Author's Note

I Need You

Dear readers (if theres any out there TT.TT), 

im so very sorry with my slow progress. I feel like I've let some of you down, and for that I'm truly sorry. The thing is, I'm in the most critical stage of my high school career and it's kept me busier than I thought it would. I thought after the new semester started, I'd have more time for things, but now I know that's not the case. :(

I'm not giving up on this story, though. Hopefully none of you were thinking that. I'll try to update by Valentine's Day, my treat! 

I just hope I haven't lost an readers, even silent ones.. It's just this school year's been tough. I think it's the worst I've ever been through. I've already learned the hard way that even small quizzes can make a huge impact in your overall grade, and that paying close attention gets you quite far. I hope that everyone is doing their best in school(:

ok, I'll stop being a nagging mother now. Thanks for reading and I'll try to update as soon as possible! Stay classy my friends.


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lonelylioness #1
Chapter 11: Finally some kind of reaction from Sunggyu! I think the story is flowing pretty realistically so no need to worry about that because I am all about slice of life. Until the next update, author-nim hwaiting! (`_´)ゞ
lonelylioness #2
Chapter 10: Aww no courage to protect Sungjong from those bullies :( If it were me, I would totally step in (`_´)ゞ even if I'm only 5 ft tall. On another note, so happy you're doing a Chen Chen story! There really aren't a lot of stories about him, so it's nice to read a fresh one :) hwaiting author-nim!
lonelylioness #3
Chapter 9: It's a good thing that Sungjong is determined because I don't like when people give up right before the real competition begins. I also think that if you want to write another fic, you should totally go for it! It'll probably get your juices flowing:) long as you don't abandon this onr
lonelylioness #5
Chapter 6: Ahhh so lucky!! I am a big fan of bap but kpop CDs are really expensive and I dont have a job :( If you did start another story, I would like to read a funny one since this one is kinda romantic :)
lonelylioness #6
Chapter 5: Noooooooo!!! How could you end the chapter with a cliffhanger?! *sigh* Why do you like to make me suffer??
lonelylioness #7
Chapter 4: Don't worry about it! You should definitely keep your grades up because that's more important than a website where you write stories for fun, at least in my opinion. I shall anticipate your long awaited update though!!
lonelylioness #8
Chapter 3: Awww Sunggyu's lisp is so cute!!! You're so lucky to have all that kpop merch! I'm glad to see that you can still update :)
Nahomi #9
Chapter 2: haha used Larson's name and you described her? Nice XD this is a healthy way to vent :D
lonelylioness #10
Chapter 1: I like it! Kira kinda reminds me of cute Dara :) hopefully sungjong won't get too jealous of Sunggyu...