Happiness became a disaster

Once upon a time... there's a DJ and an Idol


"I heard you're getting well with Kai-sshi?" Sungmin stated out of the blue. You were currently working this night with your bestfriends-slash-people-who-can-spit-out-embarrassing-facts-about-you friends. Now they were doing it again. The topic was about their song 'Marry U' and then about the thing that you were getting along well with Kai suddenly popped out like a mushroom. You absolutely don't know what was the connection between 'Marry U' and Kai.  Actually, there was, even just a little bit; for Sungmin and Ryeowook, that is. What made you a bit more anxious was... Kai was here with you three. You didn't know who invited him here, maybe the manager you were thinking these moments. Not that you were complaining about Kai being here with you but talking about personal stuffs WITH KAI was out of question. Who knew what will happen to you if his die-hard fans took those seriously? 

Omo! That awkward moment when you and Kai where you two attempted to steal glances on each other but on the end, you caught those. 

"__-ah, what do you think about our song?" Sungmin asked for your opinion. 

"Marry U...? Let's see... I like the lyrics, it WAS sweet." You gave the two an irritated expression. 

"Was?" Kai said. 

"Yeah. When we were listening to that I was enjoying it! But when the topic turned to me, AGAIN, it started to have a bitter feeling...!" you said, frankly though it was allowed to state your not-so-good opinions since you were known for your frankness. 

"It is just you for being bitter you know~?" Ryeowook said teasingly, "Just look at Kai-sshi, he doesn't give a care or not showing any bitterness~" 

"Oh stop it..." you said while Kai couldn't say anything because he knew if he talk about it, there will be some suspiciousness. 

(Kai's POV) 
I managed to change the current topic, changing to the new KPOP news which was scripted. It shocked Sungmin and Ryeowook-sunbaenim. I felt __ gave me a gentle pat secretly on my shoulder as if telling me I did the right thing. I thought things like that were making her look so stressed and I don't want that. But honestly speaking, I like the way she reacts to the previous topic. The way she gets mad, pout and blush was all attractive. I wonder if Ryeowook-sunbaenim and Sungmin-sunbaenim were attracted by __? 

Even me and my two seniors were really getting close, I gathered up my courage to ask the two seniors about being charmed by __. They were confused at first but their confused expressions faded. 

(Back to your POV)
"Let's see... Her first time working here... __ was really hard-working and polite." Ryeowook said as Sungmin nodded in agreement. "She's easy." Ryeowook added. 

"'Easy'?" Kai didn't know what did that mean. 

"Like... You know, if you tell her to buy a coffee, she'll follow right away without any hesitation and she's happy to do it." Sungmin explained to Kai what was EXACTLY on Ryeowook's mind. 

"Seriously? She..."

You suddenly popped out of nowhere. 

"__!" The three were shocked. 

"Were you listening... The whole time...?" Kai questioned nervously. 

"Not really, I was passing by and happen to hear what I did on the past." you answered, a bit annoyed. 

"So you did bought them coffees?"


"If you only saw __ on her first days, you'll really tell her she's cute." 

"Shut up, old men!"
You snarled as you took your seat again and put the headphones to your head. 

"Ah, Kai-sshi. Let's go back, we only have ten minutes left." Sungmin reminded Kai. 

Judging the two idols' answer earlier from Kai's question, Kai took that as a 'Yes', they were really attracted. 

The broadcasting had ended. You gave the workers goodbye as well as your bestfriends but halfheartedly. You and Kai took the elevator down to the lobby, it was silent though you didn't gave a care about it. You weren’t noticing it that Kai had been wanting to tell you the thing he had on his mind but Kai was afraid to spill it because you were in stress. But…

“Uh… __?” he called, clearly nervous.

“Hmm?” you glanced up to Kai.

“D-Don’t get mad at me after saying this okay?”

“Sure. Go.”


“I promise.”

“Since you’ve taken care of me… when I was sick… Is it okay if… I take you out?” When you were with Chanyeol and Baekhyun, Chanyeol once said that Kai gets awkward when expressing his feelings, now his face says it all.


