Just Like a Movie..

Surviving in the Idol World 101


well I'm just testing this baby out so bear with me! Have fun!
"I have a..what?!"
I slammed my hand down on the wooden dinner table. A whirlwind of emotions must have crossed my face, because my parents looked a bit worried. I took a deep breath and managed to spit out,
"Can you..can you say that again?"
 My parents glanced at each other with a concerned expression and my mom took my hand in hers. 
"Honey, I know it's shocking.. But, you have a brother. It's a great thing sweetie and I know it's going to take some time to get used to, but I think it'd be good if you would meet him."
 I didn't think it would be good. Actually, I didn't know what to think at all. My mind was a mess of scrambled thoughts. I sat there with my mouth open like an idiot for what must have been a good while until I blinked and leaned back against my chair and studied my mom and dad. I had always known that I was adopted from the time I noticed my straight dark brown hair, brown eyes, and "Asian" physique didn't quite match my mother's blue-eyed blonde American beauty looks. I couldn't remember a time when I resented the thought of being adopted or felt like I didn't belong, but I didn't ever consider the fact that I might have a sibling. Someone who..was like me, who looked like me, maybe even seemed like me was somewhere out there living their own life with no clue that I existed. It seemed like a scenario out of a movie or a well planned out prank. I looked into my mom's concerned face and my dad's not-so-concerned expression and hesitated,
"So..when do I get to meet him?"
 Instantly they broke out into smiles and the tension melted from their posture. Dad handed me an envelope. I folded the top open and shook the contents into my hand. A plane ticket and a concert ticket fell out. 
"Alright I get the plane ticket, but what's with the concert? Another surprise?"I asked.
"Well I guess now's a good time to tell you. Your brother is a singer."
I stood alone in the cool conditioned air of the airport. I was in a strange foreign country and I knew that if I wandered, getting lost was inevitable. Nervously I looked down at my pale blue watch for the thousandth time and shook my head. Late? A small part of me thought,
"Tsk shouldn't they be on time?".
I rubbed the black plastic handle of my heavy suitcase and stood up from where I was sitting, scanning the crowds of people milling in the spacious airport. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a man running towards me. I turned to face him as he breathlessly held out a piece cardboard with Korean characters and English characters underneath. Tilting my head, I could see that it was my name, but they had misspelled it.
"Um..yeah..that's me,"
  I said pointing to myself. I was hesitant to use Korean in case my poor pronounciation got me into some embarrassing situation. The man bent over and leaned his hands on his knees as he caught his breath. Finally he stood up and smiled.
"I'm supposed to pick you up and bring you to the concert. You're Mia right?" I guess he had been too busy catching his breath to hear it the first time so I repeated,
"yeah. That's me."
He quickly introduced himself as the band manager, Kim Jung Hoon. When he reached for my suitcase I politely shook my head but he flashed a charming smile and took it anyways. We reached the black van in no time and Jung Hoon opened the door on my side. 
"Oh kamsamhabida,"
I shyly thanked him. As we sped down the road, Jung Hoon fixed his eyes straight ahead but directed a question towards me.
"So what do you think of having a brother in a famous band?"
"I don't really know I guess,"I shrugged,"I don't even know what band he's in."
The vehicle swerved slightly and I yelped.
"You didn't  know? You didn't know your brother is a member of super junior?!" 

Yes? No? Too cliche? Haha tell me! ^^

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I'll try to write soon!


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Chapter 11: A fan probably gave the note?
Chapter 10: V I agree. V Is it Tae? Or maybe Kai?
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Eunhae123689 #6
Chapter 5: SUNGMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!