Milkshake Brings Out the Best in People

A Series of One Shots

"Want it?" Donghae grinned.

"Yes." Eunhyuk said and reached out.

"Can't have it!" Donghae said for the 12th time that hour and pranced round the table singing his new song ~w-w-w-w-want iitt, but noooo yoouu can't haaaave iiit~

"DONGHAE! Stop being such a child" Eunhyuk whined like a child while stomping his foot down. 

~you might be dyiiiiing but im not lyiiiiing if I said that your still not  having iiiiit~

Eunhyuk jumped over the (thankfully empty) table to try and tackle Donghae but got a mouthful of carpet instead.

Donghae snickered and started running up the stairs.

"Donghae! You know I like strawberry milk and it's raining outside"

Donghae tripped slightly but it was enough for Eunhyuk to grab his ankle and send them both sliding down the stairs.

"You jerk, Eunhyuk, now I've got carpet burn on my abs" Donghae rubbed his stomach.

Eunhyuk raised an eyebrow "You've got about as many abs as Shindong." he patted Donghae's stomach "I would call that podgy tummy"

Donghae pouted and put his puppy eyes on "Awww... Hyukkie you're so mean. Just because I'm not as fit as I was for the comeback."

Then Donghae noticed something out of his peripheral vision. A unopened carton of strawberry milk lying in the corridor. He leaped for it, picked it up and started running. In the side of his eye he saw Eunhyuk running after him but then Eunhyuk wasn't there anymore. A few seconds later he turned the corner to the front landing and slammed into Eunhyuk sending them both onto the floor.

Time almost moved in slow motion for Eunhyuk as he saw the milkshake fly into the air towards the coat hangers. Eunhyuk jumped up, sending Donghae who was on top of him to roll into a wall and bang his head. He leapt forward, caught the milkshake and the coathanger poked his cheek instead of the milkshake. He had just prevented death of a milkshake and mess on the floor in one clean swoop. He felt like a superhero, and was proud of himself, like when you get a complicated joke.

Meanwhile, on the floor Donghae groaned while rubbing his forehead.

"Eunhyuk, because of your stupidity I've lost millions of braincells."

"Well, to be honest, you weren't putting them to use so they might as well have died"

"Dont be cruel to my brain cells Hyukkie"

Eunhyuk didn't say anything because he was busy slurping up the sweet strawberry flavoured unhealthiness of milkshake.

He didn't see Donghae creep up, and pull him into a strawberry flavoured kiss. He went limp against Donghae and when Donghae pulled back, he had the carton of milkshake.

Donghae drank the rest of the milkshake.

"I know why they teach sharing in school, Hyukkie, it does feel good!"

Eunhyuk pulled Donghae in for another kiss and said in a sultry voice "So now, why don't we do a little more sharing?"

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Chapter 8: aweee super cute update soon
kamiokirby #2
Chapter 6: Eunhae is a violent pairing :S. Always turns out with a fight or a chase (against my will -_-). Next time I'll write people that are nice and don't fight... like YeWook~
Just found it and its really funny :)
keke please update soon <3
lovehae #4
Chapter 1: Woots! I likeee...