You and Kai had your conversation while walking on the streets as usual.

“When?” You gave Kai a couraging-smile.

“How about tomorrow after my practice?”




The next day.




Kai asked for a permission to the leader and to the manager through the phone for an early. Kai had been working hard and receiving outstanding evaluations so why not fulfill his desire? Luckily he was allowed. Kai changed to the clothes he brought to the practice room since he had no time returning back to the dorm; it was locked today, manager-oppa might gone off somewhere. Kai had checked the entrance at the front, there were fans. No wonder Kai took the backyard and jumped out of the fences without noticing by anyone. He lowered his cap so no one can recognize him.



‘Holy cheesecake!!!'’you almost drop the piece of cake from your hand because of your goddamned-soul-killing phone. After reading the name of the sender and the message sent, your mood had changed.


From Kai:

How’s the little princess doin’? I’ll be waiting outside of the mall :)


There was no time he won’t give you such sweet words. Kai was romantic indeed. You were done changing into your “date-outfit” which was a pink polka dotted dress with a white belt, not overlapping your knees and a wedged sandals. You just left your hair untied because it suited it way more. Without a second thought, you went outside and replied Kai back.


To: Kai

On my way ^_^



You don’t know yourself why bit by bit, you were liking Kai. Like when you’re in the middle of foul mood and then Kai talk to you, it instantly go away and brighten up your mood with his charming smile but you haven’t tried asking yourself if you were falling for him.


At the mall he said but you couldn’t tell where was Kai, what clothes he was wearing. You looked sideways and finally found the man you were looking for. If he was just disguising then he got you. Kai was leaning against the wall while looking at his phone. You approached to him and tapped his shoulder.

“… Oh hey.” Kai looked at you from head to toe, incredibly stunned. “You look… beautiful.” He stated. ‘Hot damn…’ Kai thought.

“Stop staring…” you blushed uncontrollably.

“Aish, sorry. Let’s go?” he proposed as he grabbed your arm for you to hold to him. Kai wasn’t simply wanted to eat but he wanted to have a DATE.

(Kai’s POV)

We walked around the mall first, finding perfect places where we can spend our time. This was my first date actually, I had a girlfriend before I debutted but I didn’t enjoyed our relationship and never had a perfect date. Even __ wasn’t my girlfriend, I want to turn this into a perfect date She won't forget, ever. I asked her if where she want to go, she took her time thinking of one. __ asked me if we can go watch a movie later after our date here, of course, how can I refuse? So she said she want to go to the hypermarket to buy snacks for later. As we picked snacks, I got to know __'s favorite foods. She likes sweets and... Spicy foods?! No wonder she's always fired up. It was also my first meeting a girl who likes spicy foods. Usually, I would see a girl eating a spicy food but will end up tearing. We were done buying up our foods later. She insisted of paying because she brought a lot of snacks in the push cart but since it's my time paying back, I paid all of them. Not a big deal though. 

Before going to the next place, we left the things we brought at the depositing corner. The next place was __'s choice again. The Arcade. I was surprised that she also likes games too. She challenged me to a gun-shooting game which I gladly took up het challenge. We made a bet before playing. If she win, I'll buy her a cake or if I win, she'll tell me she loves me. Well, I guess it's my ultimate weapon against __. I'm Player 1 while she's #2. She was skilled, I never knew there'll be someone who can match up my gaming skills. Hell, this can't be happening... I lost? Now I have to spend more money to buy her precious cake.  

"Yay~! Kai will buy me a―" I managed to cover from saying her sentence any further. I didn't do that because I don't want the people hear that I lost to __, it was because some people inside here might get to know me. 

(Back to your POV) 
Kai pulled you out of the Arcade and asked you where do you want to go next. 

"Wait a minute, Kai. Why did you..." you didn't have any intention of letting his action earlier slip. 

