
I Need You

Lee Hi had begged her to stay home. Sungjong insisted on at least escorting her. But, no. Kira had made a promise, and she wasn't going to break it. Though, this time, she had thought things through and decided it was best to just wear casual clothes. Well covered casual clothes. After the incident, she had become more self concious of her body. Revealing more than necessary was a sin. 

Sunggyu watched as she walked down the drive to his car, dressed in a long cream knit sweater and jeggings. Surprisingly, she was sporting spiked up boots that made little clunking noises as she stepped. He'd heard about the incident (though not in full detail) so he assumed this made her feel safer somehow, wearing them. 

Just thinking about her attack made his blood boil. He wasn't told much, but by the way she was dressed today and her body language... He wanted to beat the living daylights out of anyone who touched her indecently. He felt the weird sensation wash over him. Sunggyu was never one to get so angry. He was quite the easygoing guy, but that had all changed when he met Kira. He had changed because of her, and he didn't exactly know why. This feeling towards her... It was just a crush, right? He honestly wasn't sure. 

"Hello," she greeted as soon as she opened the passenger door. Sunggyu nodded to her and flashed a grim smile. Kira noticed. "Is something wrong?" Sunggyu's eyes widened (AN: Imagine it boys and girls.. xD) as he was caught off guard with the question. 

"N-no." He choked out. "Just a little tired. From school." Kira nodded in understanding. 

"Your English is getting better. You must be working really hard." She smiled and Sunggyu could swear he heard his heart beating right out of his chest. He made a mental note to get that checked out. 

"Thank you." He didn't know how else to respond. He wanted to say more, but he couldn't. Whether it was because the words got caught in his throat, or he honestly didn't know how to say it in English, Kira didn't know. 

Sunggyu started the car with shaking hands. He didn't know why he was acting like this so suddenly. All these feelings were new to him and he didn't know how to handle them. 

"Thall we go?" He mentally cursed himself yet again. Kira nodded, holding back a small laugh. 


Sunggyu was amazed. He didn't think all of the attractions would actually fit in the gym. Sure, it was quite huge, but there was so much to do! He turned to ask Kira where she wanted to start. 

"So.." He and Kira spoke at the same time. They looked wide eyed at each other then laughed.

"How about we start there?" Kira pointed towards the game booths a few feet away. There was no way she was going to go back into that haunted house. Sunggyu nodded his head with a shy smile. He was happy as long as he was with her. 


"Step right up, ladies and gentlemen!" The announcer of the water gun shooter game shouted. (AN: not feeling super creative atm, please bear with me..) "Win a prize while you're at it! We've got fake spiders and snakes, yoyos, and even a stuffed panda!" Kira's ears perked at the word. 

"Panda?" She repeated softly. Sunggyu heard her and secretely smiled. 

"I'm game." Sunggyu approached the young man in charge. The guy smiled. 

"Well here you go." He handed Sunggyu a water gun. "Just try and hit all the targets and you'll win a prize!" 

Kira watched in amazement as Sunggyu handled the gun like a pro and skillfully shot down each and every target in sight. The guy, a classmate of their's named Ken, ducked down as the last target popped up just to his left. Sunggyu had shot that one, too. 

Ken's head slowly appeared from behind the booth. 

"Woahh, that was... Wow!" He exclaimed. "You're the first person to actually get them all! Congratulations man!" Ken eagerly shook Sunggyu's hand, startling him a bit. Kira snickered from behind, now over her momentary shock. "How'd you get so good?" Ken asked curiosly. He'd never seen such a skilled shooter. 

"Uh, annoying best friend?" Sunggyu didn't quite know how to say it. Truthfully, he'd picked up on the skill while trying to find tactics to keep his best friend from Korea away whenever he bugged him (AN: I think we all know who he's talking about here ;) hehe). Kira, however, seemed to pick up on what he was trying to say and couldn't hold her laughter back anymore. 

Ken looked to Kira, again in amazement. 

"Y-you laughed." He pointed at her dubiously. Kira only nodded her head, fighting back more giggles. "Woah, you truly are a magician." He told Sunggyu, who looked back at him questioningly. 

"Ehem," Ken cleared his throat. "Anyways, pick a prize!" He gestured towards the toys, a glorious smile painted on his face once again. Sunggyu pointed immediately to the stuffed panda propped cutely in the back. Ken followed his finger. "Ah, good choice!" He quickly handed it to Sunggyu. 

