To Be Prince Charming

I Need You

It was finally the start of the Halloween Festival and Sungjong had practically dragged Kira to the event insisting that it'd be, as he put it, "a whale of a time." Yes, he was dressed as a pirate, and a very attractive one at that. He had the ripped chakis and an oversized striped crew neck. The bandana atop his head, the big clunky boots, the anchor tatoo on his forearm, and his tousled hair completed the whole look. (AN: I really wish I could see Sungjong like this in real life. He'd be a y pirate ;))

Kira stuck with a more plain approach. To put it simply, she was dressed up as Minnie Mouse. Songjung adored her, though, when she put on the ears and the bow. 

"Oh Kira, you're just too cute!" Sungjong gushed and reached out to pinch her cheeks. And you're all mine today. No Lee Hi. No Sunggyu. Just me and you. Needless to say, he'd been waiting for this weekend to approach. He wanted her both days, but she had promised to go with Sunggyu at one point. So he did what any jealous teenage boy would do; he marched right up to his competition and declare that he'd get her first. Yup, that's what he did. 

"Ahh, Jongie, please stop. We're going to be late." Kira reprimanded him. 

"Let's go babe!~" Sungjong sang in a sweet tune. 

"W-what did you say?" Kira stuttered. 

"Clean your ears, I said let's go!" He quickly covered up as he pushed her out the door. 


They'd arrived "fashionably late". Just like Sungjong wanted. He hated the awkwardness of being one of the first few at these kinds of events. He knew Kira didn't like it either. Though, Kira also hated crowds, so she still felt awkward, even now. They made their way around, looking at all the booths they passed by. Some seemed quite fun, even Kira wanted to play. 

"Which one do you want to go to first?" Sungjong turned to Kira, startling her. 

"Um, what about you?" 

Sungjong sighed. He seemed to never get a straight answer from her. 

"I'll like anything you pick." He tried again. Now it was Kira's turn to sigh. She wanted Sungjong to pick for himself for once. She had always made the decision when it came to these kind of things. Other than the occasional shopping trips, it was always her that made the final decisions. Kira began to think if it was bad for her to always be by Sungjong's side. On the other hand, she couldn't imagine what would happen to either of them if they were to separate permanently. The thought scared her. Scared her more than this whole holiday. Almost more than the haunted house across the gym that she pointed to as her decision. Almost. 

It started out fine. The costumes were mediocre, random spiders popped out every once and a while. It wasn't anything they couldn't handle. 

But as it's already been proven, not everything is all sunshine and rainbows with the two outcasts in school. 

It all started with a Bloody Mary.

Of all of the scary legends in the the world, this was the only one the really got under Kira's skin. Sungjong seemed unphased, but it got worse. Unlike the others, this particular spirit didn't want to leave them alone. 

Kira's palms got sweaty and her breaths became short and heavy. Sungjong instantly knew she was hyperventilating and wrapped a secure arm around her. 

"It's ok, I'm sure we're almost to the end." He whispered, trying to calm her down. 

Suddenly, they both lurched to the left. The Bloody Mary had pushed them out into darkness. What the hell?! Is this a storage closet?! Sungjong was beyond furious, while Kira was the exact oppisite. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she let out a sob. 

"Kira!?" Sungjong reached out to her, but before he could, he was pushed right back to the ground. 

"Stay down, ." a harsh snarl was heard. He knew that voice. Mikey. The bully of the school, and more specifically, him. No doubt his gang was nearby, those wannabes. 

"Sungjong!" Kira screeched loudly. Sungjong had never heard such a high note from her. He lashed out at Mikey, who he assumed was still standing where he pushed him down, like the idiot he was. And he really was an idiot, because Sungjong was right. 

"Aishh!" Mikey went tumbling, ripping one of Sungjong's sleeves on the way down, attempting to stay stable. Sungjong charged forward, knocking down more bodies. Just as he thought, the wannabes.  

"Yah! Stay away from her!" It was everything Sungjong wanted it to be. Him beating up the bad guys and saving his princess. He wanted to be Kira's Prince Charming, and if that meant learning a few self defense classes, then so be it. A hand clawed at his face. Sungjong puffed his cheeks and fought back twice as hard. Normally, he wouldn't have had the will to become so fierce, but Kira was at stake here. This was serious. 

His cold fist hit something and an "Ooph!" was heard a couple feet away. 

"Kira!" Sungjong shouted again. 

"Sungjong." Her shaking voice was so close. Her breathe rolled off his left cheek. If they weren't in such a situation, he would've blushed. 

Light flooded in as the door swung open. 

