Chapter 8

Kiss and Tell

Monday came and it was time to go back to work again. It had been an eventful Friday for everyone due to the storm so it was nice to have things run as normal once again. After they had been rescued Yuri went to the hospital to visit her friend Hyoyeon and have her run some tests. She was given some medicine and a doctor’s note to be off of work for Monday as well.


“You need rest! And lots of it!” Hyoyeon had instructed Yuri. However, Yuri didn’t want to be home alone and she had this undeniable urge to go to work. After making up her mind to not follow her doctor’s orders she got ready for work and left to be on her way.


When she arrived in her office she had Yoona’s coffee in hand and was being a lot more careful than usual. Yuri was determined to not let any mishaps occur this time. She got the coffee safely on Yoona’s desk and went about her business, finishing the work she had left.


Yuri heard Yoona enter her own office a couple of minutes late but did not request her presence. Yoona had not spoken to her directly at all or asked her to do anything for that matter.


By the time lunch time came around, Yuri was bored out of her mind. She saw Jessica walking by and called out to her quickly.




Jessica stopped abruptly and turned to Yuri who was now walking up behind her. “What is it? Are you feeling better?”


“Yeah, I’m fine but I wanted to know if you want to have lunch with me.”


Jessica frowned and looked at Yuri apologetically. “Sorry hun, I have a lunch date with Tiffany.”


“Ew… my Tiffany?”


Jessica started to laugh and shoved Yuri playfully. “Yeah, except soon she’s going to be MY Tiffany.” Jessica winked at Yuri who pretended to gag.


“Yuck. When did that happen?”


“Well… You know that meeting I had with her on Friday? She kissed me…”


“OMG I can’t believe she actually did it!” Jessica looked at Yuri with a confused expression.


“What do you mean?”


“Well you’re my closest friends so I would tell Tiffany all these stories about you. She would sometimes beg me to introduce you to her. She said that if she ever actually met you she’d probably not be able to control herself.” Yuri laughed at Jessica’s reddened cheeks. “I’m sure you can tell by now she doesn’t have much self-control”


“I see that…” Jessica had a glowing expression and a gentle smile on her face. She wasn’t the luckiest when it came to love and up until now she’d never really had someone like her beyond her looks. She knew Tiffany was different from the moment they met and she was quite glad of it.


“So Sica, don’t you have to get going?” Jessica’s eyes widened when she looked at the clock behind Yuri. She yelped and ran off, grabbing her purse on the way out.


Yuri watched her go with a smile on her face. She was glad Jessica had found someone and she always knew they’d be a great couple. Yuri crossed her fingers hoping for everything between those two to work out.


“So you’re going to let her go off with your girlfriend?”


“Oh my god!” Yuri turned to her right to see Yoona leaning against the door frame. “Must you always sneak up on me!”


Yoona just shrugged and looked at Yuri questioningly.


“No, she can’t go off with my girlfriend because I don’t have one.”


“But isn’t Tiffany you-“




“Ahh.” Yoona nodded and felt a feeling of relief sweep through her.


“Hey Yoona…” Yuri turned to Yoona with an expression unknown to her.




“Do you want to have lunch together?”




“Well, it’s just that everyone is gone and I don’t want to eat by myself…”


Yoona felt a bit hurt by this but she sure as hell didn’t show it. “So, Cruella is the only available option huh?”


“No! Of course not! And I have never called you Cruella!” Although she was very good at controlling her emotions, Yuri could still see that the nickname bothered Yoona and made her sad.


“Why not? Everyone else does…”


“But that’s not your name. I have no right to call you any mean names.” Yuri’s voice was completely serious. She hadn’t called Yoona any names because it would have been extremely hypocritical of her to do so. After giving Yoona a speech about not calling her You, it was only fair she treat her the way she wanted to be treated.


“…” Yoona looked at Yuri with admiration. “I guess there’s a first time for everything… You’re the first employee I’ve ever hasn’t called me Cruella.”




“Yeah. I know what they say behind my back.” Yoona had a sad smile on her face. “Some of them don’t even bother trying to whisper.”




“I know I’m not all sunshine and rainbows. I may be a hardass most of the time, but this company is my baby. I have to be this way in order for my baby to grow and be successful.”


“But isn’t it lonely?” Yuri mirrored Yoona’s sad expression. “Don’t you think you can find a happy medium? Maybe be less uptight. I’m sure your baby will be just fine and you’ll be happier.”


“I-I don’t know how to do that…”


Yuri’s face suddenly lit up and a mischievous grin appeared on her face. “Well that’s what your bombing hot assistant is for! Come on! Get your things, we’re going out!”


“W-what?! We can’t just leave!”


“Of course we can! I have a doctor’s note and you’re the boss! So come on pretty lady, stop being a party pooper!”


Both girls got their things and met outside their offices. Without a single word, Yuri just dragged Yoona to the elevators to start their journey.


Yoona looked at her hand in Yuri’s and looked up to the sky. What have I gotten myself into?    


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Chapter 11: somehow i want a sequel of this story. maybe one with lots of SunYeon on it? :3
Chapter 6: “I want you to be there when I wake up…”

that was such a sweet quote, author-ssi :')
Chapter 11: Aww so ing cute!!!!!!! I love your fic so, so much
YuKirei-- #4
Chapter 11: :) woah cute...
they're together and yoong is no longer acting :D
Chapter 11: I'm reading this again and found something I missed out when i read it the first time.
About Tiffany and Yoona disliking each other, it was about Taeyeon wasn't it? Tae is Yoong's best friend and TaeNy's relationship ended badly.
Damn, I should have caught on the first time, It all makes total sense now~~
Fritter_Away #6
Read this story in one sitting! Why this ended so early ?!
Please write a sequel to this...
Chapter 11: Oh noooo. Why end so early?! :( Anyway, thanks for an amazing YY fic... ^^
Chapter 11: Hehe YoonYul finally together too! XD
but honestly i was hoping to read more about JeTi's LOVELY relationship...
but all in all, VERY GOOD FIC, would be better with a sequel or so? ;D
Chapter 11: humm... you never explained whats with yoona and tiffany.