You can sleep here

You're my light

I looked around in the apartment that we were supposed to live in from now on. It was quite big, we had an apartment with two floors wich I've never seen before. There were three big bedrooms, a huge living room, two bathrooms, a kitchen and dining room. The whole apartment was very bright and there was a lot of windows so the light would easily come in when it's dawn. The floor looked like oak but I wasn't sure if it was oak, the couch stood there and the TV was already installed. The coffee table of glass that dad bought rescently stood there and the carpet looked new too. The bookshelf stood at the end of the livingroom, the books wasn't up yet and I would guess that they were in the boxes standing behind the couch. 


I looked back at dad who stood beside Daehyun staring at me with curious eyes. Daehyun also stared at me, it kind of freaked me out a little bit. I wasn't really sure how to react when they stared. I heard the door close and I looked pass dad and Daehyun and watched who it was. Yongguk walked pass dad and Daehyun who was still looking at me and waiting for me to say something. Yongguk looked at dad and laughed lightly and back at me holding his arms out, I walked to him without hesitating and hugged him while he wrapped his arms around me. He held me tighly, I could feel his hot breath on my neck which made me shiver a little. He let me go and I looked back at dad and smiled.


"It's nice dad. I think that I will like it here. Don't worry." I said and he walked up to me and gave me a hug. I saw that Daehyun was smiling at the back and I felt kind of happy. It felt like my family was back together again but with a few new faces. I felt myself tearing up from the happiness so I pulled away before I started to cry. It was almost lunchtime and I started to feel a bit hungry, my stomach started to growl and it made everyone laugh. Yongguk pulled me closer to him as I hid my face on his chest.


"I see that someones hungry." Daehyun said and laughed. I nodded lightly still hiding my face


"Well I'm starting to get hungry to so why don't we get something to eat. We can order in since the moving trucks are coming soon." Dad said. Everybody agreed and I started to look up again facing Yongguks face. He was so quiet, but I could see that he was happy just by being here. I just stared at him when he leaned down and kissed softly. 


"Hey please don't do that when we're still in the room." I heard Daehyun say and dad laughed out loud.


"Why can't they? They've been dating for a while now and it's normal to show affection to each other, right?" Dad said and crossed his arm looking at Daehyun with a smirk on his face. 


"Okay I'm sorry. I guess you're right. You're always right." Daehyun said and as I watched them, they seemed to be very close them too. Daehyun pulled dad into a kiss and I couldn't help but giggle a bit. I'd never seen dad kiss a guy so sweetly. When I giggled at them dad pulled away looking embarrassed. 


"Dad, why are you embarrassed for? Isn't normal for people to show affection to each other if they're dating?" I asked teasing him a bit. Yongguk started to laugh and so did Daehyun.


"It is... but... I don't know. I don't want you seeing me do things like this in front of you that's all." he said and smiled nicely at me. 


"Dad, I heard you when you were with Youngjae, I think I can handle this." His face turned red and he was blushing like I've never seen him blush before. He leaned his face into Daehyuns chest and Daehyun comfortably took him in his arms laughing. Dad did start to get a bit comfortable when I talk about Youngjae which he couldn't handle before. This is a sign of progress, I'm really happy. 


"So... should I order chicken then?" Yongguk asked in the middle of everything. Daehyun nodded and so did I. Dad couldn't pick up his head yet so he just nodded into Daehyuns chest still hiding from the rest of us. Yongguk dialled the number to a lokal restaurant and ordered for everyone. When I look at things with dad and Daehyun it seemed like dad had the female role and Daehyun had the male. It was like that with Youngjae too. Dad was the one who got embarrassed to easily and blush everytime something or someone said nice things. I was just like him when I compare me to him, except that he's older than me. 


The moving company knocked on the door and there were all of our stuff, we let them take the big stuff into the rooms and then took the boxes by ourselfs. We didn't unpack the stuff right away instead we started to eat. The chicken arrived at the perfect moment, I was about to starve. We ate in peace and rested a little before getting to work. Unpacking everything took a while, no one even noticed that it was night already but no one was tired or so it seemed. When we put on a movie dad fell a sleep and Daehyun had to pick him up to bed. It was lucky that we could fix a lot of things in the house today but there were still a bit left in the kitchen and in my room. As soon the movie ended, Yongguk started to move towards the door. 


"I think it's time for me to get going." He said. I felt a bit disappointed. We didn't spend that much time together, we were with dad and Daehyun all the time. But since my bed was big and it was plenty of space he might want to stay over. 


"You can sleep here. I don't think anyone would mind. I know I wouldn't." I said and blushed a little. 


"I would love that but ask Daehyun if it's okay." 


"I don't mind. And I don't think your dad does either." I looked back and saw Daehyun standing there smiling at us. 


"So it's settled then. You're staying over." I looked back at Yongguk and smiled. 


"I guess so." 


"Ungh... ah... Yongguk.. harder" I pleaded. Yongguk ed himself into me harder and harder hitting my sweet spot. I felt myself going over the edge. His hot breath brushed against my skin making me shiver, as he pushed into me few more times hitting my sweet spot over and over again I came on bot our chest. Yongguk ed a bit more and came filling me up with his seeds. As he pulled himself out of me the fluid ran out, I didn't bother to clean that up, he laid down beside me and pulled me into his arms holding me tightly. 


"Do you think we were a bit loud?" I asked panting.


"No we're fine." he said. "Now get some sleep." he continued. I obeyed and shut my eyes falling asleep in his arms, listening to his heartbeat. 

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Chapter 7: Looks like Bang is in Love with him again...
Chapter 6: That's interesting. Just when Himchan said that everything will be okay, BYG lost his memory... Already curious what will Zelo do with YongGuk XD.
Will the accident happen soon? i am scared of Banglo will they fall apart?
I really like this fic!!
Update when u can :)
Your fic is really cool i can't wait for update ^_^