Problematic Late Night Escapades

Trouble With Exo


The innocent manager of SNSD  was innocently walking down the hallway of SME innocently, when he innocently bumped into a certain Ice Princess, who he innocently and profusely apologized to, like what his innocent self would normally and innocently do.
He just had to overdo it. 
"Oh Sica-ah! Sorry, I didn't see you there," He smiled at her sheepishly, "Wait a minute, what are you dong here? It's 2:30 in the morning, aren't you usually enjoying your precious sleep in the midst of your Zac Efron pillow? Don't you have a schedule tomorrow? And please enlighten me on why you are sweaty. Seriously though, don't you need your beauty sleep so you won't look as hideous as you really are in your photo shoot?"
Jessica gave him a sharp look, "That's rich coming from a guy who looked he was dropped in a pile of ugly when he was born. Let's be real, you were totally dropped as a baby," He gave her a menacing look which she ignored, "Anyways, the Tokyo dome concert is coming up and I won't be able to practice in Japan that much because Hyoyeon tends to lock herself in the practice rooms. As for my photo shoot tomorrow, you and I both know that I will kill it." She totally will.
Jessica grew suspicious, "Wait a minute oppa, what are you doing here at this hour?"
"Ummm I was gonna get some things I left here but that's not important," He stared at her for a minute before voicing out a question that he should have been smart enough to ask before, "Aren't you doing a ballad for the Japan Arena Tour? Why are you in the dance room then and why are you sweaty? Weird girl..."
Jessica heaved a long sigh, "If you were half the great manager you like to think you are, you would know that I will give a surprise dance performance in the concert. People expect me to sing a ballad again but I want to show everyone that I'm not the lazy girl they say I am. I'd show them all the I could dance like when we debuted."
Manager oppa nodded like he could actually process what she explained. 
"Why couldn't you practice in your dorm? You have a dance room there, you didn't have to run all the way to the company to dance at this hour."
Jessica squirmed, trying to avoid his eyes, "Well you see, I probably saw a post-it outside of the dorm door which probably stated that I am probably not allowed to enter the dorm if I don't want to face the wrath of the one who posted it, which is probably Sooyoung because I probably pasted a huge picture of her taking a shower on the wall which probably embarrassed her. Just probably."
"It's your own fault."
"I know but I'd like it if you lied to me and said that they were being stupid by not letting me inside the dorm."
"I could but I don't want to."
" you."
"What a sweet girl you are. No wonder everyone is scared of yo- ouch!" He was clutching his stomach to subdue the pain he received after Jessica punched him. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Tears were streaming down his face because of the hard blow he received. 
"You had it coming."
"Shut the up Jessica before I confiscate your Daniel Henney underwear and replace them with cucumber print ones."
"You wouldn't dare."
"You and I both know that I would. You just wanted an excuse to feel my abs."
Jessica rolled her eyes, " it up and be the man you could never be. You don't have abs though. Anyway, what am I gonna do now? You're our manager, couldn't you tell the girls to let me in?" 
"No. You deserve it."
Jessica really wanted to sleep, she was tired from dancing and she really needed to rest because of her photo shoot tomorrow. So she used the ultimate weapon.
"Oppa~ Bbuing bbuing"
"... ."
He fell for it.
Or did he?
"Don't you dare use aegyo on me. Though I think I may have a solution to your problem."
Jessica pouted, "You're no fun. Though I am interested in that so called 'solution' of yours. Do tell me more."
"There is a vacant spot in Exo's new dorm."
"And what do I do with that information?"
He started to look annoyed, "Do you want to sleep or not?" 
"Of course I do. But why couldn't I sleep somewhere else? Like in Krystal's dorm"
"All other dorms are full. The only reason why Exo's dorm has space is because the company would like to minimize the damage that Tao's wushu would bring to the dorm."
"Huh, you're making me live in those kids' dorm... Okay aside from the fact that you are random as , why do I need to live there? As my manager you should know what's best for me."
"Because your members hate you."
"You and I both know that's not true."