"What's going on in here?! I heard something about a disturbance!" Lee Hi's voice rang out shrilly. 

Sungjong took one glance at Kira and hid her behind him. Those disgusting pigs! Her costume was well ripped, no way would she be able to wear it again. Sungjong's fists clenched. 

"Sungjong! Kira?..." Lee Hi brought a hand over . However, she recovered quickly as her face turned hard.

"Stella, get a towel to cover her with. Steven, Jake, you two grab those punks on the floor." Lee Hi was quite upset. She hoped those lowlifes would be expelled for doing such a disgraceful thing to her friends. There'd been rumors going around about scaring the couple, but Lee Hi had hoped it was just all talk. This was taken way too far. And she'd be damned if she didn't get her revenge! 

The boys followed her orders without complaint, knowing not to mess with the student president when she was mad. 

The young strawberry blond freshman, Stella, came back with a decent sized towel and wrapped it around Kira's frail frame. "Let's go get you cleaned up a bit, shall we?" She smiled sweetly, calming Kira down a bit. Stella was one of the rare few that didn't think ill of Kira, or even Sungjong. She actually thought Sungjong was quite cute, but she didn't push her luck. It was obvious he had feelings for the terrified girl standing before her. She didn't hate Kira for it, though. In fact, she admired her. 

Kira nodded slightly and shuffled out after Stella. 

"Now, Sungjong, explain." Lee Hi demanded in her authorative voice.


So short, I know. I at fight scenes, ok?? I really do. :/ Luckily, I might get help with that when my friend moves in with the fam! Oh yeah, you heard right. lol. Sorry I've been so busy lately! >.< I feel horrible! I hate not updating for so long, but it's really hard with all these things happening around me. Like, right now, how I should be working on my Chem essay, yet here I am updating my story... >> Anyways, I'm really in a tight situation. I have three stories (that will be chapter stories, not oneshots) that I want to start. Like I said, two are Myungsoo fics, but the one I've thought up recently is a Woohyun fic, believe it or not! :O Seriously, Woohyun is doing things to me.. Him and Sunggyu are my bias wreckers. Poor Yeol TT.TT 

I don't know about you, but I realllyyyy want to start the Woohyun one. And the "Run" inspired one. But I've already put up the forward for the "Cheaper by the Dozen" inspired one (it's friends only access, so unless your a friend on here... lol) I think I'm going to hold off on that one though.. Also, my friend who's moving in is most likely getting an account and she'll be my co-author for the Woohyun fic. Hehe, there's tons of fighting in that one. It's a supernatural story. ;) I have a thing for sci fi. Omfg this is getting really long so I'm gonna just 

Sungra (or if you can think of anything better???) shippers, don't fear! Sunggyu's in the next chapter ;) hehe~

Also, please check out my friend's new Infinite fanfic! Thank you ^^

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lonelylioness #1
Chapter 11: Finally some kind of reaction from Sunggyu! I think the story is flowing pretty realistically so no need to worry about that because I am all about slice of life. Until the next update, author-nim hwaiting! (`_´)ゞ
lonelylioness #2
Chapter 10: Aww no courage to protect Sungjong from those bullies :( If it were me, I would totally step in (`_´)ゞ even if I'm only 5 ft tall. On another note, so happy you're doing a Chen Chen story! There really aren't a lot of stories about him, so it's nice to read a fresh one :) hwaiting author-nim!
lonelylioness #3
Chapter 9: It's a good thing that Sungjong is determined because I don't like when people give up right before the real competition begins. I also think that if you want to write another fic, you should totally go for it! It'll probably get your juices flowing:) long as you don't abandon this onr
lonelylioness #5
Chapter 6: Ahhh so lucky!! I am a big fan of bap but kpop CDs are really expensive and I dont have a job :( If you did start another story, I would like to read a funny one since this one is kinda romantic :)
lonelylioness #6
Chapter 5: Noooooooo!!! How could you end the chapter with a cliffhanger?! *sigh* Why do you like to make me suffer??
lonelylioness #7
Chapter 4: Don't worry about it! You should definitely keep your grades up because that's more important than a website where you write stories for fun, at least in my opinion. I shall anticipate your long awaited update though!!
lonelylioness #8
Chapter 3: Awww Sunggyu's lisp is so cute!!! You're so lucky to have all that kpop merch! I'm glad to see that you can still update :)
Nahomi #9
Chapter 2: haha used Larson's name and you described her? Nice XD this is a healthy way to vent :D
lonelylioness #10
Chapter 1: I like it! Kira kinda reminds me of cute Dara :) hopefully sungjong won't get too jealous of Sunggyu...