
Surviving in the Idol World 101


More building action!! Aren't you curious to see who Mia's brother is? :)
Bright lights flashed to the beat of blaring music blasting from speakers all around me. I squinted into the light to make out 10 people dancing on the stage in front of me. When I showed my concert ticket to Jung Hoon he waved it away and offered to take me backstage. We had dodged and squeezed past various members of the backstage crew and their expensive looking pieces of equipment. I made sure to stay waay out of their way, as sometimes I could almost be..well, shall we say accident prone? As I stood behind the stage watching Super Junior dance, I wondered which one was my brother. Could it be the handsome, tall one? The wavy brown haired vocal? Or maybe the blonde who danced really well? I really had no idea. 
"Impressed?" Jung Hoon asked. 
"Mmm..sure.." I pretended not to be interested. 
"Wow you certainly aren't one of those crazy fangirls," he said slightly surprised.
I shrugged and continued to watch the band perform. Jung Hoon checked his phone and apologized,
"Sorry, but I have to go check on something. Can I leave you here alone?"
I smiled slightly and nodded. He rushed off back the way we came just as the members walked off stage. They strolled towards me and just as I was about to get their attention, they continued on right past me. I closed my mouth awkwardly and jogged to catch up with their pace. 
"Anyounghasayo, uh, do you-"
He turned around and interrupted,
" Ah mian, but do you have a bottle of water? No? Could you grab one for me? Thanks!"
The guy smiled charmingly at me and followed the rest of the members into their dressing room. What? Did he think I was some backstage person?! Who does he think he is? Annoyed, I found a cooler and pulled out a water bottle and strided over to the room. Taped to the door was a white piece of paper which was printed with: Super Junior, Dressing Room. I knocked and waited. The door swung inward and I stepped inside, holding the bottle tightly in my hand. I spotted the one who had asked me to get it for him and walked over and tapped him on the shoulder. 
"Hmm? Oh thanks! That's great, I thought I was going to die from thirst!" 
"Look,"I said,"I'm not..I don't work here, but-" 
"Really? Ah sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. Are you a fan? You really aren't supposed to be here but if you want a autograph-"
"No!" I said firmly, slightly frustrated.
He looked shocked and slightly hurt, like a he was a puppy I just kicked.
"Sorry. I'm just looking for someone here. Eunhyuk.. He's here right?" 
Though he still looked a bit disappointed, the person brightened up when I mentioned Eunhyuk's name. Pointing to the blonde dancer I had admired before, he informed me,
"Eunhyuk-ssi is over there."
I smiled my thanks and walked in that direction. I stopped just short of where he was sitting. All of a sudden I felt shy and awkward, almost like I didn't want to do this at all. Before I could change my mind and back away, one of the members saw me and gave me a look. The blonde sitting in front of me turned around, and I thought,"Shoot..too late!!" 
"Um..Eunhyuk-ssi?" I hesitated.
He flashed a practiced smile and I guess he thought I was a fan, like every other person here thought.
"I was told to meet you because..well, because I'm your sister."
The look on his face said it all: he had definitely NOT been told ahead of time.
Alright, starting to pick up now! Please comment and let me know what you think! Thanks for reading ^^
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I'll try to write soon!


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Chapter 11: A fan probably gave the note?
Chapter 10: V I agree. V Is it Tae? Or maybe Kai?
Chapter 10: Is it taemin
Chapter 7: Yay! SuJu15!!!
Chapter 6: Eunhyuk is so adorable!!!
Eunhae123689 #6
Chapter 5: SUNGMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!