"You're right but they won't let you sleep soundly after that last prank."
"... You ."
" what?"
He was once again ignored.
"But they're boys."
"What a nice observation. What do I do with that information?" He gave her a taunting smirk.
Jessica continued to ignore him, "But they're boys. Boys with boy parts. Parts that are used by boys. Do you not see where I am going here?"
"I am fully aware of the fact that they are boys with boy parts that are used by boys, seeing as I am also a boy with those parts."
"Are you? Are you really?"
"Why, are you?"
"Mine is certainly bigger than yours."
"Okay stop it stop! We will not discuss the presence or lack of presence of my parts right now. Why do you hate boys, Sica?"
Jessica started walking away, deciding that she wasted 10 minutes of her life talking to her manager and started thinking of places to stay in.
'Oh she can't walk away! I can't let the plan get ruined.'
He started running after her but thanks to the fact that he is not athletic in any way possible, he was hyperventilating when he reached her.
"You never answered my question, Sica." He breathed out after catching his breath.
"Well I always question your birth and constant existence but I never got a proper answer, did I?"
".... You ."
" what?"
He gave her a sharp look, "Seriously! Why do you hate boys?"
"I don't hate boys. I just dislike the fact that I am forced to interact with them on a daily basis."
"You pretty much said that you hate boys. You're contradicting your own contradiction."
"I really don't hate boys. I like Super Junior and SHINee and DBSK. And Jino, don't forget Jino."
"But not Exo."
He smirked at her silence, "I'm right. You hate them."
She quickly defended herself, "I don't hate them, I actually like some members there. Like Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Chen. It's just that I'm not close with most of them yet and I am an Ice Princess. Do you see the connection here? And honestly, I think I might like them after I get to know them but not right now. And what about Exo? I don't think they'd want a girl in their dorm... And we all know that when the troll squad comes together, there would be chaos. Do you really want that?"
"Oh that's right! You're cold to people you don't know well. But don't you see, Sica? This is your chance to get to know the boys. By living with them, you'll get to see their off stage persona, without the images they hold. About the troll squad, I think it's best if you stick with them in one contained space than all of you having secret meetings in dark corners. Besides, you can stay there for only a month, the girls would forgive you by that time. Don't worry about the boys yo, they be cool with that yo" He hoped to God he sounded persuasive but he ended up sounding 'hip'.
"What do I do with that information?" She was sounding more unamused as the conversation got longer.
"Seriously, it's either Exo's dorm or be a hobo in the streets. Your call."
She knew what she had to do.
She had to say yes.
"Wait so I need to actually interact with those boys?"
"Yes Jessica."
"As in like talk to them and ?"
"Yes Jessica."
"You mean I need to actually be civilized with them?"
"Yes Jessica."
"So I need to breathe the same air they breathe?"
"I really do wonder how people put up with you."
"I keep people entertained with my dazzling personality."
"Let's not start believing in lies, Sica."
"I hate you. With a passion. And I am rarely passionate about ."
"Nice to see that dazzling personality you claim you posses right now, such a comfort. I think I can convince the girls to let you stay for a night so you can pack up your things and say goodbye."
"Wow. How very kind of you. Such a gentleman. You make me cry," Jessica's monotonous voice rang throughout the hallway.
He smiled at her unamused face, "I am such a great manager. Now go back to your dorm and fix your things. You're moving in Exo's dorm after your photo shoot for W Korea tomorrow."
Jessica grudgingly left the company and walked all the way to SNSD's dorm. When she reached the dorm, it was already 3:23 am. She bitterly took off the offending pink post-it that Sooyoung probably stole from Tiffany and turned the knob of the door.
She all the lights and stood in the middle of the living room. 'Okay this is it. 3... 2... 1'
"AHHHHHHH" It's the return of the infamous dolphin scream. That should wake everyone up.
A whole lot of happened at once.
