He was going to be okay...

You're my light

The next day we all woke up really late. And after lunchtime dad decided that he wanted to go out and celebrate for moving into the apartment. Daehyun and I looked at each other hesitating but dad sad everything was going to be okay, and that he wasn't going to drink. They decided to go to the BBQ down the street, I suffered a bad headache so I stayed home resting. Yongguk didn't want to leave me alone but I said that everything was fine and that he could go and celebrate with everyone else and that I could take care of myself. He did hesitate a lot, but I finally got him out of the apartment witht he rest of them. I fell asleep but a phone call woke me up. 


First I didn't here who it was but when I'd finally woken up I got a shock. The doctor called and said that dad was in the hospital, and the doctor also said that it was a car accident. Some lunatic was driving on the wrong side of the road and drove into dad's car while driving Daehyun home. I took off to the hospital and found the doctor who was looking for dad and the rest. I went to see Daehyun first, since he was the only one awake. I asked what happened and he couldn't tell it very clearly since everything happened so fast. But he knew that they were on the way home from the BBQ and they were going to his place and then that reckless driver came and crashed into their car. I hugged him tightly after he had told me, crying over his shoulder, he patted my back and said that I should go and see dad. He told me that dad was across the hall and I ran over there as quick as I could. I saw him laying there not moving, the tears started to run down my cheeks and they wouldn't stop no matter what I did. I kneeled down beside the bed and took his hand, begging him to wake up. That he couldn't leave me alone. The nurse came in and pulled me up from the floor and said that he needed to rest a lot. He didn't suffer much but more than Daehyun did. I looked down at dad laying on the hospital bed and felt relieved.


But then it hit me. What about Yongguk? I asked the nurse about Bang and she told me that he was still in the surgery room, he had suffered a bad internal bleeding, but the doctors are finishing up. They were lucky and could stop it in right time. I felt as a weight was lifted from my shoulders, he was going to be okay. He wasn't going to leave me. I thanked the nurse and she left the room while I stared back at dad. I took a chair and sat beside his bed, holding his hand tightly.


A few minutes passed by and someone knocked on the door. In came a police officer, wanting to talk to me about the accident, and inform me how it happened. 


"I see that you're mr. Kim's son, right?" I just nodded. "So as you can probably see it has been an car accident..." he continued and I just stared at him waiting for the rest.


"The driver that hit your fathers car was drunk and was unable of knowing what he was doing. I see that mr. Jung is your dad's boyfriend and he told me that, they were driving to his place, and on the way there they got hit. Do you know about this already?" he said. I nodded once again and kept silent. "Okay, then here is the good news, the driver that drove into your family, he is going to jail for driving drunk. So he wont be hurting your family again. I hope that this is a comfort for you." I nodded as reply and thanked the officer and he walked out the room wishing me good luck. I stared blankly down at dad, and thought of how someone could be so reckless. I hate seeing dad like this, it's even worse to see him hurt than seeing him drunk and mad. 


"Dad, please wake up so we can go home and live on." I said and took a hold of his hand. Daehyun walked into the room with the nurse helping him on the way. Why was he out of bed?


"How is he?" he asked and the nurse sat him down beside me. 


"He's stable for now. Nothing have happened yet." the tears started to come back again. Daehyun patted my head lightly and pleaded me not to cry and stay strong. I felt the words but it didn't comfort me enough, I wish that Yongguk would be here with me. 


"Have you heard anything about Yongguk?" I asked Daehyun sniffing.


"I asked the nurse and she said that he was a sleep, he's across the hallway. We can go there if you want." Daehyun replied. I nodded and stood up.


"You can stay here with dad. Look after him for me." I said and left the room as quick as I could when Daehyun replied to me with a nod. I was walking across the hallway and felt myself getting nervous. I was afraid of how he would look and how he was. I stood in front of his room and I stepped inside carefully, meeting all the doctors around his bed. They were checking him and when I came inside everybody just stopped with what they were doing. I felt uncomfortable to have all those eyes on me. But I asked them how he was doing. They only replied that he was stable for the moment and they think that he will be okay. I felt myself getting happier from the moment they said he was going to be okay. But still, seeing him just lay there made me sad and once again the tears starting pouring down from my eyes. I pulled a chair close to his bed, took his hand and placed it on my cheek, he was cold but his touch made me feel all warm inside. Daehyun was feeling a bit better, dad is getting better and Yongguk... my beloved Yongguk was going to be okay, he was going to be okay really soon.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


Okay, I HATE writing about accidents and describing them, this was really challenging, but I tried my best to get the accident out and it felt kind of sad to write it but it's not real, it's just a fanfiction right! ^^


Anyway, I would love to see your opinion about this chapter, was it good or bad? Please do tell me! Then I can change what I did wrong on the next chapter, and make the reading better! :D Thank you!!! 

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Chapter 7: Looks like Bang is in Love with him again...
Chapter 6: That's interesting. Just when Himchan said that everything will be okay, BYG lost his memory... Already curious what will Zelo do with YongGuk XD.
Will the accident happen soon? i am scared of Banglo will they fall apart?
I really like this fic!!
Update when u can :)
Your fic is really cool i can't wait for update ^_^