He's Finally Home

When She Was Her

Yuri finally got a call from her brother-in-law, Seughyun. He have informed him that he is coming home and is hoping that they can spend a lot of time together this time. What does he mean by that? Can't he promise that he's going to stay for atleast a week? Is this how he treat my dear sister? Yuri thought.

"Yoong" Seunghyun shouted as soon as he's home. He shouted like he's a kid looking for her playmate in the playground.




"Seunghyun ah!" Yuri shouted back. She then her Yoona mode which she seldom do when Siwon is around. She run downstairs and gave Seunghyun a big hug, a hug that Yoona fondly give the people that she have missed so much.

"You gained weight?" Seunghyun asked. "It fits you, Paris is really healthy for you then." He continued, he gave Yuri a kiss. "I missed you very very much!"

"I have missed you more!" Yuri said. She then tried to observe her brother-in-law. He's so handsome and sweet, maybe that's why Yoona is so in love with him, she thought.

"I have planned a vacation for us." Seunghyun announced. "I have rented a resort for us, I am hoping Siwon can come along as well. He also needs a break from work." 

"I think he won't come if you tell him that I'm coming. Seriously, what's wrong with your brother?" Yuri complained pouting.

"Hahahaha!" Seunghyun laughed a loud. "He's always like that, but he is a good man. Please bear with my brother, certain things made him bitter over the years."

"Made me what?!?" Siwon asked as he enters the house. "And why are you asking her to bear with me when she is the troublemaker here in the house?"

"Siwon ah!" Seunghyun gave his brother a hug. "Thank you for taking care of my wife. Although, you two always argue over the most silly things.. I am still thankful that you have treated her right while I am away."

"Treated me right?" Yuri demanded.

"Yeah, the way I have treated you is the right way.. the way you deserve." Siwon said.

"Seunghyun ah.. Listen to your brother, he's been like that all the time when you are away."

"Aigoo..Why won't the two of you just get along with each other?" Seunghyun asked.

"Ask your brother, yeobo." Yuri said. "Anyways, you're tired. You should rest first."

"Yeah, I think I should. Hong Kong made me very busy... Let's go." Seunghyun said then took Yuri's hands. They went to their bedroom. Siwon just stood watching the two them when they were finally gone, he heaved a heavy sigh.

"Yeobo saranghae." Seunghyun said as he lie down on their bed with her. Yuri gave him a smile as a reply. Her heart pounded so fast. She have never lied down in bed with anyone before. Ahh.. What do I do? She thought. Seunghyun embraced her. Omo! What should I do? My acting hasn't gone this far before.. "Have you missed me, yeobo?" Seunghyun asked again.

"Please don't be get used to being alone, alone without me." Seunghyun said. "I know..I know..  I don't have time for you.. But please have time to think about me still, please don't get used to the idea that I always need to go whenever.. wherever.. I know you know how much I hated the idea of leaving you here."

"You are a part of me," Yuri started. "I understand how you feel.. and I also understand why you have to leave." Yuri said these things although it sound so empty for her.  I don't blame my sister why she wanted to go to Paris for her chemotherapy.. You won't be there for her.. You always are busy with your family business. Arggh! Why won't he let go off me even just for a minute. She then noticed that Seunghyun is already sleeping. She doesn't even know if he was able to hear what she have replied. Is he sleep-talking or something? She thought. She then slowly tried to escape from Seunghyun tight embrace. When she was finally free she then run downstairs and then went directly to the kitchen to get some water. She has never let any guy hug her like that. But she needed to allow Seunghyun.. it's part of the act. She saw Siwon sitting in the kitchen table with a huge book in front of him. He didn't even look up when she entered.

"Siwon" Yuri started. "Yah.. Siwon ssi." Yuri repeated when Siwon didn't answer her.

"What do you want?" Siwon asked without even looking at her.

"Ahh.. nothing." Yuri said. This time Siwon looked at her, raised his eyebrow. "I—I said n—nothing." Yuri repeated.

"Why are you so pale?" Siwon asked.

"I said it's nothing." Yuri repeated.

"Oh. I know. Your husband needs to go somewhere again, am I right?" He said smiling. "Ahhh.. poor you, you have waited for a month to see your husband but then after a few hours of being home.. he unfortunately have another plans for tomorrow."

"He did not say anything about that." Yuri said biting her lips.

"He will later." Siwon said. "I just didn't tell him since he haven't got any sleep yet but the representative of the hotel in China came today.. and he needs to entertain them. You cannot come of course as you need to resume your work by tomorrow as well.."

"Mwoh?!" Yuri demanded.

"Aren't you used to it by now?" Siwon said with a sly smile. "I thought that is the reason why you look so pale." 

Yuri made face. A part of her was very angry that Seunghyun needs to work again as usual.  He haven't even spent even a day for me yet. I mean not for my sake but Yoona's. A part of her is very happy that he's off to somewhere. He won't be able to embrace her again the way he did a while a go. She hated the idea.. especially when Seunghyun is her twin's husband.

"Why so speechless?" Siwon asked. "This makes me want to laugh at you but I know that it also means that I need to baby sit you again."

"Baby sit?!?!?!" Yuri asked. "Me?? I can take care of myself, you don't need to look after me.. or pretend that you are taking care of me,  I should say." Yuri then figured out that that might actually happen. Seunghyun will ask Siwon to keep an eye on hey again since he is very busy with something else. She then thought it's a much better idea. She doesn't  think it is bad spending time with Siwon at all.

"What's with the face??" Siwon demanded. "Don't tell me that the idea actually makes you happy... That makes me want to to hit you with his book."

"If that pisses you off then yes, it makes me happy." Yuri said taunting Siwon. "But atleast he's finally home.. even for just a while." She then thought aloud. Siwon sighed but said nothing else.

