
Surviving in the Idol World 101

"Wait for me,"I called,"hey, wait!"

I ran as fast as I could across the pavement to where the airplane sat preparing to take flight.
My footsteps echoed strangely as they fell faster and faster, but the distance between me and the plane didn't change.
I wasn't going to make it.
Two figures climbed up the stairs to the door and when they turned I saw it was my parents. 
"Momma! Dad! Wait for me!"I cried as loud as I could.
They couldn't hear me. I ran even faster, but it was like I was racing on a treadmill.
Continuing up the steps, they paused at the very top to look back at me and wave cheerily as if nothing was wrong.
Then they disappeared through the entrance and the door sealed shut.
The planes engine rumbled and whirred to life.
Lifting off, the plane sped just above the runway until it took to the air and soon became just a dot in the sky
.The ground shook and I fell to the ground, still calling out,
"Wait! Come back! Come–"
"Mia? Mia wake up."
A hand gently shook my shoulder. I squeezed my eyes shut and lay still. My heart was pounding in my chest, and my sweaty palms were clutched into fists. Deep breath in. And out. In. Out. I relaxed my hands. I finally opened my eyes and I saw Donghae leaning over me. His eyebrows were furrowed in concern and he still had his hand on my shoulder. I glanced around and I could see that I was curled up on the couch with Eunhyuk's jacket spread over me. Donghae sat next to me, but I couldn't see a sign of anybody else in the apartment. 
"Are you okay?" he asked softly,"Eunhyuk told me something happened and that you  fell asleep after crying yourself out. He had to go and film a show, but he called me and asked me to watch you." 
It felt like I had cotton balls stuffed down my throat, and my eyes felt swollen and puffy, so I just nodded and looked away. He stood up and left, but came back quickly with a glass of water. I gratefully gulped it down as he watched but said nothing. As I finished and brought the glass down from my lips to my lap, Donghae still didn't say anything, and I was relieved he didn't. I didn't want to talk about it or even think about it. After a few minutes of silence, I whispered,
"Something went wrong at home. My dad..my dad..." My voice trembled.
Donghae looked at me and patted my knee. It took several breaths before I felt steady and continued,
"He's in the hospital. He had a heart attack, and now I have to stay in Korea."
Saying it aloud made it seem real and concrete. This was really happening. Overwhelmed, I put my head down and closed my eyes wishing that it would all just go away and I'd wake up in my bedroom back home. 
Donghae was quiet for a second before standing up and saying,
"Do you wanna go for a walk?"
  The loud sounds of a busy city flowed around us as we sat on a park bench tucked around the corner of a small grassy area. Silently, we on Popsicles that Donghae had bought on our short walk. 
"So what do you think you're going to do?" He asked. 
"I don't know,"I sighed,"I really don't know. Should I stay? Well, I guess it's not like a have a choice."
"Do you not like it here?" If I heard him right, he sounded slightly sad. 
"No,no, it's great. But it's not home. And I don't know if Eunhyuk can take care of me, he only found out about me a little while ago. I don't want to be a burden to anybody."
"I think everybody at the dorm would agree to you staying for a bit longer.." Donghae said after a thought,"but there are problems to that."
I contined my Popsicle while inwardly thinking,"Of course! You guys are celebrities, how am I supposed to stay with you? And not to mention you're all guys. If I stay, so many problems will come up, and I don't want anything to happen because of me.."
Donghae kept thinking until suddenly he burst out,"What do you think about cross dressing?"
Alright. He had finally gone crazy. Completely nuts. Maybe it was the Popsicle plus one too many autographs?
I glared at him,"Me? That's just freaky. I'm a girl and would enjoy staying one thank you very much!"
"Too bad, unless you enjoy being murdered by fangirls.."he casually pointed out. 
"But why? Why would I even need to dress as a guy?!" I groaned. 
"Not saying you have to, but just to get you thinking!"he cheerily said," it's not that bad, you get used to it after a while."
Weirdo. I rolled my eyes and finished the last bit of Popsicle. Wiping my hands on my jeans, I dismissed the idea as I stood up. 
"Back to the apartment?" I suggested.
Donghae agreed and started walking up the street. As we turned the last corner, I saw a black van parked outside the dorm. It looked vaguely familiar, and I recognized it as the van I had been picked up in at the airport. Donghae saw it at the same time I did, and he immediately brightened. With a burst of energy, he sprinted towards it waving his arms. I wondered who it could be and picked up my pace. I jogged to catch up with Donghae as he ran and flung open the van's door. 
"You're baaaaaacck!!!"he yelled excitedly.
Two guys stepped out of the van and greeted him with a hug. They chatted happily and grew more and more excited. Not wanting to interrupt the reunion, I crept quietly around them and snuck over to the door of the apartment. I closed the distance with a few steps and was about to pull the door open when- 
"Who's that?" I heard one of them ask.
Apparently I had not been sneaky enough, and I turned around and politely smiled and bowed. 
"Anyounghasayo, Jung Mia immnida,"I said with my hand still on the handle. I was so close, so close! 
"Yep, that's Eunhyuk's sister,"Donghae said breezily as if there was nothing surprising about that statement.
Their eyes widened and looked back from me to him then back to me. Awkwardly I laughed and gave a small nod. 
"Oh Mia, this is Henry and Zhou Mi, they're members of SJ-M" he introduced as he motioned towards them. 
"SJ-M?", I asked,"Who's that?"
"A Super Junior sub-unit."
Oh great. More members. More boys. How am I going to survive living here?!
Woohoo Henry!! My canadian buddy! Whats he up to? i dunno. how am i supposed to know, im only the writer of this story ;)
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I'll try to write soon!


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Chapter 11: A fan probably gave the note?
Chapter 10: V I agree. V Is it Tae? Or maybe Kai?
Chapter 10: Is it taemin
Chapter 7: Yay! SuJu15!!!
Chapter 6: Eunhyuk is so adorable!!!
Eunhae123689 #6
Chapter 5: SUNGMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!