Just a bit

Once upon a time... there's a DJ and an Idol
"Someone snatched it...?" Kyungsoo couldn't believe it because Kai's a fast runner, he can catch up to anyone. 

"Damn yes!" Kai answered. 

"You didn't go to the police?"

"It's too late and the station is way too far. I couldn't see the man's face clearly."

"Are you sure it's a man?"

"What are you trying to say, hyung?"

"Maybe it was just your rabid fan girls?"

"Now that you mentioned it, I bumped into a girl."


"If I only didn't bumped on her, I can still have my phone..." Kai was so tired so he laid down on his back and placed his white fluffy pillow on his face and yelled a few words about how irritating to see his precious cellphone get snatched. Moving on, their leader, Suho told Kai that they'll be co-DJs to a certain radio. Kai was really mad to experience that, right now he was talking to Lu Han and Xiumin through Skype's video call. 

"Let's just buy a new one, okay?" Lu Han said calmly to Kai. 

"Okay okay." Kai said. 

"By the way, why are you walking outside so late at night?" Xiumin asked. 

"Well, I forgot something at the Practicing Room." 

"Oh―" Xiumun was about to finish but Lu Han talked suddenly. 

"It was so scary! The guy greeted me! We should change numbers!" Lu Han suggested. 

"Don't worry, it has phone lock." Kai said, feeling so sly. 

"That's good!" Xiumin said. 

"Jongin, go to sleep..." Kyungsoo said and hid under the blankets again. 

"So then, goodnight. We're disturbing Kyungsoo-hyung." Kai said.

"It's morning here~" Lu Han and Xiumin said at the same time. 

"Is that so? Bye." Kai waved his hand goodbye. 

He closed his laptop and laid down. Kai didn't closed his eyes yet, he stared at the ceiling and thinking of someone. 'Forget it, Kim Jong In... I won't be able to see her again...' 

You opened up your apartment room door and accidentally slipped from the envelopes scattered at the entrance, creating a loud sound. You fell at the wooden floor. 

"Ouch!" Your hips were hurting too much that you couldn't even stand up. In addition, you got a cramp. 

"Miss! Are you okay?" That time when you slipped and caused a loud sound, the next door at the right opened and a man came to you. He was tall about 185cm in height, he had a brown messy hair and he seemed to be a very cheerful person. 

"To be honest... No... Aww..." you said as you caressed your right hip which fell first. 

"Here..." the man tossed your arm over his shoulder and assisted you to stand up. Bridal style is a big NO NO because it would be awkward for a stranger to bring you up unless you're unconscious. "Is it okay if I go inside and bring you to your living room?" he asked first. 

"Sure..." He almost got you with his charming smile. 

He went inside with you, removing his shoes as sign of his respect. As you both reached the living room, he brought you down at the sofa and took a glance at your foot. 
"Does it still hurt?" he asked. 

"Y-Yes..." 'I wonder if I can go to my bedroom upstairs... I can't ask him for that....!' 

"Is it okay if I get ices?" he asked you again politely. 

"For what...?"

"We'll take away the pain of your cramp?"

He could tell you had given him permission. It made you think that he was too kind for a stranger like you. Maybe he was just too kind― no, romantic for a beautiful girl like you. The man was at the kitchen, getting ice cubes from the freezer and put them inside of the ice bag. 

"I'm sure this method will work." He went in your front and kneeled down. He gently held your foot and put the fabric ice bag on it. 

"Thank you, Uh...?"

"It's Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol."

"Chanyeol...? Thank you, Mr. Chanyeol."

"Just Chanyeol is fine or Yeol. I don't like honorifics. Let's be friendly 'kay?" 


"What's up with those mails? There are lots." 

"It's fan letters." 

"Fan? You're an idol...?" Chanyeol seemed to be surprised. 

"No, I'm a DJ." you simply answered without any hint of arrogance. 

"Oh, I see. Is the pain going away?" 

"A bit. I think I can stand up now."        

"That's good. So... Goodnight?"

"Yes thank you, Mr―... Yeol... Goodnight"

"Haha, it feels good to hear that a girl personally calling me 'Yeol'. Bye!" he said and left. 

'Usually my neighbors would yell at me for being noisy but I'm glad I have a neighbor like him.' 

"Park Chanyeol, mind to tell me where you had gone?!" Baekhyun was pissed because he was talking to Chanyeol then, Chanyeol suddenly ran away. It was because he heard you. 

"I helped someone." Chanyeol said. 


"What do you mean by 'so'? that's awful! and by the way, the girl at the neighbor is really pretty! I swear!"
"So?" Baekhyun repeated.
Baekhyun knew that Chanyeol was just saying you were beautiful as an excuse but for Chanyeol, it was the truth.
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Kpop1423 #1
I really Love your story it's so cute :3 I can't take it... >_<
Can't wait till the next chappie!
Athour-nim fighting! :3
Choiyoona #2
Is this Whaii?