Walk away

The Trail Back Home.

     The rain still poured as if it didn't have a care in the world that people became ill and annoyed because of it. Weather sometimes just wanted to be like the center of attention just like the human world. Jiyong waved his hand helplessly in the air as he waited for a taxi, annoyed yet somehow a pang of curiousity hitting him. His mother never cared of what he did, why is she calling him late at this hour? He shrugged it off, knowing he that he'll face with what she wanted later.

     Once he finally found a cab that was willing to take him home and face the drenched leather seats from Jiyong's clothes, Jiyong sighed as a way of explicitly saying thank you because someone finally accepted him in this dark night. The silence was quickly broken off when the driver failed to hide his impatience saying, "Where to sir?"

    "To Cheongdamdong please," Jiyong stated, "I'll find my destination from there,"

    The drver proceeded to drive on a long and empty road, only occupied by rain and umbrellas of all colors. Those umbrellas that promise to keep you safe and shield you from the chaotic rain but doesn't guarentee the safety of it's patients getting tripped by the chaotic rain. All in all, you can't depend on something to do everything, and you can't believe it when they say it. Jiyong occasionally scanned out of the car, where buildings desperately flashed their signs, where people immediately rushed home from work. He sighed, looking at the world on how busy it seemed and wondered i there was anything to keep him busy.

    He knew there was a reason.

    Just what?

    Just who?

    His thoughts were completely drained away by the voice of the taxi driver, "So what makes you go to the Cheomdangdom area kid? Better not distrub those rich folks, they always complain about a tiny ruckus,"

   Jiyong lets out a soft chuckle as he states, "And do you think they are sensitive or ignorant?"

   "Let's not talk trash about folks who are slightly luckier than us, it'll brew up the storm and create karma like hell," the man stuttered a bit, not knowing how to respond. The answer that he would usually get from troubled looking boys was scoffing for a second and saying, 'No way',' yet we all know the outcomes. However, this stranger, that stood in the rain for a taxi was different.

   "It's suprising how you consider them lucky. Lucky because they have more money or lucky because they are happier? You have a home. A small one, but enough to have all the warmth and laughter in the world. Those rich folks have a house. It's like a ice box that represents such coldness and emptiness," Jiyong said looking down with a montone glued to his voice.

   The driver who did not want to argue with other's philosophies, only longing to go back to his home with his children, did not say a word, only a petite sigh escaping his mouth. Minutes past, with silence tagging along the ride, perhaps Silence itself was not being able to do anything against the chaos of the rain.

  "We're here," the man chimed, stopping infront of a quite obese gate, the wealth and rich, protected in their large houses.

  But are they protected or are they trapped?

  Jiyong, swung out a few bills, bidding thanks to the driver, walking out of the heated car, only to be invaded by the sky's tears. Inheriting a human instinct, he ducked under his hands that were his roof at the moment, the "roof" not helping at all, for he was already soaking wet. As he walked to the right were the password box was, only to dial the numbers, and stare at the massive, golden gate, exposing the houses that it was protecting.

 Jiyong produced a scoff, "Lucky my ,"

 As he walked slowly, his legs begging for rest since the slope was quite tremendous. Jiyong found t ironic how mankind wanted to be on top of the world, when some already think they have it. Greed just piles onto itself, now doesn't it?

 Once he approached the building of what he was supposed to call a home, he pressed his finger against the bell, where the small orange light was emitting from. On the other side, on of the maids, turned her head to the head of the house who was in her cheetah print robe, with a glass of wine in her hands, the maid waiting for what to do. The maid's eyes could already read that tonight would not be a good one.

 "Well, we can't have my son drenched out in the cold now, can we?" She provided a deathening glare but what was even more shocking is that she managed to emit a smile. A dark smile at that one.

