Chapter 6

Let's Dance!

Yoochun POV

I really impressed myself today. We’re currently a Saturday at 7am and I’m perfectly awake. It’s the first time since years. I sighed before pouring some coffee in my cup. The events from yesterday had keep me up all night long.



I felt Junsu bumping abruptly against my shoulder. The sudden shock made me lost my balance. Involuntarily, I pulled him down with me. I don’t know how we end up like that. I was supporting myself with my elbows and my heart skipped a beat when I  saw Junsu right on my lap looking at me with big eyes. Oh god… Now, this is wrong. Just when I was about to talk, Junsu’s chest pressed against me and soon his lips were kissing mine. My body shivered from the soft feeling. It was definitely bad, but it was different from what I imagined. I always thought that kissing a guy was disgusting but…it felt good…Maybe it’s because it’s Junsu…

 I didn’t want to push my friend away too harshly so I put my hand on his chest pressing on it. He immediately pulled out, hiding his face before running away leaving me here. Just before he runs off, he said “Sorry”.  I tried to calm my heart that was pounding quickly in my chest.

“It’s just a kiss, don’t worry Yoochun…He didn’t mean anything by that…” I thought. Yeah just a kiss with my best friend… Oh my God! Okay, this is definitely not normal! Friends don’t kiss, lovers do… What should I do now??



I don’t know if it’s the fact that Junsu kissed me that bother me or the fact that I actually kind of liked it. I loud knock on the door put a stop to my reflections. Who it could it be at this hour? Junsu? I quickly got up to open the door. At my surprise I found Jaejoong with the hand ready to knock again looking at me with big eyes. What is he doing here? He didn’t let me the time to ask.

“Oh.. My.God…Yoochun up at 7 in the morning during a weekend…It’s like a first in the history of humanity!” he said.

“ This is what I thought too…”

“ Did something happened?”

I sighed before nodding. Jaejoong is the kind of person that you can’t hide anything from. Me, I’m the kind of person that can’t hide what I’m feeling. So, when I saw him there I knew he would immediately realize that something went wrong . I let him in and we went to the kitchen. After telling him the whole story he only said :

“ I knew it would happen”

“ Huh?”

“ Isn’t that’s really obvious that he’s in love with you?”

“ Huh?? Are you serious?”

“ Of course I am! The way he acts around you and the way he looks at you says it all.”

Junsu loves me? There’s no way! I admit that the idea of him being gay crossed my mind tough. He never showed any interest in girls since we’ve known each other. But to think he’s in love with me…

“ You’re really slow aren’t you?” Jaejoong said, shaking is head. “ Anyway you better call him soon otherwise he’ll think you hate him.”

“ Why would he think that?”

He sighed heavily before looking straight into my eyes and say “ Poor Junsu…”. Then he got up.

“ Anyway you remember what you promised me, right?” he said.

“ What promise?”

“ You said that you’ll come to the mall with me today” he said with a pout  “ I can’t believe you forgot about it…”

“ Ah…I remember now…”

The other day, we went to a music store and forgot my wallet. He made me promise to shop with him if he paid. Ah! Why did I promised such a thing. Jaejoong is worst than a girl when it comes to shopping.

“ Why don’t you go with Yunho?” I said trying to find someone else to accompanying him. He gave me a death glare. Crap…wrong move…

“ Don’t try to get rid of me, Park Yoochun! You owe me one. Besides Yunho works during weekends. That’s why I’m going with you.”

“ Alright, alright…”

“ Now hurry up, we should get going soon.”

“ Eh?! I haven’t eat yet and the shops are not even open at this hour!”

“ Oh...That’s true…”

I smiled at him before getting something to eat. Maybe with Jaejoong I’ll forget about Junsu for a little while…





Junsu’s POV


I opened my eyes with difficulty this morning. It felt like I just fell asleep while in reality I slept for hours. I thought about yesterday and wished that it was just a dream, but my puffy eyes and the crumbled sheet were miserable evidence that proves me that it’s the reality. I got up from the bed and took my cell phone. I really wanted to call Yoochun. I stared at the screen for a moment. What was I suppose to tell him? Sorry, I kissed you! Don’t hate me~. I sighed before turning it off. Maybe it was better if I do like nothing happened. After dressing up I went downstairs to eat. My parents were already here.

