Saengil Chukhahamnida

Once upon a time... there's a DJ and an Idol


“I just spotted fans” Kai whispered.

“That fast…?”

“Well, they are ‘fans’ after all.” Kai wasn’t surprised, it happens for almost all of the idols.

“What are you going to do?” you asked Kai.

“Hurry up and change? So they won’t recognize me.”

“They might be still looking; they can still follow you once you get out.”

“Let’s just wait for a minute, they’ll get tired waiting.”

“Hey hey… they might get the wrong idea if we stay here for so long… ”

“Right… but we will just clear it out if they take it that way.”

“Okay.” You simply answered.

Then there was a silence.


“So… are you gonna’ turn around or watch me get undressed?” Kai broke that silence. You immediately turned back with a slight blush. ‘He’s just 20 yet he’s saying such things…!... He’s a man… better get used to it.’ Kai took of his black tank top, replacing it with the long-sleeved plain white shirt. Kai didn’t change his cargo pants, of course. He liked to wear those kinds of pants.


“__, I’m done.”

You slowly turned your head, making sure Kai was saying the truth. But yeah, it was true.

“You’re bad at disguising…”

“I just need to change my top and put a cap.”


“There’s no mirror here, will you put it for me?”


Kai needed to bend over because he was taller than you. Heck, he had such a handsome face even when at close up. You went back to your conscience and remembered what you should suppose to do. You put it on his head and fixed his smooth hair. Now Kai look a bit different.

“__, when we come out, don’t make any eye contact with them…!”

“You sure know what you’re doing huh?”


Kai went out first then followed by you. When you and Kai stepped out of the entrance, you both ran like hell. The manager allowed Kai to not pay for it, In fact, because of Kai… Calvin Klein became more well-known. As Kai predicted, you two will be chased which actually happened. It was like being chased by wild, hungry tiger and lions. Time passed so fast, it was already the time for the students to go home. Some students will go to the mall instead of going home. The “chasers” kept increasing every time you and Kai passed on their front. They sure took a lot of stolen shots. It’ll be 100% guaranteed it’ll be uploaded everywhere on the Internet but you two agreed on each other that you’ll explain it. To get on the exit fast, you suggested taking the elevator instead than the stairs and escalator.


“I thought changing clothes will work!!!” you said, panicking.

“Can we just talk about that later?” Kai said, pressing the “1” button.

“How could you! Why are you so calm at this moment?!”

“If I’m panicking like you, we’ll only end up being caught.”


The elevator door opened after a few seconds. Good thing that there were no fans, they were all at the third floor still going down from second floor. Kai took that chance to get away with you. There was a van waiting outside, it looks familiar to Kai. Yes, EXO-M’s van. The members of EXO-M were actually waiting for Kai. The youngest, Tao, slide the door and closed it fast.


“That helped us… thanks, hyungs…” Kai panted.

“Hey! I’m the one who opened the door you know!” Tao said.

“Thanks, Tao.” Kai gave Tao a gentle tap on the shoulder.


You realized what you were doing in EXO-M’s van… you were not even their manager or some staff… and why you were sitting between Luhan on your right and Kai on your left.


“What happened?” Lay asked the both of you.

“Chased.” Kai answered as he wiped his sweats with the hanky that Chen lent him.

“Who’s this, Kai? Your girl?” Xiumin questioned, somewhat interested.

“Ah. You’re wrong, Xiumin-hyung.”

“Oh? Then why-“

“__ helped me buy a new phone.” Kai said then talked with the other members except for the sleeping Luhan beside you. You asked yourself what you were doing in this van again. You thought you shouldn’t be here because this van was full of sparkling men. Well, except for the driver and the manager (LOL). According to you, Luhan was really cute, he could be mistaken for a fifteen year old despite that baby look but if you only knew his age, it is a BIG difference. On the other hand, Xiumin, Chen, Tao, Lay and Kris were taunting Kai to you; they said their Kai is growing up.


Jongdae-hyung, what are you guys doing here? I thought you went back to China?”

“Ah…” the other four glared at Chen, telling him not to tell Kai the truth. “We… got passport problems!” you could say they were pressuring Chen.


“Isn’t that bad? You guys need to attend an interview right? Can’t it get done right now?”

“What Kai? Don’t you want us to stay in Korea a little longer?” Kris said in an abrupt tone.

“N-No, I was just concern”

“Forget about that, we’ll get our passports soon.”


‘They look so different from the music video. I thought they were harsh…!’ The thing you can only do these moments was to look outside of the window on your right.


“Now going back to this young lady.” Lay said, surprising you a bit. They won’t really let you pass.

“Wait… I know you…” Thanks to that, Lay loosened off a bit to you. “__...?” Chen continued.

“Yes?” you said.

“Thought so!”

You could only give Chen a smile. It made you feel so good to hear that you have two, no, three admirers from this band. Kai, who was staring at you just now, watching you chat with the two Koreans: Xiumin and Chen. He wanted to have you for himself but he guessed it won’t work the way he wanted, Xiumin and Chen were getting too close to you.


The van was full of laughter, you ended up sitting with Xiumin and Chen at the second row seats and the tired Luhan finally woken up, surprised about Kai sitting on his side in a sudden. Luhan made Kai worry with those heavy bags underneath his eyes though it was concealed by the concealer power. This was a proof that they were getting forced to work.


“Luhan-hyung, are you really okay?” Kai asked for the second time but he still got the same answer from Luhan. After a moment, the van stopped in front of the band’s dorm. No fans were there. Path secured. All of you went to the second floor safely without running like hell.


