Ideal Type?

Once upon a time... there's a DJ and an Idol


Even you and Kai had made up already; it didn't appear like that to the front of others. Still disregarding each other and didn't even dare to look on each other. Your anger had faded away since Kai had apologized earlier yet not sincere enough. Kyungsoo had been convincing Kai that it wasn't your fault. Good thing, he listened and considered it that way. While on break, Chanyeol temporarily took Kai's seat which was on your left. Chanyeol's purpose was to talk to you, again. Well, it wasn't so serious and not only focused to Kai, just some fun chat. They seem envying Chanyeol to be able to talk to a total beauty like you. Leaving their said ideal types; someone with long straight hair, cute with bright personality, woman with full of charms or whatsoever, screw that. You were the woman they were looking for. Although the rumors that their cardinal rule of their band was… NO DATING. Maybe in the near future, they’ll let go of that rule because of you.


"I can't believe it was you who have I been hearing all those times...!" Chanyeol uttered. In addition, that female DJ, which was you, whom Chanyeol admired the most was just living beside their dorm the whole time. Once, Chanyeol saw you leaving the house yet he ignored you, and identified you another stalkerish fangirl who would do anything just for the sake of getting close to them. Creepy.


"And I can't believe it was you who have I been hearing all the time from my listeners... " You told Chanyeol. “But hey, I watched your debut song, MAMA right?” Chanyeol nodded, “You look different from the music video.”


Chanyeol chuckled "Watch ‘History’ you’ll easily identify it’s me and what were they saying?" Chanyeol inquired


"They told me... '__! Have you heard of EXO-K's main rapper?!' or stuffs about your ridiculously deep voice. They admire it."


"Oh? I bet you'll gonna' say... it doesn't suit my... looks? Hey! I’m still 20!" Chanyeol blurted out.


"Exactly, unless you look a bit more mature." you giggled.


"You're cute, seriously."


"Can I hit you just once...? My fist is ready."


"Sometimes, you should believe what a man says" Chanyeol pulled such a gentle face while you were incredibly flustered. On the other side, the five members of EXO-K, excluding Chanyeol were having some sort of conversation.


"Hey look, is Chanyeol-hyung flirting?" Sehun questioned his hyungs.


"Let him be?" Kyungsoo suggested.


"I'm not interested." Kai said.


Kai was easy to read, saying that made him more... wary? Was he envying his Chanyeol-hyung too?  Yet why?


Thus, the broadcasting started again. The rest went back to their seats


"Thanks for waiting!" you said, unbelievably stealing Sungmin's line but he let it go, he felt relieved though.


"Since we're in a special this day, you guys know we won't be reading news just for today right? Since EXO just debuted, fans are curious about them. SM doesn’t reveal too much about them, yes? We’ll change our ways today just for EXO-K!” Ryeowook said in anticipation. The band felt so special as if this broadcasting system was only dedicated for them, thus, Ryeowook continued, “Millions of… questions…” he whispered. “EXO-K!!!” Ryeowook yelled suddenly.


“Yes!?” answered the surprised band.


“Ready to answer them ALL!?” They were like in a military, Mr. General talking to his soldiers.

“We… will try our best?” Leader Suho answered.


“Ryeo was just kidding… he’ll only pick a few and Sunbae! Stop threatening them!” you said.


“Yes yes, now we’ll let Baekhyun-sshi pick one.” Sungmin said.


“Ah yes.” Baekhyun responded, eyes were scanning down at the screen. It took him a moment to choose a fascinating one, Kyungsoo helped him, pointing a green-highlighted question on the comment board.


“What? You’re into that?” Baekhyun asked Kyungsoo. “If you know what I mean.” Kyungsoo bit his lower lip to suppress his laughter.  “Then, Sungmin-hyung, this one.” Baekhyun pointed the screen as Sungmin approached to him to take a look at it. Then suddenly, Sungmin laughed out of blue. They picked a question asked by Fan #328643, “WHO CAN BE PAIRED UP WITH __ FROM EXO-K?”


“Hey! Why the questions are always about me?!” you snapped.  They disregarded your question, pretending they didn’t hear you instead they just smirked playfully and continue talking to each other.  As you can see clearly, they were making fun of you. They were thinking that the “Dangerous and boyish __” was not present today but the girly side of you was showing. 


“What can you say about this, Baekhyun-sshi?” Sungmin asked.


“Amusing. That boy must be lucky.” Baekhyun said.


“Okay… answer? 1… 2…3-“


“Kai!” All of them said at the same time.


