Chapter 7

Kiss and Tell



“How are you feeling now?” Yoona handed Yuri another bottle of water and sat next to her. “What happened?”


Yuri sighed. “It’s my fault I’m sick. I knew the cream cheese in my bagel earlier didn’t smell right… but I was starving and with all the work I had to do, there was no time to go to the caf.”


Yoona looked at her with pity and guilt. If she hadn’t assigned Yuri so much work the girl wouldn’t have felt the need to eat spoilt food. So basically it’s my entire fault…


“Why didn’t you just stop working and went to eat?” Yoona quickly rid her face of her worried expression when Yuri turned to her.


“… I wanted to show you that I am better than you think me to be…”




“I know you think I’m irritating and honestly irritating you a bit is really fun…” Yuri smiled before frowning again. “But I can also tell that you underestimate me greatly. I hate being underrated.”


“I see.” Yoona didn’t know what to say. She really had undermined Yuri in the beginning but now that was long gone and she had this new found respect for her; although she would never say that out loud.


Yuri then began to laugh which startled Yoona. She just kept laughing and it worried Yoona that she might have made the poor girl lose her mind.


“Are you alright there?” Yoona furrowed her eyebrows, she was sure the girl was insane.


“It’s just-“ Yuri broke out into chuckles again. “It’s just that I spent all day trying to prove myself to you and everything backfired!”


“So why are you laughing?”


“Because it’s pretty comical actually! It's the first time I ever felt the need to show someone I’m better than what they believe and I failed every single time! I got here early with your coffee yet I spilled it all over me. I try to change before you get here but you walked in on me. I’m pretty sure I ruined copy machine number two. And on top of that, I get food poisoning trying to do work that, in the end of the day, I couldn’t even finish!”


Yoona looked at Yuri laugh at her failure. If it would have been her, she would have been in an awful mood yet here was Yuri laughing at all her mistakes. Yoona swore she saw a crown of light surround her head as she watched. She felt a smile tug at her lips.


“Is anybody here?!” A voice called out, pulling Yoona out of her thoughts. She heard Yuri gasp and stand abruptly.


“Come on Yoona! Help came!” Yuri grabbed Yoona’s hands and pulled her towards the voice. There was a firefighter with a large flashlight looking for them.


The gentleman asked Yuri question after question. Yoona would have answered them herself but she was too busy looking at their intertwined hands.






“Thanks for tonight Tiffany.” Jessica smiled as she walked Tiffany to the door of her building.


“It was my pleasure. Plus! What better place to be trapped during a storm than the Mall!” Tiffany lifted the bags in her hands, making Jessica smile. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself Jessica.”


The girls made eye contact and Jessica started to become noticeably more nervous. “T-tiffany… I was wondering if… y-you would like to have lunch with me tomorrow.”


Jessica watched as Tiffany looked like she was considering her offer and that made her even more nervous. However that feeling went away when she saw Tiffany smile brightly.


Tiffany pulled Jessica’s face in for a kiss. After their lips met she whispered her answer just inches away from Jessica’s face. “Of course I’d love to”





Yoona laid on her bed sleeplessly. She started to whine and groan. “Why is this happening to me!?”


All she could see when she closed her eyes was Yuri’s laughing face. All she could think about was her words.


I can also tell that you underestimate me greatly


“Not anymore.” Yoona sighed. “It feels like I’m the one who has to prove herself now…”

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Chapter 11: somehow i want a sequel of this story. maybe one with lots of SunYeon on it? :3
Chapter 6: “I want you to be there when I wake up…”

that was such a sweet quote, author-ssi :')
Chapter 11: Aww so ing cute!!!!!!! I love your fic so, so much
YuKirei-- #4
Chapter 11: :) woah cute...
they're together and yoong is no longer acting :D
Chapter 11: I'm reading this again and found something I missed out when i read it the first time.
About Tiffany and Yoona disliking each other, it was about Taeyeon wasn't it? Tae is Yoong's best friend and TaeNy's relationship ended badly.
Damn, I should have caught on the first time, It all makes total sense now~~
Fritter_Away #6
Read this story in one sitting! Why this ended so early ?!
Please write a sequel to this...
Chapter 11: Oh noooo. Why end so early?! :( Anyway, thanks for an amazing YY fic... ^^
Chapter 11: Hehe YoonYul finally together too! XD
but honestly i was hoping to read more about JeTi's LOVELY relationship...
but all in all, VERY GOOD FIC, would be better with a sequel or so? ;D
Chapter 11: humm... you never explained whats with yoona and tiffany.