"You almost brought me to hell..." Kai said, holding the bridge of his nose in disbelief and let out a deep sigh. 

"Really? Why? How?" 3 questions in a row. Impressive. 

"Because you yelled out my stage name...!" he whispered. 

"Aish... being an idol sure is complicated huh? Then tell me, what should I call you? Jong-ah~? or... Kkamjong~?" you smirked playfully, literally teasing him. 

"Yah! Where did you heard that from?!" 


Now it was proven the Kai hated to be called 'Kkamjong' and you got to know about him a little bit. 

You both rushed to the cake store, holding hands as you ran with Kai. You were annoying him at this very moment between walks if it was okay to buy anything size and any flavor. He approved and it made you more excited, couldn't wait to eat a whole one by yourself. You left Kai behind when you spotted the shop. You quickly went in and checked the available cakes. 

'Omo... All of them looks so delicious...' you almost drooled over the cakes. You were too busy picking one as you almost forgot that Kai was with you. 

'... Hm... This one...? Or this one...?'  
you called in happiness since you were finally able to choose one. 

"Told ya! Not to call me my stage name!" he scolded though without a hint of anger. "Call me my first name instead." 

"So! I want this one!" you ignored him as you pointed to strawberry cake with lots of strawberries on top. 

"I bet you'll get diabetes." Kai warned. 

"It's okay! It's only once in a while!" 
Then Kai gave up. He talked to the worker while you were waiting at the table there in excitement. 

He paid it up. 

"Here." Kai handed you the cake halfheartedly, obviously sulking on something. 

"Yay~! Thank you Jongin!!!" you cheerfully hugged the boy, leaving Kai stiffened. 

"Uh? What's wrong, Jongin? You're not saying anything." 

'I spent up my money and I'm not receiving anything...? Just a simple thanks...?'

"So what do you want?"

Kai's eyes widened when you said that. It was not like you can read his mind, talk about the who can't read the atmosphere. Kai accidentally spoke out what was on his mind. 

"Oh~? so the young lad here is sulking~? How cute! You can be cute sometimes!" you teased, giggling. 

"So where are we going next?" he changed the topic. Nice move. 

"I want to go to... Pet shop!"

"... Oh yeah, speaking of pet shop. I have a dog."

"Really?! I want to see it!"
you exclaimed. 

You told yourself to forget the pet-shop-with-super-duper-cute-animals instead you wanted to see Kai's dog. Without thinking of anything else, you ran to the upper floor to get the groceries and met up with Kai outside. You exchanged carriers so you were just carrying the box of cake while Kai was carrying the heavy ones. Since going outside was sort of dangerous, or not really sort of, totally dangerous, Kai called for a taxi. 

"Clever." you said, throwing him a smirk. 

"Well, we'll only get into trouble again." he replied as he opened the door for you. 

Kai told the taxi driver the directions to his house while you were excited to see his dog. Was it fluffy? Was it extremely adorable?! That were the questions running on your mind the whole time. After a couple of minutes, your long waited time had come. 

"Kai! Pali Pali!"

"Yes yes. Wait a minute." Kai gave the driver his payment and then proceeded to open the door. When Kai opened the door, there was a brown dog waiting on front and that's it, you ran to it and petted it. 

"Leave Monggu for a while and follow me upstairs." 

"Eh why? The movie can wait!"
you said, eyes were still on the dog. 

"No! You still have to do something!" he cried. Kai brought the groceries down on the floor. He had a not so dark look painted all over his face as he tossed you over his shoulder, you couldn't get out of his tight grip. He went upstairs and to his room. 

"Yah! Kai! Why do I have to come here!?" you struggled stubbornly causing Kai to lose his balance and you both landed on his soft bed. 

"Be thankful we fell here..." Kai sighed with a hint of irritation. 

"S-sorry..." you sat up. 

"Don't do that again, Missy." Kai walked on front the TV and handed you a few DVDs. 


"Hmm... Horror or Action?"
you asked Kai. 

"You're asking me? ... Action."

