The New Guy In Town

I Need You

Kira brought her jacket closer to her as she made her way up the theater steps. The days were getting shorter and the nights were getting colder. Of course, that's expected in the middle of October. 

Kira glanced at her phone, two missed calls, both from the impatient Sungjong who had just gotten off his shift. He worked at the concessions, passing out popcorn and sodas to the fellow movie goers. 

He'd promised her a movie, claiming that he missed her over the summer, for she was away at her grandmother's farm. 

Kira opened the doors as she was instantly hit by an amazing scent. Buttered popcorn, freshly popped. The thought brought a smile to her face. 

"Kira!" Sungjong bounded up to her, earning a few glares from his colleagues. He brought her into a bone crushing hug. 

"Hey, Jongie." She tapped him on the back lightly, a silent plea to let go. The light hearted boy backed off and gave her a cheeky smile. 

"I missed you too, little bunny." Sungjong used his pet name for her. He claimed that she wiggled her nose every time she was nervous, and he found it adorable. Thus, her nickname was born. 

"I missed you, too." She smiled genuinely. Kira was always soft spoken, and never talked much over a whisper. 

"Really?" Sungjong's smile stretched to his ears. There was a slint tint of red painted on the tips. In short, he couldn't be happier at that moment. She nodded cutely. "Let's go then, shall we?" 

He looped his arm around hers and they skipped off to their movie.


Sungjong glanced at the armrest between them. Oh how he wanted to raise it up, to hold her hand, cuddle maybe. But he knew it was all wishful thinking. Kira was far too innocent for even that. 

The thought unnerved him. He'd always liked the innocent ones, but there was just something odd about how innocent Kira was. Like she had never been exposed to the real world, always locked away in her own pure imagination. He prayed so much to be her prince charming, but she never seemed to get the hint.

At this rate, he'd never have the guts to confess. 


Tap. Tap. Tap. Lee Hi opened her soda.

"You know, pop isn't the best thing to drink in the morning." Sungjong lectured. 

"So what? It's caffeine, just like your cappuccino." She gestured towards the steamy cup held tightly in his hands.

"Psh, whatever." Sungjong huffed, putting a hand on his hip.

Kira came bounding up. Her friends smirked as they noticed a little bounce in her step. 

"Wae? Got a boyfriend?" Lee Hi joked. Sungjong tried his best not to squirm. 

"No." She replied softly, cheeks slightly colored. "My package came."

"Ah, your new CD?" 

"Neh, Nell's new album." 

Lee Hi reached out and pinched her cheeks. "Aigoo. You're so adorable!" She gushed. Sungjong slapped her hand back. 

Stop it, you're embarrassing her!" He exclaimed loudly. 

"Oh, hush you!" She snapped back. Kira just giggled as her two best friends continued to argue back and forth. She coughed a bit to regain their attention. 

"You have news for us?" She asked Lee Hi politely. Sungjong turned to her with a questioning look as well. 

"Yeah, why'd you want us to meet so early? I barely had time for breakfast!" 

Instead of starting another useless fight, she merely waved a hand in his face. 

"I wanted to tell you about the new student coming today!" She clapped her hands in delight. 

"Really!? I woke up early for this!?" Sungjong scoffed. 

Kira lightly smiled. "That's nice." She wasn't that sincere, though. A new person meant more embarrassing moments were bound to happen. 

Her friends both read the look of scrutiny on her face. Of course, they chose to ignore it, silently praying this person would be the solution to their problem. In truth, Sungjong had known about the new kid for about two to three weeks now. He and Lee Hi had made a game plan with this one. 

"Hey, Kira." Sungong looked at her hesitantly. She blinked back innocently. "You should try to be friends with the kid. I'll give you all the peppermint you want if you do it!" He rushed his last statement, holding his breath in high hopes she would fall for the bait. That the plan would work. Lee Hi even had her fingers crossed. 

"P-peppermint?" They could almost see the hearts forming in her eyes. Sungjong nodded furiously. "Uh..." Come on, Kira... Sungjong leaned in a bit, inches away from her porcelain face. She looked down for a minute and shuffled her feet. "I guess I could try." She answered shyly. 