 Jiyong came into the house where we once happily locked himself up in. All day, he could've found treasures in his house until of course, the witch that was staring right in front of him met eyes with his. She attempted to hide her smirk of satsfication, seeing his so called son in this horrifying state. Of course, only Jiyong noticed it. "Oh dear! my son, you should wash up with warm water, it must have been freezing," the woman fakily exclaimed while Jiyong was resisting not to hurl at the comments. She walked up towards him, her smirk still maintaing.

 Jiyong chuckled darkly as leaned forward to whisper in her ear, "Just remember, you're my father's mistress, not my mother," he walked away, knowing that he had satsified his own self for the day. He started to make way towards the stairs, about to walk past her, until the words of dared to spew out.

"You shouldn't meet other girls and go around hurting them. Believe me, you are the champion of doing that. It's my personal experience," She lifted up her chin in pride as placed down the glass on the coffe table.

He made his way back towards her and chuckled menacingly and pushed her against the wall, "Your tactics are getting old, so I suggest instead of a tagging along my own personal stalker for you, I suggest you reflect about your own actions when you dated me, and seduced my father, making my ex-girlfriend, YOU, into MY father's wife. You disgust me," He spat on the ground, losing his strong girp of her wrist.

"I am freezing, alright, but this house is what makes me along with everyone else in this household turn into ice, Lee Dahee," The woman's eyes widened as she made friction with the brick wall and slid down onto the floor, her tears falling from her eyes. She wiped away her tears and chuckled, "Silly, Kwon Jiyong, you don't know what a monster is until you show them money,"

Jiyong took of his cothing material, balling it all up into the dirty launfry bin, ready to hit a hot shower, when reality him about the appointment with Chaerin. He smiled rather idiotically to himself, elated that maybe, at least she would understand, or atleast listen to his problems.

It would be nice if atleast someone listened anyway.

The world is so busy with their own problems nowadays, it seems that even the smallest things are the hardest to do.



A/N: You guys saw Jiyong's life-style a bit right? (BTW, Dahee, is OC, not like the singer in GLAM, I just really love that name, okay) And Dahee in the story is the same age as Jiyong, so her and his father are like 20 years apart. Yes, I know, weird, but it happens. Although I try, please understand that I somehow end up writing short chapters, and God knows why.

Now you will soon seen Chaerin's in the next Chapter, and you will understand what I mean by the chapter's name. On the other hand, I'M EXTTREMELY NOT UPDATING ENOUGH, you guys probably even forgot that this fanfic existed. Well, anywho, please give this ALOT of love, and I WILL update! Comment, subscribe, and upvote, thanks!

In the meantime, please follow me on instagram: @cynthiaeel




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god, you guys, I'm sorry, I've been awfully busy


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Great story give you deep in thought..why you stop tho >_< the words you choose is Amazing
Chapter 6: Hi, I just stumbled upon your story. I hope you're planning to continue it :) and I love your poster btw
oppasgizibe #3
Chapter 6: Hmmmmmmmmm
Chapter 5: this story is dark. right ?
Chapter 4: Outside world? Woah, so I guess somewhere in his story, it went dark?
Aigoo~ I feel so heartwarm at everything, sk much feeling even thou they are still two acquaintances. XP
Chapter 3: Aww. This sounds amazing. Love your writing style!
Update soon !
Chapter 2: I seriously love your writing style. But why did you leave me hanging T^T /sobs And Chaerin.../sigh/ I'd like to comfort her):
Chapter 2: I really wish it was longer, loloolol.. okay that's just me being greedy. I love Chae's sharp answer, and that she's actually honest and blunt, and how she sees the world is actually right, oh dear... I wonder why she is a beggar, as in... is she a beggar baby? was she abandoned? what? and I'd love to see how Ji deals with her..

the part where she said she never had a room before breaks my heart... *sobs* and she seems okay with it

really, my only complain would be wanting the chapter to be longer hahahahah... and for the 'next' button to be available :P
Chapter 1: wow. It seems like Chaerin have been through a lot. I hope to find out her story in the coming chapters. Anticipating the next update <3