"Let's watch that then, Pirates of the Caribbean I mean." 

"You sure you want to watch it?"

"Of course yes! I like Pirates!"
you grabbed Kai's pillow on your back cuddled it, leaning comfortably on the headboard. You watched Kai inserted the CD on the player and played it. 

"So __, I'll come back in a minute or maybe... In an hour..." you heard him sighed again and mumbled about the thing he was about to do will be tough. 

You just sat on the center of his bed prettily and not even wanted to blink because the movie was interesting for you. You felt so proud of yourself for learning English language so you can just screw off the Korean subtitles though the standard American accent―which you studied was kind of different from the British one. Your eyes were glued on the television but you were snapped back when you heard Kai yelled. "Be a man and take a bath!!!" 
You thought he was talking to some person, it couldn't be possibly a male sibling of his, Kai only had 2 older sisters. You were confused so you checked him out downstairs. You found Kai chasing his dog all around the house with his shirtless form, hair was a bit wet and visible small drops of water scattered on his jeans. The dog indeed ran fast, it was small so Kai had the disadvantage for being tall, The dog will just travel between his feet. 

"Having trouble? ... Oh you already have." you chuckled. 

"This is why I want to leave the bathing to my sister." Kai face-palmed, gave up chasing the dog. 

"Monggu is his name right? ... Monggu, come here." you did what a mother would do to call her baby. Kai was amazed that you can make his stubborn dog obey. 

"So where's the bathroom?" Kai led you there and put the dog down. 

"How did you know I'm going to wash him?"

"Your yell earlier was much louder than Jack Sparrow's. No wonder they made you sing the scary part of 'MAMA'" you giggled uncontrollably. 

"I've noticed," Kai paused for a moment to turn the detachable shower on and continued, "You've been teasing me for a while now." 

"For your information, Kim Jongin. This is the real me." You poked his chest repeatedly as you looked up at him. "Do you have any problem with that?"

"Certainly none." Kai smiled. 

"So, can I come back watching the movie―" Monggu suddenly placed his cute little palm on your leg, telling you not to go. Like owner, like pet. You found that hilarious. Both can be cute. Kai took that chance to rinse Monggu's hair, it was steady, not even daring to move because you were there. 

"Jongin, do you always leave Monggu alone here?" you asked, breaking the silence that was almost building up. 

"No, my mother and my sister take care of him, Don't worry." 

"I see―" Monggu suddenly wiggled his whole body, making the water scatter everywhere but generally all went to you. You sat there, widened eyes, from your hair down to your upper body  was wet. Kai just laughed at you, doing nothing but laugh. As revenge, you swiftly grabbed the shower from him and attacked him with the water. 

Now the house was full of laughter. 

Before going back to the dormitory, you and Kai waited for his mother to go home since you insisted not to leave Monggu alone. After that, you two went back to the dorm. "Thank you... For today, Jongin..." you mumbled as you gave him a soft peck on his cheek, giving the boy a surprise. Not that he was about to complain but that was the thing he was waiting for. 

"Anything for you, __." 

Then the dorm was here. 
"J-Jongin, can you go ahead?"

"Sure but why?"
he looked curious. 

"Uhm... I'll tell you tomorrow! You should go back now, your band mates might be waiting for you inside." you gave him a light push. 

"O-Okay, goodnight." He smiled as he patted your head. 


Kai proceeded walking but he was not that easy to be "tricked", He hid behind of the large tree. He saw a black haired haired man, doesn't look that old considering his real age, wearing a white wife beater He was so stunned at the view, he couldn't run, his body was frozen. Kai felt a heavy feeling on his chest when he saw the man kissed you on the forehead while you gladly took it with a bright smile. He was familiar to Kai. It was Kwon Ji Yong or his famous stage name... the G-Dragon. 







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Kpop1423 #1
I really Love your story it's so cute :3 I can't take it... >_<
Can't wait till the next chappie!
Athour-nim fighting! :3
Choiyoona #2
Is this Whaii?