Midnight Conversations

Surviving in the Idol World 101


  I awoke suddenly, my eyes flicking open and flashing over my surroundings. The room was dark and I could make out unfamiliar shapes from the streetlight streaming in through the closed curtains. Where was I? Still a little half-asleep, I started panicking until real consciousness settled in and I remembered where I was. I relaxed my tense body and laid back down on the bed. My hand touched a lump under the covers and I reached for it. Grasping the material, I pulled it out and uncrumpled it, realizing it was somebody's bunched up hoodie. I rolled my eyes and sat up, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. I draped the sweater over a chair and put on one of my own before quietly opening the door and sticking my head in the hallway. All clear. The dorm was silent and peaceful with everyone sleeping behind their own closed doors. I crept down the hallway I till I reached the now empty living room. I stood there for a while, feeling unsettled by how the night changed the room to something completely unfamiliar. As I shuffled into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, the light flicked on and I sprang back in surprise. One of the members was standing by the switch, looking equally as startled as me. 
"Umm..what are you doing here?"
He asked awkwardly. I lowered my hand that was reaching towards a cupboard and pointed to it. 
"I needed a drink..so I came in here..uh..glass of of water.."
I trailed off. He nodded and I noticed he was still in "celebrity clothes". Seeing my gaze, he looked down and smiled. 
"Ah you're probably wondering why I'm still awake at 2 in the morning right?"
Inwardly I thought,
"It's 2 am?!" 
"I just came back from hosting my radio show,"he continued,"I figured nobody would be still up at this time though."
He came closer towards me walking right up until I could stare into his brown eyes. I shrank back, ready to yell for my brother or Donghae. But he turned away at the last second, reaching and opening the cupboard in front of me and taking two glasses. 
"You said you wanted water right?"
He asked, oblivious to the shock he had given me. I gave him a strange look and he shrugged and took it as a yes. Bringing the cups to a table, he pulled out a chair for me and ordered,
I followed and quietly sat there without saying anything. 
"Hmmm..so far there's no fangirling..no screaming and whipping out camera-ing.. Either you're hiding it really well or you seriously aren't a fan."
"All of you!! Honestly!! Are you all so confident that everyone is your fan? That everyone loves you and follows the "fangirl" expectation? Oh gosh, really!" I exploded in annoyed whispers.
Shocked, he looked at me with big eyes. He was quiet for a second before doing something that surprised me. He laughed.
"Wow I can't believe I got a reaction out of you! That was a joke silly. Rough day hmm?"
Well. This was embarrassing. Really, really embarrassing. I had just lashed out at a complete stranger, someone who I didn't even know! If real fangirls found out, I'd probably be dead within the next day. I flushed red and bowed my head in apology. 
"Mianhabnida, I didn't mean to say it that way."
"Mm it's okay, I would probably say the same if people were cracking fangirl jokes at me all day. Still, do you want an autograph?" 
I gave him an "are you serious" look and he laughed again. 
"Kidding, kidding. But honesty, what's it like finding out you're related to someone famous?"
It was kind of strange to think of actually, nobody had asked me that question so I hadn't given it much thought. I hesitated before replying,
"I don't know. To me he's not someone famous that I get to meet, he's a stranger that turned into my brother. I don't even know him at all, what he's like. Hm I still don't know what to make of anything. I think you guys are pretty cool though, letting me stay here for a while."
I paused. 
"Can you tell me about what Eunhyuk is like?"
"Huh. Someone is finally curious! I'm pretty sure if you googled him you could get some pretty good facts.." he teased. 
"Noooo I'm serious. Tell me."
"Well..you know how I just came back from hosting a radio show? He used to host it with our leader, but now ryeowook and I do it. They were really good at it, but now it's my turn! Hmm what else? He used to be the most dirty member in our band-"
I wrinkled my nose at that.
"-don't worry he's changed," The boy reassured,"Speaking of change, he's changed a lot since our debut days."
"Good change or bad change,"I asked. 
"Good. He still works as hard as ever especially when he dances."
Right, he was the dancer of the group. I should probably remember that. He stopped talking and yawned. I glanced at my watch which had not been set to Korean time. Back at home, it was in the middle of the day. Jetlag had overtaken me, and I felt wide awake amoung the midnight atmosphere. 
"You should try to sleep,"he suggested as he muffled another huge yawn. 
"Oh. Yeah, probably. Sorry for keeping you up, you'll probably regret staying to talk to me in the morning."
I apologized. He shrugged his shoulders and made his way towards the dark hallway. I flicked off the kitchen light before blindly following him. I somehow found my door and as I opened it, I heard a whisper,
"Goodnight Mia."
I realized I didn't know his name. 
Guess who?
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I'll try to write soon!


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Chapter 11: A fan probably gave the note?
Chapter 10: V I agree. V Is it Tae? Or maybe Kai?
Chapter 10: Is it taemin
Chapter 7: Yay! SuJu15!!!
Chapter 6: Eunhyuk is so adorable!!!
Eunhae123689 #6
Chapter 5: SUNGMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!