What now?

You're my light

The doctors kept checking Yongguk for anymore damage but nothing, it was a light concusion but still he had to go and lose his mind. But who am I to blame him? Right now I'm just a guy who he doesn't know about, he doesn't know that I'm his boyfriend and he doesn't know that he loves me. The thing that bothered me the most is that I couldn't do anything but stare at him. I couldn't get close to him, if I hugged him again it would just be weird. He would think that I'm crazy, so I kept my distance, loving him from afar and missing him. All my hope was gone. There was nothing I could do know, the doctors said that they would keep looking and checking on Yongguk if the mind lost is going to last long or if it just going to last in a short time period. When they said short time, it made me smile. Those two words made my hope come back. If the mind loss is just a temporary thing, everything will eventually be back to normal.


"I think you should tell him who you really are. It maybe helpfull, he might be able to remember and it would help a lot in the process." The doctor said, I nodded as a reply and walked up to Yongguks bed sitting down looking into his eyes. It felt weird, even though I've been doing it before, this felt a bit uncomfortable. 


"Hi, I'm Zelo. Sorry for hugging you before." I said lightly. I didn't know what else I would say, still it was Yongguk that I was talking to. He was the one person that I could talk to easily without studdering or get nervous, but right now, it felt like I talked to a complete stranger. 


"It's fine. I'm Yongguk, but I kind of think that you already know that." He said and giggled. "How did you know that?" I replied and smiled at him. This was the Yongguk that I remembered, warm and kind. We started laughing together and the doctor said that he would have to leave for now. We nodded and kept talking. 


"So, who are you exactly to me?" He asked looking serious. My heart stopped, I wasn't prepared for that question. I didn't know what I should say, could I really tell him the truth? That he's gay and that he was dating me? No, I couldn't he just woke for christ sake. 


"Well... uhm... I'm just a good friend. I guess." What the hell did I do now? Why didn't I just tell him? I feel that this is going to slap me in the face later on. "Oh, is that all?" Yongguk asked looking into my eyes. I felt myself getting hot. I couldn't reply with words so I nodded. "Hm, so if you are my friend. Do I have a girlfriend?" He asked and smiled sheepishly at me. This was how he was like before meeting me. Yongguk loved girls, he would've brought home a new girl every night I think but when he met me he changed. He became gay and in love. I hated to see this old Yongguk, he wasn't really one of my favourite perosnalities of Yongguk, but still he did lose his mind. 


"If you would have a girlfriend, don't you think that she would be visiting you and not me?" I asked him. He just smiled. "You're right. She probably would. But what if I am gay then? How about boyfriend?" and he smiled even wider. My heart pace was sky high. These questions of his, why did he have to ask them? Oh god, what should I say? "Ehm, no... I don't think that you're gay." I said and Yongguks smile was disappearing. I was about to say something to make him feel better when my phone rang. I stood up and picked up as fast as I could. 



"Hey, how is Yongguk?"

"Hey, dad. Uhm, he's awake. But he doesn't remember anything." Those stupid words doesn't remember made my eyes tearing up, but I wiped them away quick as possible preventing them to fall down.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry. Do you want me to come over?" 

"No, dad it's fine. Just take care of yourself and Daehyun today, okay? I'll be okay, in one way or another." I said. 

"Okay... call me whenever you want. You got that?" 

"Yeah, thanks. I'm hanging up."



I hung up and let out a sigh. I turned my face back to Yongguk and he was standing. "Should you really be out of bed right now?" I asked him and crossed my arms. He tilted his head and smirked at me. "I think I've seen you before. But I can't really put my finger on it." he said and walked towards me. "Have we seen each other before?" he continued and was now a meter away from me. My heart was pounding fast and hard, I didn't know why, cause he couldn't remember anything anyway. "Well, we've been seeing each other as friends before the accident." I tried to keep calm but as he got closer to me I started to get more nervous. "I don't believe you, there is something fishy in all of this. Are you sure that you're not more than just a friend to me?" he asked and now he was an inch away from my face. I shook my head slowly and tried to breathe normally, he was way to close to me even though he didn't remember a thing. How did he have the courage to be so close to someone he just met today or doesn't remember?

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Chapter 7: Looks like Bang is in Love with him again...
Chapter 6: That's interesting. Just when Himchan said that everything will be okay, BYG lost his memory... Already curious what will Zelo do with YongGuk XD.
Will the accident happen soon? i am scared of Banglo will they fall apart?
I really like this fic!!
Update when u can :)
Your fic is really cool i can't wait for update ^_^