Alliances and Dark Corners

Trouble With Exo


Somewhere in a dark corner in SME, lies four beautiful people with a plan boiling in their evil minds.
"Do you think this would work, noona? It's a long shot, but if it does, it would be phenomenal. We could be the rulers of all peasants. We could make them our slaves and they would bow down to us."
"Don't worry, Chenchen. This is totally gonna work. I've been wanting to do this for a long time but I needed allies to bring down with me to the ground if I ever get caught." Jessica would so say this with an angelic smile.
"..." Silence and worried glances came from the 3 boys.
"Hahaha just kidding! Loosen up es. Besides, do you actually think we'd get in trouble for this? I have been friends with Kyuhyun oppa for years, it's not a normal friendship but we had our first pranks on each other. We will not get in trouble. That much." Overconfident Jung strikes again.
"Noona, when do we start the plan? Can we make all our peasants do yoga after we take over the world? Or we could start a yoga session every Sunday for all the slaves. Yeah, great idea Yeol!" This boy really needs to lay off the yoga, they realized. The dude would crush his balls and would never have children if he does. And he needs to return someone's (Jongin's) pink yoga mat, the dude is going crazy looking for it. Everyone looked at Chanyeol weirdly. Not only was he stupid, the weirdo talks to himself too. They all took a step back from the rapper, clearly scared of the things the giant is thinking.
'Oh god this boy. How can he be in the troll squad when he is clearly ing weird. Oh well, he may be valuable in this prank' Jessica was clearly having an internal battle, which she was obviously losing.
'WHY IS HE MY ROOM MATE GOD I AM MAKING HIM TRANSFER TO CHEN'S ROOM. I WILL NOT BE ASSOCIATED WITH HIM' Needless to say, Baekhyun is embarrassed by Creepyeol and would do anything to trick him into going to Chen's room. Besides, Chen needs to be a peasant for a while, the dude thinks he's the .
'Okay why does he continue to exist?' Chen was obviously the .
"Umm no Chanyeol. Just no. We've had enough in our dorm and we are sick of seeing you everywhere." Thank God for Baekhyun. The singer was pissed at his room mate for making him aka forcing him to have a yoga session with the giant. Let's just say that he won't be walking properly for a week.
"Okaaaay let's just ignore Channie. The plan starts in a week so get ready es." Jessica is starting to regret bringing Chanyeol to the Troll Squad. Oh well.
How did all this happen? One minute, Baekhyun was just fanboying over Jessica aka humiliating himself then in another minute, Jessica and Chanyeol are with him, plotting SMTown's ultimate doom.
It all started yesterday, when Jessica forced Baekhyun to introduce her to his chingus so they could get started with plotting the prank.
It went a little like this...
"Hi! I'm SNSD's Je-"
"Yes Chanyeol. Now will you shut up before your balls deflate?" Baekhyun is not a man of many compliments.
Amidst Baekyeol's petty fighting, Chen was just staring at Jessica, who was creeped out by the two new boys. 
Then Chen reached out a finger slowly and poked Jessica in the face.
"..." Nobody spoke for a minute.
"Omg you're real." Yes, Chen would poke his senior on the cheek to check reality.
"Dude what the hell you just can't poke her like that! You'll creep her out. Not that your face doesn't already." Chanyeol just crossed the line with that.
"Your face is creeping her out too, deep. And I'm not the group's resident weirdo, you peasant." King Chen will not be thwarted by mere peasants.
'Dear god why did I introduce them to Jessica sunbae?' All in all, Baekhyun was not amused. But Jessica was.
"HAHAHA you boys are crazy. ing weird, yes. But so crazy hahaha" Jessica found herself laughing at EXO once again.
'They're idiots. But they will help me with my plan' Jessica had on an evil face, scaring the boys.
"Okay! I'm Jessica. And you three will be my slaves... I mean partners. You need special nicknames because I want to give you es nicknames. Chen will be called Chenchen. And feel humiliated for the rest of your life. Chanyeol will be Channie. Just because, you . And Baekhyun will remain as Baekhyunnie. You es can call me anything you want."
The three boys did not know what to feel. They didn't realize that SNSD's Ice Princess was like this.
'Oh well, I still like her' was what they were all thinking.
"Well, everyone calls you Sica noona... So we should be different!" Chen does not like feeling average okay.
"Mmm how about Jessi noona!" 
"That's still too normal, Chanyeol." Chen is a demanding , he really is.
"... What about Sooyeonie noona?" How Baekhyun knows her real name, Jessica did not know. But she liked that nickname.
"Great! You peasants may call me Sooyeonie noona. But only the people in the Troll Squad can."
The boys chose to ignore that statement.
"So why did you want to meet us, Sooyeonie noona?"
"It's simple, Channie. I have an SMTown prank in my mind... And I want you three to help me execute it."
So that's how they got in that dark corner. Evil minds think alike.
Now, in another dark corner in SME, lies 8 girls and... 2 men?
