Remember Me?

Surviving in the Idol World 101


I ended the phone call with a small sigh. My brother looked at me expectantly and I shook my head. 
"Things are okay.. But I still have to stay for a bit longer." I managed a smile and tried to look unconcerned and carefree,"I'll be gone and out of your way soon! Don't worry, my dad is fine."
He sat down next to me on the couch and gave me a hug,"Everything is going to work out, I promise." 
I hugged him back and mumbled,"Who said I was worried?"
He leaned back and let out a short laugh,
"You at acting. I can see it all over your face!" 
Eunhyuk playfully mussed my wavy brown hair, tucked it behind my ear and stood up. He smoothed the wrinkles in his jeans and quickly checked his phone as he said,
" I'm going to go work now, okay? I think Henry is coming back from practice soon, and I'll come straight home and maybe we can go out afterwards?"
I nodded hopefully and waved goodbye as he strode out of the living room and out the door. 
*Eunhyuk POV*
I felt bad for leaving her alone all the time, I knew she needed someone to be close to her but it was hard with Donghae and I gone and busy all day. Sighing, I ran my hand through my blonde fringe and leant back as the van rumbled towards the SMent building. When I walked though the swiveling doors, I saw Donghae wave and grin happily. He strode over, slinging his arm around my shoulders. 
"Ready to practice?" He asked. 
With a nod, I smiled and followed him to the practice room. As we made our way to our room, several people stopped to greet us. 
"Anyounghasayo oppa," Jessica and Krystal gave near identical smiles and bows. 
Jung Hoon hyung raised his eyebrows as he passed us and we hastily said,"We're going, we're going!"
"Anyounghasayo sunbaenim!"
A slender boy dipped into a low bow and as he straightened up, his shaggy bangs fluttered into his wide eyes. I knew he was a trainee, a dancer, but his name slipped my mind. 
"Ah, anyounghasayo,"
I politely replied with a nod while Donghae clapped him on the shoulder and exclaimed,
"Jong In,  how's it going?" 
Oh right, his name was Jong In! I made a mental note and took a good look at his face. He was a "pretty" boy, with round dark eyes and a smile resting on his lips. Donghae said a friendly,
"See you around!", 
and continued down the hallway. I kept silently repeating the boy's name until I reached our room. 
*End of POV*
I traced a squiggle in the thin layer of dust on the bookshelf. A small cough escaped as I accidentally inhaled the tiny poof of dust. I walked out of Eunhyuk's room to grab a cloth or something to clean his neglected shelf. As I swept along its length, I noticed a row of CDs neatly placed beside a collection of graphic novels. They were clearly organized and I followed their order with my eyes until I saw several that had been placed with their covers facing out. I took a closer look and laughed when I spotted my brothers face on the covers. These were his CDs! Amazed, I gently took one off the shelf and turned it over in my hands. "Sorry Sorry" it read on the back, and "Sorry Sorry, Super Junior the 3rd album" on the front. I traced the long line of members pictured on the cover, there were so many of them! Opening the case, I carefully pried the CD out and slid it into the CD player beside the bookshelf. I twisted the volume knob slightly and the first song spilled out and filled the room. It was catchy and I quickly found myself smiling and nodding to the beat. I perched on the ledge of the shelf and slowly flipped through the attached picture booklet. I oohed and ahhed quietly, they all looked so cool and handsome. When I came across Donghae's and my brother's photos, I giggled and softly said,
The track playing over the speakers faded out and I heard somebody call my name from somewhere in the apartment. Spinning the volume all the way down, I stood up and closed the photobook. As I did, a small card slipped out from between two pages and fluttered to the floor. It had several Korean characters written neatly in pen on its white surface. I bent down and picked it up to inspect it. 
"Miaaa? Are you here?"
I was pretty sure it was Henry who had just come back. I yelled,
in response and turned back to the card in my hand. I still had some trouble reading Korean, and I had to slowly pronounce the words scrawled in front of me. 
I turned to Henry poking his head into the room,"Just a minute."
Remember me always. It was signed with a small ink heart at the bottom. I paused before sliding it back where it belonged and replacing the CD in its proper place on the shelf. What could that possibly mean? The writing had seemed feminine, especially with the heart signature. Brushing the thoughts from my mind with a deep breath, I put on a smile and left the room with its mysterious card behind. 
sorry for the break guys! But I'm back and I'll try to update more often! Thanks so much for reading and suscribing~~
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I'll try to write soon!


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Chapter 11: A fan probably gave the note?
Chapter 10: V I agree. V Is it Tae? Or maybe Kai?
Chapter 10: Is it taemin
Chapter 7: Yay! SuJu15!!!
Chapter 6: Eunhyuk is so adorable!!!
Eunhae123689 #6
Chapter 5: SUNGMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!