“WHAT?!?!?!” You and Kai said also in unison, almost sitting up from your seats. “Hey hey… will you please choose a question that doesn’t involve me?” you told the boys.


“But that question is repeated a lot of times~” Chanyeol said while the others nodded in agreement.  “Don’t you want your listeners be happy~?”


‘Are you kidding me…?’ you wanted to ask Chanyeol that but it appeared to be it won’t be answered the way you wanted.


The ratings of the studio were getting higher and higher if the topic is always about you or about EXO. The questions were always inconvenient for you and Kai. The rest of the guys couldn’t help but always cracking up at your reactions. They were almost into tears; it was their first time talking about Kai’s love life because Kai never emitted them out not even to Kyungsoo.  Now that they knew all about Kai, they talked about you next. Saying “such” embarrassing things can make you die of shame. The topic was just revolving around you and Kai. The rest of the members of EXO-K, Sungmin, Ryeowook and the listeners never grew tired out of it. In fact, they were interested too. You and Kai had been “Love Life Hiders.” Not to mention, you two were lot alike.


The four hours of suffering finally put to an end. You and Kai ended putting your heads on the desk, can’t handle the embarrassment.


“No more… I want to quit…” you let out a deep sigh.


“What’s wrong with you, hyungs?!” Kai cried with a blush.


“Ah~ that’s so fun, shall we buy something to eat?” Chanyeol said, stretching both of his arms up. They left Kai behind.


“Hey! Listen to what people is saying!”


“__, tell him.” Chanyeol told you and startled you.

“Okay okay… … Huh? What?!”


“You said it~ See ya’ then!”


What should I do?! What should I do?!  You thought you will look like a complete idiot for asking Kai to take you out all of a sudden but if you don’t do that, your conscience might kill you tonight for not be able to give back Kai’s “sincere” apologize. Gathering up the courage, breathing deeply, you approached to Kai.


“Y-You mentioned that you’ll buy a cellphone… r-right?”


“Yeah? What about it?” Kai said nonchanlantly.


‘He’s so rude!!! He’s pissing me off!!! … No! Keep calm __! Don’t lose to this man!!!’


Sweetness mode, switch on. “Uh… I heard from Yeol that… you wanted someone with you?”


“Want to come?” an immediate response came from Kai.


“… Sure.”


“Great!” For the second time, but with a different person, Kai almost got you with his smile also. This proved that everyone in EXO were lady-killers.  Kai was unconsciously holding your hand, rushing out of the building. No, Kai was doing it on purpose. He made sure no one was looking at you two; surely, they’ll jump to wrong conclusions.


“Uhmm… Kai?” you called.

“Call me Jongin?” Kai told you desperately, or not really.


“But that sounds… informal?” you said, due to that you got used using honorifics every time; It makes you feel uncomfortable.


“It feels weird if someone you’ll be with for a long time keep calling you by your stage name, doesn’t that makes you unfriendly?” Kai sighed, “Atleast…” Kai continued.




“Nevermind.” Kai finished it then you both started to walk again, heading right.


You thought that there was something wrong; or not really, about what Kai said just earlier. There was a certain part that made him the “Kai” they didn’t know.


“Jongin.” You called him, almost like a whisper.


“Hmm?” Kai looked back at you, still walking… STILL HOLDING YOUR HAND but Kai realized that later on, and let go of it; he was flustered.


“I hope you don’t mind asking me this but… did you just said… “Unfriendly”?”


“Does that bother you?”


“No, not really… It was just… you know…”


“I’m friendly… at times, that is.”

“You seem to be regretting saying those.”


“Ah… of course no.” Kai said, waving his hand left and right. He didn’t care what you’ll think of him (weird?). There were lots of things you wanted to ask thought Kai might not answer them because he might think you are getting personal informations about him and tell the public about it. Kai noticed that your lips were fidgeting and you were biting them as if they needed words to come out, Kai didn’t hesitate to question you.


“Let me be straight to the point… Jongin… you’re wearing a… how to say this… stage outfit?” You didn’t want him to think you were meddling with his stuffs.


“It’s okay, it’s okay.” There he go again, hand gestures.


“Y-you will attract attentions!”


“Do you want me to look normal?”


“Yes at least. It’ll be bad if your fans see you, you’ll be in a stampede. Wearing that can make you easily recognizable.”


“’Kay then…” He took his distance away from you so it can’t be complicated to move yet not too much distant. But why… did he move?