"We need our revenge. She's our eternal maknae, yes, but she needs a lesson" Yoona is power hungry today. Literally.
"And we have the perfect opportunity. We heard that Exo moved into a new dorm, right?" Yuri inhaled deeply. She wants revenge, badly.
One of the men started talking. "Yeah, but what's that got to do with Jessica?" He was Exo's manager. Or manager oppar, as people love to call him. He was so confused with everything that's happening. One minute, he was innocently walking down the hallway in SME, then in the next, he was pulled into Dark Corner 2 with another man.
 Another man that people like to call SNSD's manager.
"Girls, I know you're plotting something evil again. I don't want any part of it. I have had enough of your so called 'genius omfg' plans." Yep, SNSD's manager was an expert when it comes to the girls. He knows everything about them and he will not be a part of this.
"But oppa, we need your help! Don't you remember everything that Sica has done to us? To you? Don't you remember... The Ball Incident?" Yes, Tiffany was so desperate to execute the plan that he had to mention... The Ball Incident.
SNSD's manager suddenly shivered. He could never forget... The Ball Incident.
"Alright, I'm in. What's the plan?" The girls mentally high fived each other. They knew that once they remind him of... The Ball Incident, it could make their manager turn to the dark side.
"I still don't understand how I'm part of this! I'm Exo's manager, not SNSD's. So I'll just take my leave and let you guys be evil on your own. Okay by--" Two pairs of hands stopped him from leaving Dark Corner 2. Two pairs of hands that belong to Taeyeon and Hyoyeon.
"Hold up mister, we need you in our plan. You know Exo well since you're their manager oppar, right? Can you tell us some things about Exo when they're in their dorm? Pretty please!" Sunny started plan A. And A stands for Aegyo. They need information fast.
Exo's manager gulped hard. He can't go anywhere and he's being forced to form an alliance with SNSD and their manager.
"Fine! I'll cooperate. Just make sure that I won't get in trouble when you evil people do. Exo... Is totally different when they're in the dorms"
"Excellent... Excellent. Tell us more." Seohyun is creepy when she's like this. It made manager oppar start to spill more secrets about the Exo boys.
"They're crazy. Crazier than you people." Sooyoung had to hit him. "Ouch! I'm already helping! Geez. Okay, they have totally different personalities. They may seem like they know their way around the ladies... But those boys don't know how to act in front of girls. They are completely hopeless. They're fanboys too so they act crazier around the people they like." He took a deep breath and held it in.
"This is perfect! They will totally change Jessica!" Hyoyeon was excited because this revenge plan will be totally fun... For the girls.
"Wait, I still don't understand what the plan is. And why Exo is part of it. Care to explain it to me?" The girls' manager is clueless as .
"It's simple. We want Jessica to live in Exo's new dorm." Taeyeon broke it to him bluntly.
"This plan will benefit us all. First of all, they will no longer be any Jessica in our dorm. Which is automatically better for us." Sooyoung can see the brilliance of this plan. She won't have a room mate in the form of the devil anymore!
"Yeah, that will benefit you guys. But this will affect my boys too! What if they don't want Jessica to stay there?" Exo's manager is starting to worry.
"You silly, silly man. You don't know your boys that well after all. Don't you see Exo drool after Jessica? Of course they want her there! They would probably beg for it." Taeyeon face palmed at manager oppar. That man is so clueless if he doesn't know that the boys have taken a liking to their Ice Princess. 'I am talking with a bunch of idiots' Being a leader is oh so hard.
"What? They like her? Whaaaat." Idiot manager oppar is an idiot.
"Yes, which is why this will benefit the boys too. They are quite scared of her now so they can't approach her. You see, Jessica pulled an Ice Princess on them when they first met. I don't know why the boys still like her after that, Jessica usually scares boys off with her Ice Princess personality. But Exo seemed to like her even more." Sunny took a deep breath then continued. "This will give Exo the opportunity to get closer to her."
'Omg we are so smart oh em gee' The 8 girls feel totally smart right now.
"But... How is this revenge for Jessica?" SNSD's manager was finally catching on.
"Simple. Our eternal maknae hates boys. Exo is composed of boys." God, Seohyun is the only mentally mature one in that dark corner.
"Ohhh I get it! This will be some interesting ." Finally! SNSD's manager managed to understand everything.
"Besides, this is also beneficial to SMTown. They would love to see the boys struggle with Jessica and see our Ice Princess get uncomfortable. It's totally gonna be entertaining for us." Sooyoung is actually thinking of putting up a popcorn stand near Exo's dorm so she could sell it to her labelmates. will go down in that dorm and popcorn is always a must.
"And there is a movie house near the new dorm, right? Jessica is a huge movie junkie. She might actually like it there." Hyoyeon can be persuasive if she needed to be.
"I don't know girls, what if it makes my boys even weirder than they already are?" Manager oppar is totally scared of the outcome of this plot.
