New Year Magic

A Series of One Shots

I feel like a loser writing this just before New Years instead of doing something interesting -_- Oh well, wish you a Happy New Year! And something in the spirit~


It was Donghae's and Eunhyuk's Christmas tradition to sit down and watch something interesting every New Year.

This time, they had both thought of having a laugh and clicked on a comedy.

Unfortunately, they neglected to check some things...

"Hyukkie!" Donghae whined "This is supposed to be watched in 3D! Stuff always gets thrown at the screen, its getting annoying!"

"Well I'm the one who rented it so too bad" Eunhyuk stuck his tongue out. Donghae watched the pink muscle for a bit too long then looked away, embarased.

Three minutes later, Donghae opened his eyes wide at Eunhyuk.

"What kind of film did you chose? They're getting high!"

Eunhyuk rolled his eyes "It's just a film Donghae. And you chose it. Remember? You said the title sounded 'christmassy' even though it's NEW YEAR!"

"You can watch Christmas films at New Year. There aren't any New Year films anyway. And I did not pick."

"Did too"

"Did not"

Then, ignoring the film they started blabbering at each other Eunhyuk saying "diddidididididdiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddid"

And Donghae saying "didn'tdidn'tdidn'tdidn'tdidn'tdidn'tdidn'tdidn'tdidn'tdidn'tdidn'tdidn'tdidn't"

Finally they both started increasing their pitch of 'dids' and 'didn'ts' because they were running out of breath.

Eunhyuk stopped first (or at least reached a pitch too high for the human ear to hear).

"Yes!" Donghae screamed, and pumped his fist in the air.

Then he noticed the film again.

There were people on the screen.

He buried his head into Eunhyuk's shoulder.

"! Eunhyuk! Turn it off!"

"I'm sure it'll end soon." Eunhyuk said

"You ert! You're just saying that because you like the scenes!"

"I'm not watching." Eunhyuk wasn't watching. He had closed his eyes and was trying to wildly grab for the remote in an attempt to not give Donghae any joke material to make fun of.

He finally grabbed something only to find he had landed his hand in Donghae's chocolate ice-cream. "Eeergh." he said, automatically whiping his sticky hand on Donghae. Donghae flailed at him angrily, an attempt to not open his eyes but still hit Eunhyuk at the same time.

"What was that even?" screamed a hysterical Donghae.

"Ice-cream." awnsered Eunhyuk

"Really?" Donghae said back. With his eyes closed, Eunhyuk could imagine Donghae's innocent face and brown hair. He could also imagine the smirk and one-eyebrow-raised look Donghae was giving him.

"Yes!" a now nearly hysterical Eunhyuk screamed back "What are you thinking of! And they call me the ert!"

Donghae grinned. His distracting tactic had worked. All the time they were talking he was creeping closer to Eunhyuk's voice.

He reached out and managed to grab Eunhyuk's nose.

"Getoffame" Eunhyuk said in a sqeaky, muffled voice.

"Aha! This'll teach you for using me as a human tissue!" Donghae let out a war cry as he tackled Eunhyuk.

They rolled a few times before they hit a wall. During this time Donghae had managed to get 4 slaps in and one hit to the forehead. Eunhyuk, seriously disorientated had only managed one forehead smack.

Forgetting why they had their eyes closed, Donghae stumble back on his legs and was about to finish off Eunhyuk but turned his head just as he saw the explosion on the screen. Some guts splattered on the would be 3D screen. Donghae crumpled to the floor just as Eunhyuk frantically pulled out the plug to the TV.

"Eunhyuk saved the day again!" Eunhyuk opened his eyes to see a sad Donghae.

"What is it?" Donghae looked sadly out of the window.

"Sorry hyung." He said in a pitiful voice with his teary eyes on full pelt. Eunhyuk just wanted to take Donghae it his arms and hug him.

"What Donghae? Don't worry, I'll not be angry at you."


Donghae glanced outside again "My watch is an hour late. And I really wanted to make a New Year's wish with you." Four.

Eunhyuk thought he didn't need a New Year's Wish if he had Donghae. Three.

Donghae looked up. "But I'm not sad, because I'm with you!" He grinned adorably. Two.

Eunhyuk nearly cried with happiness right then and there. One.

Fireworks went off outside.


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Chapter 8: aweee super cute update soon
kamiokirby #2
Chapter 6: Eunhae is a violent pairing :S. Always turns out with a fight or a chase (against my will -_-). Next time I'll write people that are nice and don't fight... like YeWook~
Just found it and its really funny :)
keke please update soon <3
lovehae #4
Chapter 1: Woots! I likeee...