The First Idea

Surviving in the Idol World 101


 ENJOY ^^  
     He was not the best at hiding his emotions. Confusion and shock swirled around his face as he slowly said,
"This isn't funny."
I had almost reached the end of my patience and took a deep breath. I looked him straight in the eye and replied,
"No, it's not. I'm serious, I'm your sister. Didn't anybody tell you anything?"
      At that moment Jung Hoon strode through the door and called out to the members, ushering them out the door. I ran over to him and asked desperately,
"Something's wrong, he isn't taking me seriously. What's happening?! Why didn't he know about this beforehand?"
Jung Hoon looked confused and stuttered,
"What? But.. I definitely told him.. Right?"
As Eunhyuk got up and followed the others out the door, Jung Hoon grabbed his arm and pulled him aside. They whispered furiously, glancing over to me every once in a while. Eunhyuk turned pale and stared at me. Under the heat of his gaze, I felt extremely uncomfortable and the running away option seemed more and more like a great idea. I forced myself to look down at my dark green hightops and calm the flush that had risen furiously from my neck to my cheeks to my ears. I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans.
      A gentle tap on my shoulder startled me and I glanced behind me. It was the water bottle guy, and he was looking at me with concern. 
"I couldn't help but over hear a bit of what happened.. So you're claiming to be Eunhyuk-ssi's sister? If this is a joke, not that I think it is, I think maybe you should stop."
I glared at him, insulted that he thought I was some try-hard pulling an elaborate prank that would score me..what exactly? I ripped my shoulder bag's zipper open and hastily pulled out a letter that I had received back at home a few weeks ago stating my adoption information and my newly found relatives.
"I'm not claiming! I'm..I'm.."
To my embarrassment, I couldn't find the right word in Korean. Surprisingly, the person nodded and didn't argue. 
"Alright! I guess I should treat you better since you're my best friends little sister!"
I almost smiled at how laid back he was about the confusion happening around me. He grinned at me and said,
"Oh yeah, and I'm Donghae. I don't think I caught your name?" 
"Mia,"I replied shortly; I had not quite forgiven him for the water bottle incident.
    As Eunhyuk and Jung Hoon finished their intense conversation, Donghae slung his arm around my shoulders. 
"She's coming with us right?"
I shrugged his arm off discreetly as Eunhyuk tried to smile at me. I could tell that he was still shocked and, well really, I couldn't blame him. This is what I must have looked like when I found out. Strange. Looking at him was like staring in a mirror, reflecting back my own emotions. Awkwardly, he held out his hand and I shook it. 
"So you're here to visit me, right?"
I nodded, forcing myself to look into his brown eyes. 
"I'm sorry I didn't know before, I would have given you a much better welcome. Are you.. Are you tired from your flight? Have you eaten yet?"
He stumbled over his words slightly and I found it kind of cute. Just kind of. 
"Well. I guess if you didn't expect me to come I'm probably going to be an inconvenience. I'll fly back to America in a few days, maybe we can get to know each other if you have time," I suggested.
Inside, I was slightly disappointed that this wasn't the epic, emotional, long lost sibling reunion worthy of a movie moment, but then again what was I thinking?! 
"Do you have a place to stay?" Donghae asked.
Again, I mentally kicked myself for assuming that everything would work out perfectly once I got here. I shook my head. 
"Well then, you can stay with us for a few days until you go back, plus that gives you guys more time to bond," Donghae cheerfully offered.
Eunhyuk shot him a look,"I'm not going to let my sister stay in an apartment with 10 other guys. That's not right in so many ways! What if a fan sees her and some scandal breaks out? Or what if something..happens?"
I certainly wasn't planning to have some strange love affair, if that's what he was thinking! 
"Yeah, you're right,"I decided," I'll find a place to stay. It's fine, everything will work out right?" 
"Where are you planning to stay? The streets?" Donghae laughed,"you don't even know your way around Seoul! It's alright, just stay with us."
And with that, he pushed me and Eunhyuk towards each other and nudged us out of the door. 
"Lets go!!"
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Chapter 11: A fan probably gave the note?
Chapter 10: V I agree. V Is it Tae? Or maybe Kai?
Chapter 10: Is it taemin
Chapter 7: Yay! SuJu15!!!
Chapter 6: Eunhyuk is so adorable!!!
Eunhae123689 #6
Chapter 5: SUNGMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!