said and the others nodded in agreement

"But let's go to the board" Minnie said


Dominique Ruther




Personality Check:

- Brave or just have the guts

De Santis Noel


(ignore the shades)

- Simple but a tad bit y maybe

Personality Check:

- Shy and no eye contact [you really need to work on that]

Choi SooJung


- Laid back with warmth at the same time I'm a tad bit confused

Personality Check:

- ordinary preppy school girl but it seems your hiding something

Jung Nana


- Shows off the best part of your body nice choice

Personality Check:

- Stop with the princess attitude but it seems being in a group is good for you

Maria Korona



(please ignore the shades again)

- Great considering your age but you need to show off your youth and I feel anything can go with you but I think rainbows and unicorns can also be added

Personality Check:

-Charismatic but there is a dark shimmer in your eyes


"Is Ms. June a stalker I mean how can she take this pictures?" SooJung said

"And is she really a trainer? she seems like she's my age by her remarks" Maria said

"Let's not go to conclusions munchkins we have a long way to go" Nana said

"Yes, MOM!" Maria replied

"Shut up" Nana said

"I think Noel is frozen" Minnie said

The girls looked at Noel who was standing in shock staring at her accessment paper.

"I think its because the word y is there" SooJung said

"NAH!" Maria said "But how can Ms. June know this stuff" Maria continued

"Who knows" Minnie said "Let's head to our next session"


AN: Hi guys :) The first trainee session i hope you enjoyed :)) 

And yeah suggestions :) ?

And Thank you again

And am I going too slow or something?

And poster help?

And yeah that's it



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Chapter 56: I hope that you can come to this story it was really entertaining and about to really start showing who the girls are.
greentealover1315 #2
Chapter 55: Can't wait for all the drama to happen ;)
Chapter 54: It's great that they all got to bond together. Poor Ria has a tough life. Wow Zelo knows what she likes. :) swweeet chapter
Wow Ria wrote he own song? Too bad it sounds like Girls' Day. :/ I can't wait for the next update. ^-^
Chapter 54: Its nice that the girls were able to connect more even if they did corner Tia but it was still sweet.

Oh!!!!! Is this a scandal I smell.
greentealover1315 #5
Chapter 52: ...Ria... :(
Chapter 51: Lol the hosts are always funny. Loved this chapter. ^-^
Chapter 51: Awesome chapter. Now I see why you puny them on weekly idol. This was too funny^^

Continue the greatness.
sasha260100 #8
Chapter 50: This is awesome ..!! Update soon author-nim!! ♥! ^^
Chapter 50: lol I love Weekly Idol, the two hosts are funny. I can't wait to see what happens. Good luck on your college entrance exams. Study well!!! ^-^
greentealover1315 #10
Chapter 50: ASDFGHJKL!!!! B.A.P :D <3