Chapter 3


"I don't know about this..." Nino said when the five men had reached the hospital. "Can't we just call the cops and let them deal with it?"

"We will," Riida answered. "But we need information first. If we can find his mother then he'll be better off."

Nino was officially in charge of holding the baby, so when they got to the hospital, Nino held the baby and Aiba held the diaper bag. Nino's stomach kept turning as they waited for the doctor to show up. 

"Ninomiya Kazunari?" a nurse asked, blushing when she came out and saw Arashi sitting there waiting. Nino stood up and followed her to a room where a doctor sat. 

"Hello Ninomiya-san," the doctor said standing up. "I'm Doctor Ichikawa." He looked at the baby. "I'm guess you're here for a checkup?"

"Well," Nino started. "There's a little story that goes along with this. I'd just like to see if there's anything you could tell us."

"Certainly. Have a seat."

Nino sat down with the baby on the brown paper-covered bed and looked at the doctor. "Okay," he started. "What's the baby's name?"

"I don't know."

The doctor looked at him. "How old is the baby?"

"I don't know."

"Male or female?"

"I don't know!"

Doctor Ichikawa put down his pen. "What do you know about this baby?" he asked. 

"I know that it was found on my doorstep with a note saying to take care of it and that it likes to listen to Arashi," Nino answered. "That's why I'm here. Is there anyway that you can try to figure out who it is?"

The doctor sighed. "Doing a test on everyone in the hospital will take months," he said. "We won't have an official ID until then, but we can check to see how old he could be. We'll take some DNA and start working on the tests right away. It would also be best to inform the police to let them know what's going on so that Child Services could take him."

Nino let the doctor look at the baby, but he stayed close by. He felt very protective of this baby, and he didn't want anything to happen. They found out that it was, in fact, a boy, and the doctor estimated that he was about four to five months old. "Don't worry," Doctor Ichikawa told Nino. "We'll do our best to find his mother. Be sure to call the police, and if he's still with you in a month, bring him in for a checkup."

"Arigatou gozaimasu," Nino bowed to him. 


"How are we going to tell the police about this?" Aiba asked on the car ride back. "They might think we're crazy!"

"Especcially coming from the most immature group on television," Matsujun commented. 

"We'll just tell them the truth," Sho said. "They'll figure everything out."

"And hopefully they'll be able to find his mother," Ohno said.

Nino held the baby in his arms, and he hadn't left since the doctor's visit. He had fallen asleep, and Nino couldn't help but feel sad for him because he didn't have a home. "Ne," Nino spoke up. "Do you think that they would let him stay with me until they find his mom?"

Everyone looked at Nino. "Why would you want him to stay with you?" Ohno asked. "You didn't want him before."

"I found him!" Nino answered. "It's only fair that I take him in."

"You're not responsible enough," Sho said. "And we have to start filming tomorrow! Remember, Manager-san still has no idea what's going on! Leave him with someone else that could take care of him so you don't have to worry."

Nino frowned. "If they let me, could he live with me and have one of you look after him during the day?"

"I'll do it!" Aiba smiled shooting his hand up.

"No way!" Nino told him. "I trust him with you about as much as I trust myself!"

"Aiba's the only one who could do it though," Jun said. "He's not as busy as the rest of us. If child services let you, and I doubt they will, he might be your only option."

Nino frowned, but at least it would be better than putting the baby in a another new home.


When they called the police, they got to work right away and said that they would do whatever they could to find his mother. They also told them that child services would allow the baby to stay with Nino until the mother was found, and if she wasn't found then they could work with him if he wanted to adopt him. 

Arashi also named the baby until they knew his real name. Until further notice, his name was Taro. Nino named him because he couldn't think of anything else. Sho thought it was very distasteful to name your child after a character that you were playing or played in a drama. 

"I just think it's going to be more scary for him to grow up with Uncle Sho being Yatterman that it will be for me to Yamada Taro," Nino answered. 

Sho didn't argue with him after that. 

And Nino did a better job then a lot of people thought. When he got home, the first thing he did was move his bed over to one side of his room and created a small room for Taro by cutting his room in half. He went to the secondhand store and bought a small crib and furnishings for Taro and tried to make his room as baby-like as he could. The furnishings were blue, the crib was yellow, and Nino even made a little area to change him. 

But he was scared. Scared that he was doing everything wrong and that he didn't know what he was doing. But at least I'm trying, he thought. And it's better than him being with a complete stranger. 




I know~ I'm taking longer to update... but I'm working on it!!! I'm now working on two stories instead of one, so I'm going back and forth.

and summer's here! so maybe I'll have more free time to do things I need to do.


chapter 3 of 'Tadaima' is up!!! feel free to comment!

if you like it, tell me.

if you hate it, tell me.

if you have ideas, TELL ME. I love every kind of criticism!


and I found this a few days ago, so I thought I'd share it.

whoever thought of combining Arashi and Disney together is a GENIUS!!!!!



I didn't make this btw... just letting you know that...

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Awww this is so sweet!!! Thanks to your story I started to watch this drama :)
I like the way Nino grow up and how everyone got closer to Taro. This baby only tightened their frienship.
Good work!
wildrose88 #2
arashiiiiiiiii i miss them >.<
Chapter 12: Sugoi! Hontouni! Kono story wa hontouni kakkoi!~
I really enjoyed every bit of it. :)
Chapter 12: I've read this like.... For the second time now.... And I think I want to re-read it again sometime... Great story... It' a little touchy and funny... The ending was very great.... ^.^
-Mieun- #5
I love all your stories so much, this being no exception~<br />
本当にかわいい~<br />
hontou ni kawaii~<br />
really cute~
I forgot to put. Awesome Ohmiya at the end. XD
I love this. The ending was different from what other people would have done so I like it alot more than I already did. ^^ It made me sad though. Still really awesome.
#8 made me cry at the end TwT and then laugh straight after!! xD awesome story!
loved the ending kyaaa omg i cant believe its done already... i'll miss taro..of course nino got custody .. and lol at the ohmiya XD...
loved the ending kyaaa omg i cant believe its done already... i'll miss taro..of course nino got custody .. and lol at the ohmiya XD...