
I Need You


“Hey Kira!” Sungjong flagged her down in the hall after their last class of the day. Kira stopped and waited for him to catch up while Lee Hi and Sunggyu kept walking, though the later was sneaking glances behind him all the while.

“Hi Sungjong.” She greeted cutely. Sungjong resisted the urge to pinch her cheeks.

“Kira, you wanna go shopping with me tomorrow downtown?” He bounced around excitedly. He knew she’d agree with pretty much anything if it was just the two of them. She hated crowds.

“Sure.” She smiled up at him. Something about Sungjong’s happiness made her happy as well. He always had that contagious aura around him. When he was happy, she was happy. When he was upset, she was upset. That’s just the way it was.

Sungjong smiled back at her. His hand twitched and he made a move to hold hers. To hold her hand or not to hold her hand? Ah, that was the internal question. One he answered with one small sweep of his arm as he grasped her hand firmly.

As soon as he did it, they were already speeding down the hall, him dragging her the whole way. 


"What the heck, Lee Hi?!" Sungjong whispered fiercly to the guilty girl standing before him. Today was his day out with Kira, and Lee Hi just had to crash it. Not only that, be she just had to bring along Sungjong's unofficial rival, Kim Sunggyu. That really soured his mood. Kira stood there awkwardly smiling and nodding a hello to Sunggyu, who was doing the same. 

"Well he wants to buy a cell phone today, so I invited him!" 

"I didn't even invite you!" 

"Well I wanted to hang out with Kira today, too, but she said she was going out with you. So now here I am." 

Sungjong huffed and turned away, crossing his arms. 

"Oh, the silent treatment, huh? That's good, I don't wanna hear your whiny voice anyways." Lee Hi snorted. Kira cleared in an attempt to break up the tension. Why must they always fight?..

"Let's go over there, that looks nice." Kira pointed to a cozy corner store across from where they stood. It was a toy store called Tiny Trinkets. 

"Ok!" Sungjong immediately perked up and hooked arms with her. Sunggyu's eye twitched. He wondered how one kid could have such moodswings. He also didn't like the access use of skinship. It was as if the the boy were rubbing it in his face that he wasn't as close to Kira as he wanted to be. But Sungjong was, and for that, Sunggyu envied him. 

Lee Hi sighed and followed behind them. She stopped and turned back when she noticed Sunggyu wasn't moving. 

"You coming?" She questioned. Sunggyu's eyes widened as he violently bobbed his head up and down. He shuffled past her and straight into the store. 

Lee Hi sighed yet again. "What a strange guy..." 


The store was filled with color. Kira felt like she was in a childrens' story book. It almost seemed unreal. 

"Wow, you really know how to pick 'em." Sungjong nudged her playfully. His eyes danced about, taking in every inch of the place. Even Sunggyu and Lee Hi seemed affected by the dreamy atmosphere. 

They each separated and looked around, everyone having a bit different tastes. Kira's eyes caught on something black and white on a shelf around the back. She was so drawn by the object that she hadn't known she was walking towards it until she was so close that her nose almost touched the shelves beneath it. Kira stretched an arm up, trying to grab at it. The only thing she could reach was air. She mentally cursed herself for being so short. It came with the petite body and innocent appearance. 

Nevertheless, she kept trying again and again, only to get the same result every time. She wanted to cry. Instead she just stared up at the precious thing, wondering how she was ever going to get it down. 

Kira suddenly felt heat on her back. Body heat. A hand reached over her tiny figure and grabbed the panda plushie she was so determined to get. They took a step back as she turned around. Sunggyu gently placed the stuffed animal in her hands. Without realizing it, her face turned a bright scarlet. Sunggyu's ears turned red as he noticed how close they were. He started to walk away when a hand gripped onto his arm. Sunggyu froze. 

"Thank you." Again, she spoke softly, but he heard it, loud and clear. Her voice was like chimes in his head. It was as if he was talking to an angel. The heat from his ears spread to his cheeks.

"Yesth, your welcome." He wanted to bury a hole in the ground and hide in it. 

Kira looked around, confused. She didn't spot Lee Hi or Sungjong anywhere. Sunggyu noticed this as well and tried to recall where they said they were going. He didn't entirely understand what Lee Hi told him while dragging off a protesting Sungjong, only that they were going to look at some other place. 

"They go to other store." Sunggyu choked out. He suddenly felt extremely nervous about being alone with Kira. Neither of them really knew the area and he was afraid he'd make a wrong move and they'd become distanced. He still wasn't sure about his feelings, but he knew he wanted more than friendship. Maybe this was what a crush felt like. He'd never had a crush, he'd only ever heard about this stuff from a couple of his close friends back home, Dongwoo and Woohyun. 

In short, this was his first time having all of these weird feelings. 

Kira watched as he wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans. She jerked a bit as she was still holding onto his arm. 