Yuri and Yoona came out of their rooms looking disgruntled, Yoona was still carrying her pillow while one of Yuri's sleeve was slipping from her shoulder because of her rush. "WHAT HAPPENED" (Yoona). "IS THERE A ROBBER? LET ME CUT HIS BALLS OFF" (Yuri)
Taeyeon ran to the living room carrying a butter knife. Don't ask. "WHAT. WHAT. WHO DIED?"
A drooling but panicking Sunny came out of her room and went under the kitchen table, "IS THERE AN EARTHQUAKE WHAT THE ."
Sooyoung ran to the living room and started to show off her so called 'martial arts' and began to karate chop everything in her way, "WHO SHOULD I KILL?"
Tiffany and Hyoyeon slipped on the stairs because of their rush and landed ungracefully on their asses. That started a chorus of ""s and "NOBODY SAW THAT"s. Everybody saw that.
Seohyun calmly walked out of her room and stared at everyone, "Unnies, how are my skin cells supposed to grow if you all wake me up?"
Everyone composed themselves and stared at a girl standing in the middle of the living room, holding a camera. She just had to record it.
"Did you not see the post-it I pasted on the door? Maknae, what are you doing here?" Yep, it was totally Sooyoung.
Jessica placed her camera inside her bag and smirked at them all, "Now that you're all awake," Everyone stared at her with shocked faces, "I have a few things to say. First of all... Yes Sooyoung, I saw what you posted but I chose to ignore it. Secondly, because you all ungraciously refused to let me to reside in this facility, I am now forced by an idiotic man we call our manager to live in another dorm, Exo's dorm to be exact. So let me all sleep here for a night and I'll be out of here tomorrow."
All the girls stared at each other, smirking.
'Huh, manager oppa is not that useless after all. The plan is a success. Bwahahaha' Evil SNSD is evil.
Seeing as they were all looking at each other, Jessica cleared so their attention would return to her, "So can I stay here for a night? Manager oppa said that he was going to call you to persuade you to let me sleep here but he's useless as ."
All the girls nodded in agreement. The least they could do is let her sleep, they did after all trick her into staying in Exo's dorm. They're not that heartless. By much.
"Since I am being ejected from this dorm, can I ask you guys a question?"
They all nodded uncertainly again.
"How could you betray me? I trusted you and you all left me. How could you?"
"Stop being dramatic, Sica. This is for the best."
"How is this for the best, Taeyeon?"
"You're gonna be gone and well, it's for the best for us."
"You're all es."
"Love you too."
Sunny suddenly shouted that they should all sleep, completely ignoring Jessica's looks of outrage and disbelief.
All the girls obliged and went back to their rooms. Jessica didn't have the heart to argue because she just wanted to sleep.
As she changed to her pajamas, she landed on her bed with a thud, 'This will be one hell of a month.'
Meanwhile, Exo's dorm remains as noisy and chaotic as ever, especially because they just heard that a special someone is gonna live in their dorm.
They are all in for a wild ride.
Hy guys! I'm back! Haha hope you like this chapter lol I made this at 2:30 am so yeah... You know how I am. Didn't reread this so idk if this chapter is good. Comments are appreciated! Thanks for my 7 upvotes wow ily all so much. Hope this didn't ... Please tell me if there are any typos, I am too lazy to read this thing hahaha
Thanks <3
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Chapter 11: Aaaaa is there any chance that you’ll come back authornim? :<<<<<< im anticipating for exo’s reactions for sica’s arrival!!! Fightinggg
danteriddle058 #2
Chapter 11: Please update soon, i love this story.
Update please... it's been awhile... anyways it's amazing story...
Beloved_1230 #4
Chapter 11: Reasons why Jessica is not in Snsd anymore...
Any plans of updating this?
RiLakkuMaLovEr #6
Chapter 11: Update soon please
Princessjessica92 #7
Chapter 11: Update author I like it....
nicole0612 #8
Chapter 11: Please update soon! Love this story ❤❤❤❤❤
katoys9 #9
Waiting for your update! :)
New reader here
This is very good. I'm obsessed with it now lol
I've been reading this over and over again
Please update soon ♥
AHHHH! I've been reading this FF twice xD
You should really update, please?
It's very good ^_^