“Good morning. You came back late yesterday” my dad said.

“ Where were you?” my mom asked

“ I was at a friend’s house didn’t I told you?” I said. They must be getting old forgetting already.

“ Ah…You weren’t at Yoochun’s place, I hope.” my dad said. Did I really need this? Even now, it annoy me like hell when they talk about Yoochun like this and I’m not really in the mood for their stupid complaint. Since Yoochun and I met because of dancing they always looked down on him. I shook my head as a response.

“ Good.” he said

After breakfast I really didn’t feel like doing anything else. I thought that during the weekend I would practice but I was to tired to move. Even climbing the stairs was like a chore. Once in my room, I let myself fall on the bed. I really feel awful.






Yoochun’s POV


“Jaejoong…let’s take a break..” I said. I almost didn’t sleep last night and we’ve been shopping for hours. I was about to die!

“ Eh? Already?” he said. “I’ll take a look at this shop. You can just wait for me there if you want.” Then he entered the shop all excited like a kid in a candy shop. Finally, I could sit. I took my cell phone out of my pocket. Somehow I wished that Junsu would’ve called. Should I send him a message? If I want to follow Jaejoong advice, I should do it. But seriously…I don’t know what to say… I think it’s better if we talk face to face. I started typing

- Hi Su! I really need to talk to you. Let’s meet tonight.-

After hesitating a little, I sent the message. After about two minutes. A reply came in.

- Ok. Where?-

Just with that text I could guess his mood. I hate when Junsu is depressed. It depress me as well.

- I’ll wait for you at 7 o’clockin front of your house-

The reply came in immediately after I sending it

- ok -

I sighed. I really want to see him now. He probably thinks that I’m shocked or that I hate him. I want to tell him it’s not the case at all! It doesn’t matter if kiss me or love me, I just want to be with him. He’s such a precious friend that I can’t imagine living without him. I should have go after him to settle all of this last night. Aish! I’m so stupid!

Junsu, I could never be mad at you. Don’t you know this? Please believe me, Junsu…




Hai! Dou dea ka???  Ha ha random Japanese sentence. For this chapter, I tried to lighten the mood a little since the end of the last one was like too intense for my liking. XD  

Maybe it’s just me but I feel like I’m improving. I re-read the first chapter last night and it was like so short and weird! I think it’s the first time I’m writing an author note without being hyper……It sounds way too normal!! XD

Oh and did you guys ever listened to Tohoshinki Bigeast station???  It’s so hilarious!! XD The Love Situation are the best! If you search on youtube you can find all the episode subbed.



Good Night!! Or Day!!!

XOXO ^-^






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foamtwt #1
Chapter 22: they are all so cuteee and nice story^^
i love it^^
Chapter 22: I like the story it was pretty good even trough it was your first fic and I love it because it was yoosu fanfic!! So fighting!! Gracias por compartir ^u^
wonderkris #4
yay! yoosu, i never have seen others like this before...
Neko-Megumi #5
You finally updated! FINALLY!!!
peoji99 #6
OMO!! gladly ur back!!<br />
hyukie appeared on this chapter!!<br />
how does it come that they were not the winner??!!<br />
the story is really great!!<br />
please update soon<br />
HEY, it's been a long a time since i last read this.<br />
i only registered yesterday so this is going to be my 1st comment.<br />
but just so you know i have read this from the start. update when you can.^^
You're back!!!...thanx for the update...SuJu won???...please update soon I want to know more!!!
T.T please don't be mean to us keep is a great story...I'll be waiting for the final chapter...<3
peoji99 #10
please keep on writing..<br />
i really love this story..<br />