‘What is he…?!?!?!’ your eyes went wide, couldn’t take the image in front of you. Kai get rid of his white jacket slowly and freely hung it on his shoulder, holding it by his right hand, revealing those black tank top.  Kai was surprisingly buff, despite that jacket hiding those sturdy muscles. There could be one word to describe this dancing machine, HOT. The consequences came automatically to your mind, having Kai look like that can attract MUCH MORE attentions.


“Jongin, please wear that jacket again, please.”

“What? I’m starting to feel hot; I don’t want to stink of sweat. Let’s go!” Kai gently jerked you to him and carried you like a baby. He was such in a hurry because Kai was getting hungry, talking for so long can make your throat so dry and only drinking juice can still make you search for a real meal. Kai was a dancer, it will be normal for him to get hungry. Kai ran really fast, heading to the mall. Once you both got there, it was kind of surprising to know that no one recognized Kai, the people only thought of Kai as some another hot guy in a tank top. It was Friday today, his fans might be at school, maybe their parents were only here.


“Jongin… please put me down…” you muttered.


“Oh sure…” Kai did what you told him. His purpose of carrying you all the way here was to get to the mall fast so he can eat, nothing special you were thinking about just now though it was a bit disappointing.


“You’re… light.” Kai stated, having a feeling he just carried a paper or a leaf.


“Of course I am! I’m not fat!” you said. “So, where do you plan buying?”


“Do you know one?”


“No way! You don’t know where?!”


“Ah yes, I’m too busy so I can’t go outside except for practices, rehearsals or concerts.”


“Oh… might be tough for you.” After saying those, you looked sideways, remembering the shop where you bought your present phone.


“What do you prefer, cheap or expensive?”


“Anything is fine.”


“Are you fine with any model?”


“Yeah, as long as it’s chosen by you?”


“Cho-chosen by me?! What’s up with that?”


“A thing chosen by women is the best; Xiumin-hyung told me that.”


Kai was such a sweet-mouth. You were sure that fans of his didn’t know about this “Kai” because the “Kai” they knew on stage is a hot, charismatic and y “Kai” they never used the adjective “sweet” for him. You used to go here a couple of times so you knew this mall pretty well even your eyes are closed. You led Kai to a shop you always buy. It wasn’t too much far from your current location, the first floor. The people inside were attracted by Kai. The women inside weren’t a fan of his but they couldn’t stop gossiping about Kai. You provoked Kai to tell him about that.


“Then, will you take me to a clothes shop after this?” Kai asked.


“We won’t take long okay…? I still have something to do.”


You felt this was like a child and his first time at a mall. Kai successfully bought a new phone and a new sim card. The first number he put there was yours, In addition to that, the wallpaper was you. It was a stolen yet beautiful shot, worth taking it. Kai was enjoying, it was been a while since he went at the mall, SM never let them to a mall tour. The next stop was the clothes shop he wanted to go. Kai chose the shop called “Calvin Klein”. The manager greeted him.


‘Idols sure are amazing…’ you said to yourself.


“__~! Look!” Kai shouted.


“Huh…?” You turned your back to see Kai. After blinking two times, you laughed suddenly. Kai was imitating A “SHIRTLESS KAI”POSTER, it was funny but… y at the same time though being funny dominated.


“You are really… an amusing person.”


‘I made her laugh…’ Kai smiled to himself. A smile from you is really enough for him, he was been waiting for that. You helped Kai choose clothes for him. He really wanted to change his clothes because he always get feeling uncomfortable going out with such flashy outfit. You two were having a hard time choosing an upper and lower garment but a help arrived FROM THE MANAGER. The manager chose those for Kai, he really liked it.


“Is it okay if I change into it now?” Kai asked the manager.


“Of course.” The manager gave him a smile.


“__, wait for me beside the changing room, can you?”




Kai dragged you to the changing room and leaned closer to your ear. “You know Taemin-hyung of SHINee?”




“On my pre-debut times, I was with him. We were spotted by his fans. We got tracked by his sasaeng fans. We were at a clothes shop too you know! I took my eyes from Taemin-hyung because he was trying some shirts on and then the moment I set my eyes on the changing room again, a fan attempted to peek on Taemin-hyung!”


“Girls these days…” you mumbled. You nodded and pushed Kai inside the changing room. You went back to the short story that Kai told you. You never thought of they will do that, so unlady-like. ‘Maybe this boy might get attacked too―’ you were pulled with a light force from behind.


“J-Jongin?! What are you―”


“A just spotted fans.”







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Kpop1423 #1
I really Love your story it's so cute :3 I can't take it... >_<
Can't wait till the next chappie!
Athour-nim fighting! :3
Choiyoona #2
Is this Whaii?