First day=DONE

Surviving in the Idol World 101


sorry if it's a bit slow! I promise it'll pick up soon!!
After typing in the passcode, Eunhyuk swung the door open and stepped aside,
"Ladies first," he gestured me to enter. I stepped into the dorm hesitantly. Shoes were scattered all across the entrance, some stacked on the shelf in front of me, some just carelessly thrown to the side. As I made my way across the mess, someone ran up to Donghae and Eunhyuk and greeted them with a hug.
"You're back! I was wondering where you were!"
Then he turned to me. 
"Who are you? Wait, aren't you that girl.."
I looked to my brother to explain. He sighed and replied to the guy,
"I think everyone should hear this. Shiwon, could you call everyone into the living room?"
The guy, Shiwon, walked back inside and started knocking closed doors and calling out names.
"Kyuhyun-ah! Stop playing video games! Ryeowook! Sungmin hyung!"
Soon a bunch of boys filed in and arranged themselves in various places around the living room. Feeling extremely self conscious, I took a small step backwards until I felt a hand on the small of my back. As quickly as he had touched me, Eunhyuk took away his hand, as if he hadn't meant to make any contact with me.
"We-ellll explain?"
,Shiwon suggested. Eunhyuk took a breath before launching into an explanation of how I was his sister, yes he was surprised too, no he didn't expect this, no, this isn't a joke. Meanwhile, I observed the other members of Super Junior from under the curtain of my bangs. Two of them sat on the arms of the couch, one with reddish brown hair, the other with tousled brown hair, round eyes, and a playful smirk. Another, looked between me and Eunhyuk with attentive eyes and I guessed he was the leader. I didn't have time to look around more because Eunhyuk had stopped talking and was staring at me. Was I supposed to say something?
"Ah, anyounghasayo, Jung Mia immnida"
I introduced myself with a obviously-not-practiced bow. When I looked up, most of the faces looking back at me seemed to be happy ones, so I relaxed slightly. 
"Is she going to stay with us?" The leader asked. 
"Only for a few days,"Eunhyuk assured. 
"YAY!"the reddish brown hair guy exclaimed,"someone to help me cook!"
Horrified, I shook my head slightly. I had no culinary skills whatsoever, unless Kraft Dinner and pouring milk into a bowl of cereal counted? Disappointed, the guy sighed and the smirky one patted his back. I turned to Eunhyuk and asked worriedly,
"So where exactly am I going to stay?" 
"Good question," he quietly asked Donghae,"Henry won't be back for a while right?"
Donghae thought for a second, then nodded. 
"Okay, follow me,"
He walked down a hallway and opened the door at the end. 
"Lucky for you, we forced him to clean his room before he left." Donghae laughed to himself. 
"There's someone still staying here?"
"Mm well I'm sure by the time he's back, you'll be safe from him and his messy room. Don't worry about it, just kick stuff under the bed if its in your way!"
Eunhyuk appeared in the doorway with my bags.
"Everything okay?"
He smiled at me and ran his hand through his hair,"Sorry about this. It's kind of last minute you know?" 
Little by little, I was starting to get the feeling that I was an inconvenience to the people who lived here. I really didn't mean to burst into their busy lives, and they were awfully polite and really nice about it, but I'm sure if I was in their positron I'd feel a bit unsettled. With this thought spinning through my head, I looked at the two guys.
"I'm a bit tired from the flight.. Could you.."
They took the hint and immediately backed out the door. As I sat on the edge of the bed and as Eunhyuk walked out, he stopped and turned back to me.
"When you wake up..maybe we should go out and do something fun? If you want to,"
he asked shyly. Surprised, I gave him a real smile and slowly nodded. He smiled back and closed the door behind him as he left me alone. I sank into the bed and stared at the white ceiling above me. Too tired to think or to know what to make of the crazy unexpected day that had gone by, my heavy eyelids closed and sleep took over. 
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I'll try to write soon!


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Chapter 11: A fan probably gave the note?
Chapter 10: V I agree. V Is it Tae? Or maybe Kai?
Chapter 10: Is it taemin
Chapter 7: Yay! SuJu15!!!
Chapter 6: Eunhyuk is so adorable!!!
Eunhae123689 #6
Chapter 5: SUNGMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!