"Why don't we just do a test run first. One month in Exo's dorm seems like a good plan. If Jessica stopped trolling, the outcome is interesting, or if she actually liked living there, we let Jessica stay in Exo's dorm. If chaos happens in their dorm during that one month, then we let Jessica stay in Exo's dorm forever. Sounds like a plan, right?" Oh, smartass Tiffany is back.
The girls nodded. No one wants Jessica back in their dorm, no matter how much they adore their eternal maknae. goes down everyday with Jessica.
"Stop trying to trick me! I'm not that stupid. One month is fine for revenge! If she likes it there, if the boys want her to stay there, or if something totally awesome happens during her stay and becomes interesting, she can live there for as long as she wants to. But if something bad happens, she goes back to your dorm. Is that good enough?" Oooh manager oppar is compromising with the girls. Bad idea bro. The girls would get what they want, whether he likes it or not.
All the girls looked at each other. They want Jessica to stay there forever. Not that they don't like her but life would be so much better if Jessica stays in Exo's new dorm. And everyday would be interesting. The girls nodded at each other, they will find ways to make the first part of the compromise happen.
"Deal! One month or forever." Yuri smirked at manager oppar, who shuddered at the evil aura coming from the girls.
"But what about the scandals? Or rumors? What if they get into scandals?" The two managers suddenly thought of this.
"Oh don't worry about it. Bad publicity is still publicity. If people catch Jessica and the boys together or if they create scandals about them, let them be." Taeyeon desperately wants the two managers to help them.
"But what about Lee Soo Man? The scandals may have a negative effect on the two groups." Manager oppar is still unsure.
"Lee Soo Man will be totally happy with the plan. Don't you guys know how long Soo Man has been waiting for Jessica to take an interest in a boy and see Exo become one of the most popular groups? Forever. And besides, SMTown will help in covering up the scandals and rumors. You guys know how much entertainment this will be for us and we would do anything so that it won't stop." Yoona hoped to God that this reason would be enough.
The two managers looked at each other.
"Fine. We agree with the terms. Who knew that you girls could be so evil?" Manager oppar was seeing the girls in a new light.
"You don't know them as well as I do." SNSD's manager was used to seeing the girls like this.
The girls all partied and happy danced in that dark corner.
'FINALLY! Revenge will be so sweet.' Yes, the girls really are evil inside their minds.
"So oppa, this is when you come in. You will be the one to tell Jessica that she must move in Exo's dorm. Find a way oppa! You can do it! Then manager oppar will be the one to tell Exo about it. Just don't tell them that it was our plan. Tell them that Lee Soo Man wanted this." Taeyeon was in leader mode again.
"We'll tell Lee Soo Man about it. He will be thrilled with it, we just know. He waited forever for Jessica to take an interest in boys, this plan might make her finally like guys." Sooyoung can see no flaw in that plan.
"Alright." The two managers said together, hoping to God that Jessica won't kill them.
"The plan will start next week so all of you be prepared." Seohyun was pumped up for once in her life.
Then suddenly, all of them looked at each other and started to laugh evilly. Their voices echoed in that dark corner, making the whole company hear their evil laughs.
'This is gonna be good. Jessica won't know what hit her.' Everyone thought.
Now back to Dark Corner 1 with the Troll Squad
"Huh? Why is there evil laughing and why are we not part of it?" Needless to say, Jessica is offended by it. Though she's kind of impressed by all the evil going around.
"I don't know, Sooyeonie noona. Why don't we laugh too?" Baekhyun was totally confused by the evil laughs but he won't be outdone.
"Sounds like a plan" Chen agreed.
"Yeah, we have nothing else to do anyway." Chanyeol gets bored so easily.
All of them looked at each other and started to laugh evilly too. Their voices echoed in the whole company as well. Wow, SME is such a hollow building.
'This is gonna be good. SMTown won't know what hit them.' The Troll Squad thought.
Let the games begin.
and you guys still don't know Jessica's prank for SMTown hahaha maybe next time
Sorry for the late update! I'll update this by next week as well.
Omg I read this chapter lol I am so sorry if it or if it's not funny. I must be losing my touch. I made this when it was like 2 am so idk man I'm just sorry.
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Chapter 11: Aaaaa is there any chance that you’ll come back authornim? :<<<<<< im anticipating for exo’s reactions for sica’s arrival!!! Fightinggg
danteriddle058 #2
Chapter 11: Please update soon, i love this story.
Update please... it's been awhile... anyways it's amazing story...
Beloved_1230 #4
Chapter 11: Reasons why Jessica is not in Snsd anymore...
Any plans of updating this?
RiLakkuMaLovEr #6
Chapter 11: Update soon please
Princessjessica92 #7
Chapter 11: Update author I like it....
nicole0612 #8
Chapter 11: Please update soon! Love this story ❤❤❤❤❤
katoys9 #9
Waiting for your update! :)
New reader here
This is very good. I'm obsessed with it now lol
I've been reading this over and over again
Please update soon ♥
AHHHH! I've been reading this FF twice xD
You should really update, please?
It's very good ^_^