Siwon wasn't kidding. As soon as Seunghyun woke up, he found out that information about the Chinese representatives are already flooding his phone. He informed Yuri that they'll go out some other time. Yuri didn't say anything. although Siwon gave her a heads up already, she is still disappointed that Seunghyun really doesn't have any time for his wife. 

She then just resumed modeling. She have to pose for 4 different magazine and need to walk on a catwalk on 6 different events. She then told her sister's manager, who also know that she is not Yoona, not to accept any project that includes any big bodies of water. 




The manager thought that she is doing a great job. Although, she is also thinking that she is giving off a different image for Yoona. Her sister show a very sweet and innocent image why she looks y and mature. The manager thought that she could make a great name in the modeling world as well, even after everything has been revealed but Yuri doesn't share the belief. She wants to go home as soon as she is done with he mission and resume her acting career.



Yuri and her husband-for-now, Seunghyun, have been very busy that they only see each other during bedtime. Aside from frequent kissing and cuddling, they do not do anything more. Yuri is very much thankful that he doesn't push for more as she actually feel very awkward lying down with her twin's husband. After 2 weeks, Seunghyun needs to go back to Hong Kong to facilitate the hotel that they were building there. He then asked Siwon to take care of her wife again. 

Yuri was a bit lonely. She don't have anyone to talk to. She have tried calling her siblings but she was unable to reach them. She have tried to find someone, a maid, a driver, a gardener but it seems like they are already sleeping already, it 11 PM in the evening already by the way. She was able to reach the swimming pool. She doesn't want to get near to it but then she saw someone sitting at the edge of the pool. She knows it's Siwon. Ahh.. Finally I found someone to talk to.. he's not much but will do. Better him than no one!

Siwon on the other hand has been sitting at the edge of the pool, having a hard time. His worst nightmare has been haunting him again. The death of his wife made him bitter. He was unable to save her. And now the tragedy is replaying over and over again in his mind and he doesn't know how to suppress it. He went swimming, thinking that he'll forget everything when he's tired but he hasn't been successful so far. He is beginning to tear up again when someone called his name. It's Yoona.

"Siwon ssi?" Yuri started.

"What do you want?" He asked. He is really not in the mood to talk to anybody. He even left his daughter to her nanny alone. 

"Ahhh.. uhm.. I was looking for someone to talk to." Yuri stammers, knowing that it would sound weird to Siwon's ears. "I have tried to call my siblings but I cannot reach them.. there's nobody in the house.. well, aside from you.."

"Save it." Siwon snapped. "I am not in the mood for any of your ruckus." He stood up and went toward the house.

"But.." Yuri said. She just shut , Siwon looks really scary. Why is he so angry? Did I do something wrong?  Siwon approached her. She took a step backward. Siwon looks like he can hurt her anytime. "Wae?" She asked weakly.

"Why do you have to appear in the middle of nowhere tonight?" Siwon asked glaring at her.

"W—what?" Yuri stammers. "Ah. Am I bothering you? Mian..hae.. I am just going to go to our bedroom then." Yuri said then quickly took a step toward the house but Siwon caught her arm. "Wae?? What's with you?" She asked. She is very much scared now.

"I am looking for someone whom I can turn my anger and frustration to." Siwon said. "Since you are here, why don't you do the honor?" Siwon gripped her arms tightly. He then dragged her toward the pool.

"What are doing? Yah!" Yuri tried to resist.  The pool! Omo! Not the pool! "Siwon ssi! Yah! what are going to do?" Yuri asked tears are now beginning to build around her eyes. He did not say anything but continue to drag her to the pool. Yuri feet was on the edge of the pool. Every inch of her can feel the fear crawling in her skin. Flashbacks began to blur her vision. She can feel that Siwon is going to throw her in the pool for a reason that she cannot really comprehend. She begins to sob. What should I do?? She was sobbing so terribly and then she hold on to Siwon in a tight embrace and began shaking uncontrollably. "Siwon ssi.. S—Siwon ssi.. not the pool. t—the water will k—kill me.. it will kill me.. not t—the pool.. n—no.. p—puh—p—please.."

Siwon snapped back from his madness. Yuri was crying and shaking uncontrollably. They 're still at the edge of the pool. 

"Yah.. Yoona...?" Siwon started. "Wae?"

"I d—don't like the water.. I—I know you are mad at m—my s—sister but p—please spare me this.." Yuri begged.

"W—whut?" Yah.. what are you talking about? I haven't even met your sister.." Siwon said. "Why are you shaking? Yoona ah?"

She cried and doesn't know what to say next.. "I don't know... m—maybe.. b—because... I—I am n—not her.." Yuri replied. Flashback began to cloud her vision and everything went black. 

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Chapter 22: Sweet yulwon moment hehe...Wauu its end already..i hope u can write another stories^^
Vivay_ #2
Chapter 22: Sulli kidnap yunho?! Omg s&m
ChoiAnna #3
Chapter 19: Siwon and yuri was in love. Very nice.
I hope they are together.

Yulwon jjang^^
Realmz #4
Chapter 16: Wheee!!!

Siwon is Jealous... and I think Yuri is trying to say I'm sorry to siwon! Wahahaha!!!

Things that you would do for your family... Phew...

Looking forward to the next chapter!
Chapter 13: Yul u r so damnnn cute hehe~
glowglows #6
i like your story author shi....please update soon =))
vanilla-ssi #7
Chapter 11: kamsahamnida! please bear with me as this is my first time to write stories.. :) I'll try to be good :)
lover91 #8
i really love Yuri character....
make me smile... :}
Chapter 11: yuri is soo cute...i like her character^^