Sunggyu thanked him and glanced towards Kira, who only had eyes for the panda in his arms. 

"Here." He swiftly held it out to her. Kira stared up at him with her big doe eyes. His insides melted into a puddle at the sight and his hands got a little sweaty. 

"Really?" She asked. Sunggyu nodded, ushering her to take it. Kira tentitively took it before cuddling it to her chest. Sunggyu smiled warmly at her reaction. 

Ken could only eye the two and let his mind wander. 


Not too far away stood a not so happy camper. He huffed in frustration as he watched the scene from afar. 

"Yah, Lee Sungjong!" Lee Hi yelled from behind the boy. "What are you moping about?" 

"Nothing.." Sungjong took one last forlorne glance and walked out into the hall for some fresh air. Lee Hi looked around and spotted what Sungjong had seen just moments before. Gears literally started turning in her head as she gasped. 

"Sungjong.. likes Kira?" She whispered. It came out as a question, but somehow, she knew deep down that was the truth. 


Annnnnddd another short lame chapter from moi. Ugh, I'm so dissappionted in myself. March guys, March. Can I just go fall off a cliff?? I apologize for those of you that are actually still here waiting for an actual update. At least it's now Summer, right?? ^_^ Well I'm happy about that! Honestly, I think it's writer's block that's been stalling me, but fear not, I shant give up on this story just yet! But I do need to go job hunting cuz INFINITE IS COMING TO FREAKING NEW YORK!!! asdfghjglhjkl the feels. TvT I really hope I can go, but I live in Michigan soooo... And if you fellow Starlights noticed, I added Ken from VIXX in here as a little treat. I honestly love that group, though N's my bias. I picked Ken because, well, it's Ken. lol Also, if anyone has any LC9 feels, feel free to fangirl with me anytime ^_^

Oh yeah, my hair's red. Just thought I'd point that out. *does a little happy dance* Seriously, I've been wanting red hair for over a year now and my mom finally said yes! :O 

One last thing: I have so many story ideas for when I'm done with this one, but it's so overwhelming I don't know which one to start! D: I shall consult with my friends I guess... I can tally up the main guys of those said stories... Guesstimation time lmao

INFINITE's Woohyun - I

INFINITE's Myungsoo/L - II

INFINITE's Sunggyu - I

INFINITE's Sungyeol - I (oneshot)

B.A.P's Zelo - I (oneshot)

B1A4's Jinyoung - I (oneshot) 

I have many more story ideas, but no set main guy just yet.. So yeah. =.=



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lonelylioness #1
Chapter 11: Finally some kind of reaction from Sunggyu! I think the story is flowing pretty realistically so no need to worry about that because I am all about slice of life. Until the next update, author-nim hwaiting! (`_´)ゞ
lonelylioness #2
Chapter 10: Aww no courage to protect Sungjong from those bullies :( If it were me, I would totally step in (`_´)ゞ even if I'm only 5 ft tall. On another note, so happy you're doing a Chen Chen story! There really aren't a lot of stories about him, so it's nice to read a fresh one :) hwaiting author-nim!
lonelylioness #3
Chapter 9: It's a good thing that Sungjong is determined because I don't like when people give up right before the real competition begins. I also think that if you want to write another fic, you should totally go for it! It'll probably get your juices flowing:) ....as long as you don't abandon this onr
lonelylioness #5
Chapter 6: Ahhh so lucky!! I am a big fan of bap but kpop CDs are really expensive and I dont have a job :( If you did start another story, I would like to read a funny one since this one is kinda romantic :)
lonelylioness #6
Chapter 5: Noooooooo!!! How could you end the chapter with a cliffhanger?! *sigh* Why do you like to make me suffer??
lonelylioness #7
Chapter 4: Don't worry about it! You should definitely keep your grades up because that's more important than a website where you write stories for fun, at least in my opinion. I shall anticipate your long awaited update though!!
lonelylioness #8
Chapter 3: Awww Sunggyu's lisp is so cute!!! You're so lucky to have all that kpop merch! I'm glad to see that you can still update :)
Nahomi #9
Chapter 2: haha used Larson's name and you described her? Nice XD this is a healthy way to vent :D
lonelylioness #10
Chapter 1: I like it! Kira kinda reminds me of cute Dara :) hopefully sungjong won't get too jealous of Sunggyu...