She was shivering slightly and Sungjong offered her his drink. She bobbed her her as a thanks. 

"Yah! Lee Sungjong! I wouldn't go around calling him a kid. He's older by a year. A senior." Lee Hi scolded him. Sungjong choked on his saliva. 

"He!?" His eyes bugged out. His vision shifted to Kira, who was taking light sips of the cappuccino. 

"Is this peppermint?" Her face glowed with affection. His worries washed away almost immediately as he shot her a sweet smile. 

"Neh!" He replied happily. "Keep it if you want." She shook her head and tried to hand it back, but he refused. 

"He should get here any minute now." Lee Hi glanced at her watch. "He's Korean, like us! Isn't that awesome?" She rocked on her heels.

Sungjong bit his lip in worry. He didn't have a good feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Suddenly, a sleek black car made it's way down the drive and rolled to a stop a few feet away. The trio stayed frozen in silence with both excitement and fear. A foot stepped out, and soon the full body of a young male in his late teens could be seen clearly. Dressed in casual, yet appealing clothes, he was quite handsome. 

Sungjong made a growling sound in the back of his throat and latched onto Kira protectively. He already didn't like this guy. The new student made him feel intimidated. 

The boy made no motion to speak and introduce himself. He wasn't trying to be rude. In all truth, he was just shy. English wasn't something he'd quite grasped yet. He only knew enough to get by. So he just stood there, hands deep in his pockets. 

"Annyeonghaseyo!" Lee Hi waved. "Welcome!" She smiled brightly at the lost looking boy before her. He still made no move to talk. Instead, he merely looked back to his driver, giving him a sign to leave. The car sped off. 

Lee Hi bit her lip and stepped aside. "Here, meet my friends! I'm Lee Hi by the way!" The boy just stared at her outstretched hand. He then glanced towards the other two, who seemed awfully close. 

"Sungjong." The threatened male spat out his name, earning a hard glare from Lee Hi. 

The boy stared at Kira, secretly wanting to know her name. To hear her voice. 

Kira stared back, her big doe eyes scanning his appearance. Modestly, of course. She looked back into his eyes and slightly opened . Her nose wiggled a bit, then she finally spoke the first words that came to mind. 

"You have red hair." 


Hey guise! I got started on the first chapter and posted it really early! D: I guess I got a little too excited for this one. ^^ What do you guys think so far?? I'm really curious... I think I like Sungjong's character a little too much already! >.<

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lonelylioness #1
Chapter 11: Finally some kind of reaction from Sunggyu! I think the story is flowing pretty realistically so no need to worry about that because I am all about slice of life. Until the next update, author-nim hwaiting! (`_´)ゞ
lonelylioness #2
Chapter 10: Aww no courage to protect Sungjong from those bullies :( If it were me, I would totally step in (`_´)ゞ even if I'm only 5 ft tall. On another note, so happy you're doing a Chen Chen story! There really aren't a lot of stories about him, so it's nice to read a fresh one :) hwaiting author-nim!
lonelylioness #3
Chapter 9: It's a good thing that Sungjong is determined because I don't like when people give up right before the real competition begins. I also think that if you want to write another fic, you should totally go for it! It'll probably get your juices flowing:) long as you don't abandon this onr
lonelylioness #5
Chapter 6: Ahhh so lucky!! I am a big fan of bap but kpop CDs are really expensive and I dont have a job :( If you did start another story, I would like to read a funny one since this one is kinda romantic :)
lonelylioness #6
Chapter 5: Noooooooo!!! How could you end the chapter with a cliffhanger?! *sigh* Why do you like to make me suffer??
lonelylioness #7
Chapter 4: Don't worry about it! You should definitely keep your grades up because that's more important than a website where you write stories for fun, at least in my opinion. I shall anticipate your long awaited update though!!
lonelylioness #8
Chapter 3: Awww Sunggyu's lisp is so cute!!! You're so lucky to have all that kpop merch! I'm glad to see that you can still update :)
Nahomi #9
Chapter 2: haha used Larson's name and you described her? Nice XD this is a healthy way to vent :D
lonelylioness #10
Chapter 1: I like it! Kira kinda reminds me of cute Dara :) hopefully sungjong won't get too jealous of Sunggyu...