"We should buy now." He pointed towards the panda in her hand. She nodded and they made their way to the counter. No one seemed to be around to check them out, but there was a small bell sitting by the cash register. Kira hesitantly rung it a couple times. 

Thumping could be heard from the back room as a hunched over lady came out of the door behind the counter. 

"Why, hello. I'm sorry, I'm not that used to customers." She smiled kindly at them. "You two look quite nice together, I might add." Kira suddenly released her hold on Sunggyu and waved her hands around. 

"No no, we're just friends." She clarified. Sunggyu nodded in agreement. His shoulders sagged and he looked down, his bangs covering his small eyes.

"Oh..." The woman seemed disappointed. 

After that, the purchase was silent. The aged woman waved them goodbye and told them to come again. She hoped that next time, their anwser would be different. 


The two walked from shop to shop. They never really found a store that sold phones, so Sunggyu decided he'd get one the next day when his mom would most likely take him out on errands. Kira had tried to contact the others, but sadly only found that her phone had died on the drive there. 

So now they just wandered around aimlessly, enjoying their day out with each other. Not many words were exchanged, but that was ok. 

Kira looked up worridly to the sky. It had been cloudy all day, and recently it had gotten considerably darker. A drop landed on her cheek. Then another. And another, until she and Sunggyu were being pelted with them. Of course they weren't prepared, so neither had an umbrella. 

Sunggyu glanced at Kira, noticing how thin her clothes were. She could easily catch a cold. 

Kira stood there, shivering slightly, when she noticed she could hardly feel the rain anymore. She looked up and saw Sunggyu had taken off his jacket and held it over their heads. Only half of Sunggyu was covered, though, but Kira couldn't see that. He moved closer to her to make sure she was completely protected from the rain. It was getting a little harder to see. 

Kira thought it'd be best if they went to go sit down in a cafe or something, so she glanced around, trying to spot one. A neon coffee sign sparked to life across the street, catching her attention. Perfect.

Kira started heading over. She stopped half way and looked back at Sunggyu to wave him over. He had only taken a step foward when his eyes widened. 


She jerked her head to her left. The headlights were blinding. 


Hehe, cliffhanger. 

This is probably not that long, but I spent a lot of time on it, so I hope you enjoy(: I hope the SungRa moments were fluffy enough for this time of year (Valentine's Day)! I don't think I'm that good at writing romance... :/ Also, I have a great idea for a Myungsoo fanfic that I want to do, but I'm not sure when I want to start it. I'm hoping that by starting it during this story, I won't get as bored with either story. What do you think?? 

Anyways, did you see B.A.P's comeback?! asdufhgigdhnbuijornedfuigksdbmlv *dead*

B.A.P - Oneshot

I was soooo blown away! :O I'm already ordering their album. Nu'est's new mv comes out tonight! Then in a couple days, Teen Top! I'm really excited for that one! ^^ I'm kind of looking forward to seeing Niel the most >> He's not even my bias (I like Ljoe and Changjo :3) He was my first bias, though, and I miss that... My friends looked at me weird whenever I said he was my favorite. =.= I feel ashamed for feeling ashamed.. 


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lonelylioness #1
Chapter 11: Finally some kind of reaction from Sunggyu! I think the story is flowing pretty realistically so no need to worry about that because I am all about slice of life. Until the next update, author-nim hwaiting! (`_´)ゞ
lonelylioness #2
Chapter 10: Aww no courage to protect Sungjong from those bullies :( If it were me, I would totally step in (`_´)ゞ even if I'm only 5 ft tall. On another note, so happy you're doing a Chen Chen story! There really aren't a lot of stories about him, so it's nice to read a fresh one :) hwaiting author-nim!
lonelylioness #3
Chapter 9: It's a good thing that Sungjong is determined because I don't like when people give up right before the real competition begins. I also think that if you want to write another fic, you should totally go for it! It'll probably get your juices flowing:) ....as long as you don't abandon this onr
lonelylioness #5
Chapter 6: Ahhh so lucky!! I am a big fan of bap but kpop CDs are really expensive and I dont have a job :( If you did start another story, I would like to read a funny one since this one is kinda romantic :)
lonelylioness #6
Chapter 5: Noooooooo!!! How could you end the chapter with a cliffhanger?! *sigh* Why do you like to make me suffer??
lonelylioness #7
Chapter 4: Don't worry about it! You should definitely keep your grades up because that's more important than a website where you write stories for fun, at least in my opinion. I shall anticipate your long awaited update though!!
lonelylioness #8
Chapter 3: Awww Sunggyu's lisp is so cute!!! You're so lucky to have all that kpop merch! I'm glad to see that you can still update :)
Nahomi #9
Chapter 2: haha used Larson's name and you described her? Nice XD this is a healthy way to vent :D
lonelylioness #10
Chapter 1: I like it! Kira kinda reminds me of cute Dara :) hopefully sungjong won't get too jealous of Sunggyu...