Author's Note

Fighting Perfection

Final Words.



“I can live alone, if self-respect and circumstances require me so to do. I need not sell my soul to buy bliss. I have an inward treasure born with me, which can keep me alive if all extraneous delights should be withheld, or offered only at a price I cannot afford to give.”

                                                                                                                                     -Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre




It was this very quote which got me thinking about the idea of perfection; What is perfection? How does one achieve it?

This story falls partially under the bildungsroman genre. There was a reason behind choosing the first person narrative. First person narratives can be intensely powerful and engaging. The ‘I’s and ‘my’s calls upon the self to engage with the story. The third person narrative on the other hand, detaches the author from the story from the very first line. It is usually an omniscient narrator telling the story as objectively as possible. It takes excellent writing skills to evoke a plethora of emotions through third person narration. An example of detached third person narrative would be The Search for Perfection. It is a fan fiction, I came across recently and the author is intensely detached. I am not saying it is a good thing or a bad thing, I am saying it is a different style of writing which if I had adopted would have influenced my story negatively.

I won’t deny the fact that certain things were intensely personal. I live in a country were being intelligent is a major priority. If you are not academically brilliant, society will give you a hard time and I love a country (South Korea) which is obsessed with beauty. Drawing parallels with both the countries, I have often been left in a dilemma.

Also, a certain anger had led me to write this story. I have read several ‘makeover’ fan fictions and I will not lie, I did fantasize about how wonderful it would be to be made physically beautiful by just applying makeup and wearing a pretty dress. But matter of fact is, things don’t work that way, things shouldn’t work that way. You are free to disagree with me on this, but I shall stick by the opinion that beauty is transient and does not lie in the perfect facial features. My anger was also directed at stories, which always portrayed the flawless younger/older sister to be either a perfect angel or a . I have a younger sister, I know sibling rivalry, and I know that things do not escalate from one extremity to another. Do not get me wrong! I am not saying there cannot be extreme sibling rivalries but the frequency in which they occur on AFF baffles me.

Many of you may be upset over the final pairing (Yixing x OC) although, I had left several hints here and there to prepare you for it, and there is a reason behind it. First, in a particular chapter I had stated how Yixing and Miyoung were the ones who had had a normal teenage life, falling and getting up on their own, learning and teaching others. Unlike, Kai or Sehun, Yixing’s life would actually be considered conventional. He was a greater teacher than Kai simply because he was the middle path, the ‘in between’ between two extremes, the extremes being; a disturbed life and a smooth life. Secondly, if the protagonist had ended up with Sehun or Kai, things would have been very fairytale like or so to say, perfect. My whole purpose of writing the story would have been defeated if that had happen!

I know this story suddenly paced up in the last few chapters. I jumped in many places, there are empty spaces; intended and unintended but it was because I was scared I would abandon the story. it is unrealistic of a girl who has been shelled in for 17 years to suddenly open up to a person in a few days, it is unrealistic for a random person to help her ( Come on! People are not that nice!) And I sincerely apologise for the hurried manner of the ending.

Having said that, the deliberate interstices in the story are made for the purpose of meaning making. If you notice, like an incredibly lazy author, I have just raised questions and answered none. I have left certain relationships (Sehun and OC, Kai and Jieun back-story) unexplained because I do not think they are important for the story and they are for you to imagine and interpret. I have written the kind of story I hate the most- open-ended story.

This story did not come out as I had originally planned but I am glad people loved it the way I had presented. 52 subscribers, 6 up votes, 1067 views, 75 comments and the most interactive readers ever (passive readers I love you too, I am guilty of being one myself), this journey has been amazing!

It sounds like I have been given the Man Booker Prize but then I do feel that great thanks to you all! Although, more comments and subcriptions will be duly appreciated (I am human, I am greedy.)

So Long Farewell Amigos!

Update 8/3/14: In chapter one, I had used the term 'ed' when Jieun finds herself incapable to collect sand. A lot of readers have found it rather odd and/or entertaining percieving it to be a sordid contextual mistake on my part. I have altered it because I cannot keep on correcting people but here is a much needed clarifictation. The term 'ion' has for long been used only for the discharge of causing to people to forget its other meaning -- "to utter or exclaim, passionately." If anyone of you read 19th century English Literature you would be familiar with the usage of this term in this context and since this story had heavy inclinations towards a little archaic English language I only found it fitting to litter it with words prevalent in that age. 

Having said that I have changed it now to "exclaim" to avoid further confusion. 



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Editing ^_^


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sb1202 #1
Chapter 16: I was initially hesitant to start reading this; with only 15 chapters, I worried about just how much these characters would be able to develop. Thankfully you proved my hesitancy needless. Some of the factors that helped character development-wise was reducing the number of important characters and the use of first person. I typically hate first person pov because it makes it too hard for me to focus on other characters' motives, but it was completely necessary in this case to help understand the severity of the narrator's feelings. However, what truly drew me into this story was the idea of imperfection - something I'm sure all of us can relate heavily to. While reading some chapters, I found my mindset worryingly similar to the narrator's. Reading her journey of self-discovery and eventual happiness is relieving and makes me a bit more hopeful for my own growth.
Thank you for putting so much thought and effort into this! You've gained a new fan today!
Chapter 16: This whole story was something new to me. The character dynamics were nicely built and altogether the story a surprise and way more complex than what was expected in a relatively short story. I got this out of a recommendation list and I don’t regret the time spent binging this story at all. Kai and OC and then her relationship with her sister and finally the ending of it all, it was such a nice subtle lesson throughout. Really good story- thank you for sharing it
Chapter 7: they are so weird especially female lead lmao. but the way she was depicted was kinda reasonable. only superb characterization would be able to do so methinks
Chapter 16: It is a blessing for me to come across this story now. This has reminded me how human I am with my mistakes and my decisions which are not always right. I have a lot of failings which led me to relate a little too much with all, not one but all the characters. I saw myself in their shoes and in their lives and I realised that even me I am in the process of growth and that in time I will heal and move on. Perhaps, it mas made me embrace my feelings raw and bland unlike how I keep it guard everytime. I am so glad that I came across this, that I got the opportunity to read this no matter how late.
I am thankful to you for this.
Besides I simply adored the way you wrote everything. It is exhilarating to read your style of writing,... It makes me wish I know more, I be better in the things that I do.
In short, it is beautiful.... Perfeectly imperfect.
Chapter 15: OMG THIS IS SOOO BEAUTIFUL. woahh!! And idk how i kinda expected her to not end up with both sehun or kai. And i knew it was yixing even when i didn't know his name because dimples were mentioned lol. Just gonna say that this story is amazing and i lovee it so much. I wish i knew how she become lovers with yixing but it was fun to imagine it~
Chapter 15: This was a very pleasant read, thank you dear for writing and sharing this story <3
Chapter 10: This chapter was so beautiful :')
It was everything, funny, romantic and heartbreaking. Just awesome
Chapter 15: Idk why but the moment she started dancing with him at the amusement park I kinda knew she would end up with him and I didn't even know who exactly he was though I had a feeling it was him
Clarie_Hannah #9
Chapter 15: No matter how many times I read this story, I continuously fell in love. Everything is just so perfect. I'm such a fan.