Are you okay?

You're my light

"Where the have you've been!" Himcahn yelled out at me. Or my dad in other words. 


"Uhm, I was with Yongguk-hyung. I'm sorry..." I said and looked down at the floor. 


"I've told you already haven't I?" He said and walked closer to me. I could hear the floor creaking and my heart started to thump faster.




"That we were suppose to start moving your stuff to the new house?" He answered and laughed. I looked up at him not believing my eyes. My dad laughed? And he was sober. What have happened?


"Dad... are you okay?" I said and stood up walking closer to him watching him closely. 


"Yeah, I know that I haven't been in my best mood since the accident but it's time for me to move on and start working on our relationship, don't you think?" He said and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back and feeling my eyes sogging up. Being this close to dad again, was the ultimate thing. 


"And there is one thing that you need to know." he said and pulled me away from our hug. I wiped of my eyes and looked at him with curious eyes. 


"Uhm... I'm seeing this guy and I think that you should meet him soon, well at least when we finish moving the stuff to the other house." He said and his eyes lid up. A new guy? Did he start to move on? Why didn't he tell me?


"You've started to date? When? And why didn't you tell me?!" I shouted out. 


"Well... since our relantionship wasn't that good. I didn't want to really talk to you and making you think that I was going to scold you, like today when you came in, you didn't even yell out for me. You were nervous and scared. So I waited for today when we are suppose to move but apparently you don't remember that." Dad said and smiled brightly at me. 


"But why was the hall way so dark and the alcohol smell was still unbareable. If you'd changed the house would be clean." I said and crossed my arms trying to find out if he was playing a prank on me or something.


"I came home this morning before the moving company would arrive. I was with Daehyun all night, since I only meet him when you're gone, I took the chance to see him yesterday, I guess I kind of lost track of time when I was suppose to go home when he called me out that the moving company was suppose to come by at our house in about an hour. I had to make my way home." he explained, it sounded very truthfull and I wanted to believe dad in this. When he was sober, he would tell me the truth in all times. But the thing is that I have doubts in him. 


"And Youngjae?" I said and moved back a little more. Dad didn't reply immediatly, but took his time. But finally explaning to me.


"He will always be in my heart. But it's time to let him go, I will always love him, and his death really took the best of me and making me hate someone that I shouldn't have hated. Daehyun made me realize that if you still have them in your heart, they are always going to be there with you. And I'm going to trust him in this. And I just hope that you one day will forgive me for what I've done to me. I don't have to be today or tomorrow but some day." He said and smiled at me lightly.


I really couldn't believe his words right now. Himchan appa was really better, even though that he still trying to improve he's still have changed. This was really happening, this wasn't a dream or so. Drifting away with my thoughts, I totally forgot that we still needed to move. And when I thought of that, I really did forget about it, but I couldn't possibly think about moving when I didn't even want to go home again. I looked at appa and felt a bit happy that he wanted to change. But the thing is that I don't now if it was going to last. If this Daehyun guy was amazingly good at making my dad feel good and making him realize all of this, I think this will be the real thing. 


"Well since today is the day that we're moving to our house, it's probably time for me to start packing. Even though that I didn't believe that it would really happen." I said and smirked at him. Dad was really the best when he was sober and happy. 


"I'll leave it to you then. I'm coming back later to check on you, I have to beg Daehyun to come over and help me pack my stuff. It's a bit messy in my room." 


"But I thought that I wasn't going to meet him, until I was ready?" 


"You don't have to meet him, I'll keep him in my room." he laughed out a bit. 


"It's fine. Sooner I get to meet him the better right? Then you don't have to worry about that anymore." I smiled back at him and started to pull out the boxes in my closet. And packing my clothes. It would go faster if it had someone to help me. I should call Yongguk, but what if I disturb him? I hesitated and put down my phone again. But then it started to vibrate in my pocket and I pulled it back up again. Seeing his name on the screen made a smile appear on my face, it was Yongguk. I answered as quickly as I saw his name appear on the screen. 


"Hello?" I said and smiled for myself.


"Hey, you left something at my apartment. Your jacket." 


I looked around in my room searching for my jacket, I really left it there. Oh my god, I felt so embarrassed. What should I do? "Sorry..."


"Nah, it's fine. You want me to come over and leave it? And possibly help you pack?" 


"How did you know that I was packing?"


"You're dad called me and said that you needed help, and it sounded that he was sober and quite happy today. Did something change all of the sudden?"


"Uhm, well... you can say that." I said and laughed a bit. 


"Well, ready or not I'm coming over. I'm on my way, I'll be there in about 5 minutes." 


"What?! You're already on your way? You could've called earlier you know." 


"Then it wouldn't be a surprise wouldn't it? I'm hanging up. I'll see you soon." 


"Okay, bye." 


We both hung up. And someone nocked on the door. I didn't even get to answer and the person just barged in to my room. It wasn't my dad and it wasn't Yongguk, he said that it would take about five minutes. This guy was blonde and very handsome, his lips were very luscious and was quite small. I was shocked of how stunning he was. Was this the guy dad dated? What did he want me? 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Well, this ... but it will get better soon! Please let this slide and bare with me... 

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Chapter 7: Looks like Bang is in Love with him again...
Chapter 6: That's interesting. Just when Himchan said that everything will be okay, BYG lost his memory... Already curious what will Zelo do with YongGuk XD.
Will the accident happen soon? i am scared of Banglo will they fall apart?
I really like this fic!!
Update when u can :)
Your fic is really cool i can't wait for update ^_^