“__, you’re not going to go home? It’s pretty late.” Kris questioned you. It was kind of surprising to know that it was already late, you didn’t realized.


“Oh, I just live on the next door.” You simply answered.




“Yep.” Then Kris went ahead, leaving you and Kai at the back.


“Your band is really amazing…” you complimented.


“Thanks.” Kai said with a smile displayed on his lips. Kai opened the door for you and then…



The eleven handsome, sparkling men exclaimed with lots of cheerfulness. Kai’s eyes went wide with unexpectedness yet he had happiness overwhelming, hiding that embarrassed face of his. You giggled at yourself when the party poppers exploded out for freaking like a scaredy cat.


“Yah! What is this?!” Kai said in anger but still flustered.


“We know your birthday passed and we couldn’t celebrate it because of our tight schedule.” Suho explained. Since it was said by his Suho-hyung, Kai will believe it. Baekhyun went to the kitchen to get the two layered chocolate cake with a miniature of Kai in his ‘MAMA’ outfit.


“Chanyeol-hyung! Chanyeol-hyung! Use your fire to light the candles!” said Sehun. In EXO, Chanyeol is the ruler of fire. Then, Chanyeol did random hand movements, gesturing he was creating a fire.


“My power doesn’t work at night by the way.” EXO, including you ended up laughing. “But some of my powers are stored here.” Chanyeol brought out a lighter from his pocket, lighting the candles.


“Idiot…” Baekhyun mumbled.


“I heard that, Baek.”


The party had started. Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Tao singing at the karaoke. Kyungsoo, Sehun and Luhan dancing while the others were sitting anywhere around the room and having a chat. You were outside of  their dorm, standing in front of the door, watching the sky. You weren’t used to have fun with guys, there were no other girl there except you. You decided to go back to your room, checking your cellphone-that-you-didn’t-realized-you-left-it in your bedroom. The good thing was there were no urgent messages sent. There was one message… from an anonymous sender.


From: Unknown number

I want to spend the night with you. Can I?


‘How the hell he got my-‘ thus, you remembered he asked you for it this afternoon. Even he just put it on words, it gave you the feeling of his seriousness. Well, since it was Kai’s birthday, you’ll go with it. You locked your room door and went back on the other room to check the boys. They were still noisy as hell. You didn’t entered the room because Kai was waiting there outside.


“Hi __.”




“Got my message?”




You joined Kai, standing at his left side. Remember to keep the distance, you told yourself.


“H-Happy Birthday. Jongin” you started the conversation but a little bit too awkward.


“Thanks. My present?”


“I forgot…”


“We just met yesterday, I think I’ll consider it.” Kai threw a girl-killing smile. No, it wasn’t a smile, but a smirk.


“Wait… did you just said… ‘I think’?”


“I’m glad you noticed it, I like that.” Kai gently took you in front of him, making you lean at the low stoned walls. He blocked both of your sides with his arm so you were directly facing him. “What are you doing now…?” you blinked nervously.


“You don’t have anything to give right?”




“Then a kiss will do.”


“You serious…?” Now that made you become more nervous. You wondered if Kai can feel any shame, the door was widely open, a member of the band can see what you two are doing. But judging from their looks, it didn’t matter, just party. So, that was Kai’s excuse in order for you to kiss him.

"A kiss will do."


Now that made you became more nervous. You wondered if Kai can feel any shame, the door was widely open, a member of the band can see what you two are doing. But judging from their looks, it didn't matter, just party. So, that will be Kai's excuse.  Kai started to lean forward but you used your hands to push him away; he was too strong so you gave up. 

"Fine. Just on the cheeks okay?"


"Before that... Close your eyes first!"

"Let me guess..." Kai looked at the side first then beamed at you again. "Your first time kissing a non-relative guy?"

"Took you long enough to notice, you slow."


"Now hurry up and close your goddamned eyes. I feel weird at our pose."

"Yes yes..." Kai closed his eyes. Of course you'll remember to turn his head aside to kiss his cheeks, not his lips. You leaned forward closely and then...

"Hey―" You were having a long time to give him a peck on the cheek so this impatient boy turned his head back and accidentally KISSED YOU ON THE LIPS. Accident? Coincidence? Inevitable? Or Planned? Rhetorical. 

"...?! T-That was my first kiss you know...!" you said in an angry-flustered way as you covered your mouth in shy. 


"Aish... There you go again...! Being so calm!"

"What? It's not a big deal to me. It's the best present to me, seriously." You could see Kai's face plastered with a smirk. 


"Kim Jongin... Let me go." 

"Eh? But you agreed that you'll spend the night with me~" there he go his 'maknae' side. 


"Are you saying I'll be with you till dawn? I still have work to do." 


"Please?" Kai was just pouting but you can sense this so-called 'aegyo'


"So what we'll do?" you gave up. 


"Hmm... Always stay at my side?"


"Hah...? What should I do that? I'm not your girl or something. Why?" 

"Oh, thanks. My answer will be... Be my girl for a day." 




"Kai~! hurry up and join us here!" Suho shouted with a wide grin on his face. 


"Okay!" Kai said. "Yeobo~ let's go~" he made such a teasing face.

"Yeobo...?!" 'He's no longer a minor now... he can drink... he might be drunk...'













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Kpop1423 #1
I really Love your story it's so cute :3 I can't take it... >_<
Can't wait till the next chappie!
Athour-nim fighting! :3
Choiyoona #2
Is this Whaii?