The Straight Foreword and Honest Yoo Hyun Bin

The Little Things You Do{[APPLY OPEN]} (For Cameos)


May 23, 1992

21(International) 22(Korean)





Just like everyone, Hyun Bin has good and bad habits. He hates lies and dislikes people who lie often. He is not afraid to share his oppinions with others, and he is not afraid to criticize people, when he thinks that they are wrong. That's the main reason why he doesn't have many friends. A lot of people find him rude and cold. It is somewhat true, because sometimes he can be rude without noticing it. When he is in a bad mood, he doesn't like to talk to people, and he is a way more rude. He can't trust people easily and he doesn't let many people close to him and his heart. He is not a bad person in general, he is just rebellious and hates to be pushed around. He won't do what others tell him to do, he will do what he wants to do. He acts cocky at times, just to make people more confused with his true nature. He doesn't like to show his weaknesses to anyone. He is stubborn and never gives up on his dreams. He will push his limits to succeed. He will not change his oppinion just to make someone happy. He does and says what he wants to.

Even though he is not the easiest to deal with, he has a big heart. He can't bear to see his friends get hurt, and he cares for them a lot. He calls them often, he helps them every time they need help. He is generous and supportive. You mess with his friends of family, he will mess your face up. He is not scared to use his fists when there's no other way to solve a problem. He is not a coward, he will not run away but stay there and fight.

About love, he doesn't really believe in it. He says that he has never been in love before, and he didn't really have any serious relationships because most girls doesn't like his attitude. Even though he is somewhat cold, he loves to flirt. He knows how, he knows when. His charisma helps him a lot with that. His seductive gaze, and his smirks can win over a girl in minutes. He will compliment, and he can be the sweetest guy ever, when he wants to. If he likes a girl he will get her, no matter what. He hates to lose.



Reading Manga

Watching TV



Writing poems; In english





Horror movies







Honest people





Concited people



Cold weather

Being Sick

Being Bored

Spicy food




Yoo Kwang Sun |52| Father

Lily Smith |50| Mother


Idol Friend

Wu Yi Fan/ Kris Wu || EXO-M

Lee Soon Kyu/Sunny || Soshi


Ideal Type

 Deep inside, he really wishes to be loved by a sweet girl. A girl who is honest, kind-hearted and smiles a lot. He doesn't want Miss Perfection., he wants a girl who knows about her own bad habits and can live with them. A girl who can make serious decisions, who is responsible for her actions and words. A girl who has a big heart, and loves him for who he is, with all his faults. She has to be understanding and has to respect that he doesn't like to be pushed around. She has to be supportive and caring. Who makes him happy, makes him feel loved. NOT a whiny girl, and not a girl who flirts with every boy around. She has to be straightforward and tell him when she has a problem. Who can trust him completely.


Side Jobs

English Tutor



"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"

AFF Profile:



So there are 3 people left and only 1 spot...

Are you wondering who has been chosen?? Because i am.. ahaha 

Should I announce my last character today???

Just so you know, even if i didnt choose you I will still use your charactor,

they just wont be featured as much ^-^ 

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Chapter 17: So I subscribed to the other story! :) and I'll be waiting! Fighting! Don't lose hope!
Chapter 16: that's okay :) everyone feels for you. i'll wait :D
Chapter 16: Don't worry I haven't given up on you! ^^ I'll be waiting, but don't let us down!
Chapter 16: its okay take your time :D
Chapter 16: it's okay :) we all have a busy life
Chapter 16: :) it's fine! I mean as long as u update yanno~
Chapter 14: it's all right! ^^
Chapter 14: That's okay :D I can wait~~