Chapter 7

Let's Dance!

“I’m going for a walk” Junsu shouted before leaving. Once outside he took a deep breath to let the fresh air of the night filling his lungs. At 7 in front of his house. That’s when and where they were supposed to meet. The front of his house was actually a small park at only one minute from his place. To prevent Junsu’s parents to know he was seeing Yoochun they would met here. Junsu couldn’t help but think it was maybe the last time he’s going to go there to see him. His nervousness was increasing as he got closer. Then he saw a tall figure standing here.


Yoochun’s POV


I  looked at my watch for the 15th time since I got there. 7 o’clock. Junsu should be here soon. I looked around trying to spot him and then I finally saw him coming toward me. My heartbeat start rising as I went to meet him. His eyes remained down while he greeted me sheepishly.

“Hey” he said

I felt my heart broke when I saw the sadness in his eyes. The sparkle that usually filled them was now replaced by emptiness.

“ What did you want to talk about?” he continued.

While he was talking, he kept avoiding looking at me. It seriously annoyed me. Why was he like this? Does he really think I hate him?

“ Junsu..” I said feeling my voice cracking.

“ I don’t have that much time so…”

“Su…Stop being like this…”

He lift his head and looked into my eyes for the first time tonight. We stared in each other eyes for a while before he broke it. Once again, I felt that harsh pain in my chest.

“Don’t avoid me…”

I put my hands on his cheek making him look at me once more. I saw tears growing in his eyes.


This time, I’m the one who didn’t let him talk. I placed my lips on his feeling that delicate and gentle feeling again. A strange sensation traveled down my body. I let my hand roaming over his body that was shivering at my touch. I delicately his lips making him moan softly and allowing me to slip my tongue deeper. He placed his hands behind my neck, pulling me closer. I don’t know for how long we stayed that way. When we pulled out, Junsu snuggled his head on my shoulder. He waited like that for a while.

“ Yoochun… I love you.” He then murmured in my ear.

A warm feeling traveled in my body. Somewhat I felt happy hearing these words. But, could I say the same? Just a few day ago I would have never thought about him being in love with me and now…

 He slowly let me go.

“ I’m sorry…I won’t bother you anymore…” He said turning his back to me.

“ Are you stupid!?” I said irritated. “ Do you know how much you mean to me? I don’t want to lose you, Junsu…I…”

He looked back staring into my eyes. I don’t know why I’m feeling that way. Is it love?

Not yet…

“ Don’t stop loving me…Just wait for me…Junsu” was all I could say. Then a smile appeared on his face. It was truly beautiful. I missed seeing him like that.

“ I’ll wait for you then” he said

I smiled as well. After waving at me he went on his way home. I silently watched him walking back before going back too. I can’t tell what it is, but I feel like something changed

inside of me. Junsu, what are you doing to me?



Junsu’s POV

Even tough we’re Monday already, I feel extremely great. I haven’t see Yoochun since our talk of the other day. I still can’t believe that he kissed me! All these years I thought he would definitely hate me if I told him how I feel. I’m so happy that it’s going this well. Today, I decide to go to Yoochun’s apartment before going to school. I finished preparing myself and got on my way. I was about half-way from my destination when I saw someone familiar walking toward me.

“Yoochun!?” I said shocked.

My friend waved at me before accelerating his pace to join me.

“Hi! How are you today?” he said

“I’m fine, but why are you here??”

“I was going to see you. Isn’t it obvious?”

To see me? It’s the first time he does something like that. I couldn’t hold back my smile. Even this small action was making me happy.

“Alright. Let’s get going then!”

I nodded and we got on our way school.


Tonight, we had a practise. After school we packed our things and went to the studio. When we entered the room Yunho and Jaejoong were already here. At my surprise, they weren’t cuddling or acting cheesy. Something definitely happened between them. No long after us, Changmin got there and Yunho started talking.

“Okay, so today we have to finish the choreography. It let us 1 month and half to prepare.” He said.

Everyone agreed and we  started working on it. The atmosphere was really tensed. Jaejoong who was usually a real chatterbox almost didn’t say a word. Then things got worse when Yunho asked:

“Jaejoong, could you help a little instead of just watching? You can go if you’re here for nothing”

The boy suddenly got up.

“Fine” he said before rushing out.

“Jaejoong-ah!” I said before going after him. I manage to catch up to him. I took his arm to make him face me. He kept looking  at his feet, avoiding eye contact. Then I heard soft cry coming from his mouth and I soon could see tears falling down from his eyes. I immediately took him in my arms trying to comfort him.

“What did happen?” I asked

We stayed like that for a moment before he decide to talk.

“ I…br-broke up…with Yunho” he said between his sob. I was shocked by the news. Just last week they were all in love and now they broke up?

“ Why?” I said. He pulled out from my hug to look at me in the eyes.

“ I can’t tell you about it…”

He smiled sadly before turning his back to me and going out. I couldn’t find out why Jaejoong did such a thing. It doesn’t look like it’s because he doesn’t love him anymore. I was going to head back to the room when I saw Yunho in the hallway.

“Did he told you anything?” he said with a desperate look.

“He said he couldn’t tell anything.”

Yunho slammed his hand on the wall harshly. I jumped at the sudden action. He passed a hand through his hair. It seems like he don’t know the reason of their separation as well. He slowly turned back to go back to the studio. What could have happen?


Voila!!! So that’s the chapter 7~ How was it? Seriously I’m not confident at all for the kiss    (-_-;) Anyway Yoosu is now back together!!! And isn’t it Yoosu day today? I’m not quite sure if it’s official tough, but I decide to make it a special day on my calendar!

Anyway...Hope you liked it!!!


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foamtwt #1
Chapter 22: they are all so cuteee and nice story^^
i love it^^
Chapter 22: I like the story it was pretty good even trough it was your first fic and I love it because it was yoosu fanfic!! So fighting!! Gracias por compartir ^u^
wonderkris #4
yay! yoosu, i never have seen others like this before...
Neko-Megumi #5
You finally updated! FINALLY!!!
peoji99 #6
OMO!! gladly ur back!!<br />
hyukie appeared on this chapter!!<br />
how does it come that they were not the winner??!!<br />
the story is really great!!<br />
please update soon<br />
HEY, it's been a long a time since i last read this.<br />
i only registered yesterday so this is going to be my 1st comment.<br />
but just so you know i have read this from the start. update when you can.^^
You're back!!!...thanx for the update...SuJu won???...please update soon I want to know more!!!
T.T please don't be mean to us keep is a great story...I'll be waiting for the final chapter...<3
peoji99 #10
please keep on writing..<br />
i really love this story..<br />